JAME S ISL AND MAYBANK HIGHWAY COR R IDOR ZONING PUBL IC WOR KSHOP Co- hoste d by Char le ston County and the City of Char le ston L owc ountr y Se nior Ce nte r Oc tobe r 29, 2019 6:00 P.M.
AGE NDA F OR T ONIGHT Pr oje c t r e vie w and bac kgr ound Pr e se nt a de sc r iptive ove r vie w of r e quir e me nts inc lude d in the Dr aft Jame s Island Maybank Highway Cor r idor Ove r lay (JA- MHC- O) Zoning Distr ic t Public Comme nt Se ssion
WHAT IS AN OVE RL AY DIST RICT ? An ove r lay distr ic t c r e ate s a spe c ial zoning distr ic t boundar y, and pr ope r tie s within this boundar y ar e subje c t to spe c ial r e gulations suc h as land use , de nsity, ac c e ss, building he ights and ar c hite c tur e . T his ove r lay zoning distr ic t pr oje c t: T he County is c r e ating a ne w Jame s Island Maybank Highway Cor r idor Ove r lay (JA- MHC- O) Zoning Distr ic t. T he City is c r e ating ove r lay distr ic t to matc h the County L E GAL L Y e stablishe d de ve lopme nt e xisting PRIOR T O T HE ADOPT ION OF T HE OVE RL AY DIST RICT that doe s not me e t the r e quir e me nts as de sc r ibe d in the ove r lay distr ic t will be gr andfathe r e d. OVE RAL L PROJE CT RE VIE W
PROJE CT RE VIE W AND BACKGROUND F our Rounds of Public Wor kshops T wo Community Sur ve ys T hr e e Stake holde r Me e tings Nume r ous City- County Staff- le ve l Me e tings Overlay Zoning 3 rd Round of Kick-Off Held District Adoption Public Stakeholder Public Process Workshops Meetings Workshops Final Round 2020 June July/August Nov – Dec 2 nd Round 2019 of Public 2018 2018 of Public Workshops Workshops Community October February Survey 2019 2019 Aug – Nov 2018 2018 2019 2020 PUBLI C I NPUT CONTI NUE RECEI VI NG WORKSHOPS/ SURVEY/ STAKEHOLDER MEETNGS PUBLI C I NPUT OVE RAL L PROJE CT RE VIE W
T HE PROJE CT GOING F ORWARD T onight is the final Public Wor kshop on Jame s Island; City and County Staff will ne xt finalize dr afts of the ove r lay zoning distr ic ts; Othe r City and County de par tme nts will c ontinue to pr ovide input, inc luding tr anspor tation, public wor ks and le gal de par tme nts; and Ove r the ne xt fe w months, the City and County will pr oc e e d thr ough se par ate adoption pr oc e sse s to ame nd the ir r e spe c tive Zoning Or dinanc e s. T he se adoption pr oc e sse s ar e ope n to the public and inc lude a public he ar ing me e ting. OVE RAL L PROJE CT RE VIE W
JA- MHC- O DIST RICT T he JA- MHC- O Distr ic t inc lude s pr ope r tie s along the Jame s Island se c tion of the Maybank Highway c or r idor fr om F olly Road we stwar d to the Char le ston City Golf Cour se . T his c or r idor se r ve s as both a busy c ommute r r oute and a popular e nte r tainme nt distr ic t, r e sulting in a high volume of ve hic ular and pe de str ian tr affic on we e kdays and we e ke nds . T he inte nt of the ove r lay distr ic t is to: Pr e se r ve the positive qualitie s of e xisting de ve lopme nt in the c or r idor ; Imple me nt c onsiste nt and c oor dinate d de sign and de ve lopme nt standar ds; and Suppor t tr anspor tation and pe de str ian safe ty impr ove me nts. JA- MHC- O DIST RICT
T HE JA- MHC- O DIST RICT T his pr opose d Jame s Island Maybank Highway Cor r idor Ove r lay (JA- MHC- O) Zoning Distr ic t is a pr ior ity pr oje c t inc lude d in Char le ston County’s Compr e he nsive Plan 2018- 2023 Wor k Plan. De ve lopme nt on pr ope r tie s within this ne w ove r lay distr ic t will be subje c t to the additional r e gulations c r e ate d for this distr ic t. Pr opose d base zoning c hange for se ve r al County par c e ls fr om Single F amily Re side ntial 4 (R- 4) Distr ic t to Re side ntial Offic e (OR) Distr ic t . T he ove r lay distr ic t boundar y has be e n r e vise d as a r e sponse to public c omme nt r e c e ive d at the pr e vious public me e ting. JA- MHC- O DIST RICT
OVE RL AY DIST RICT BOUNDARY MAP WIT H CURRE NT ZONING T he ove r lay distr ic t boundar y has be e n r e vise d to inc lude the se L imite d Busine ss Pr ope r tie s
PARCE L S CONSIDE RE D F OR ZONING DIST RICT CHANGE (F ROM R- 4 T O OR) Pr ope r tie s be ing c onside r e d for zoning distr ic t c hange
JA- MHC- O DE VE L OPME NT ST ANDARDS AND BUF F E R RE QUIRE ME NT S JA-MHC-O District T he City is re duc ing re side ntia l Density/Intensity and Dimensional Standards de nsity to ma tc h the County MAXIMUM RESIDENTIAL DENSITY 8 dwelling units per acre MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 12 feet De nsity bonus is a va ila ble whe n Equivalent to required buffers MINIMUM SETBACKS a fforda ble housing c rite ria is me t OCRM CRITICAL LINE 50 feet MAXIMUM BUILDING COVER 30% [2] MAXIMUM BUILDING FOOTPRINT No single building shall exceed 7,500 Ma ximum building c ove ra g e square feet (1) inc re a se d to 40% for prope rtie s MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 35 feet and 2-1/2 stories (1) No single building footprint shall exceed 7,500 square feet unless approved under the with sha re d a c c e ss a g re e me nts Special Exception procedures of the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance. JA-MHC-O District Buffer Depth and Planting Schedule MAYBANK HIGHWAY STANDARD (JAMES ISLAND) MIN. BUFFER DEPTH 15 feet MINIMUM BUFFER LANDSCAPING (Plants per 100 linear feet) Canopy Trees 2 Understory Trees 3 (at least 50 percent evergreen] Shrubs 25 Street Trees 2 (may be counted toward canopy tree req.) JA- MHC- O DIST RICT
ADDIT IONAL RE QUIRE ME NT S Signage r e quir e me nts Monume nt signs only; L imitation on size of fr e e - standing and faç ade signs; Pole skir ts r e quir e d whe n r e -fac ing non-c onfor ming signs. Ve hic le ac c e ss manage me nt Right- in r ight- out dr ive way ac c e ss (to Maybank Highway); De ve lopme nt Drive wa y Re str ic tions on dr ive way width, se par ation, and numbe r allowe d; Ma yba nk Hig hwa y Shar e d ac c e ss r e quir e me nts (fr ontage s le ss than 250 fe e t). Rig ht- in Rig ht- out Drive wa y Ac c e ss JA- MHC- O DIST RICT
ADDIT IONAL RE QUIRE ME NT S L e ve l 1 T r ip Ge ne r a tion Me mo T r affic Impac t Analysis Re quir e me nts is inte nd e d : a s info rma tio n fo r Re vie w a nd A tr affic impac t analysis is a De c isio n-Ma king Bo d ie s, a nd spe c ialize d e ngine e r ing study that to id e ntify whe the r furthe r e valuate s the e ffe c ts of a pr opose d a na lysis is ne e d e d b a se d o n uniq ue site a ttrib ute s o r De ve lopme nt on the sur r ounding d e ve lo pme nt c ha ra c te ristic s. tr anspor tation ne twor k. A L e ve l 1 or L e ve l 2 tr affic impac t L e ve l 2 T r a ffic Impa c t Study is inte nd e d : analysis is r e quir e d base d on the a s info rma tio n fo r Re vie w a nd numbe r of Pe ak Hour ve hic le tr ips the De c isio n-Ma king Bo d ie s, a nd pr opose d De ve lopme nt is pr oje c te d to q ua ntita tive ly a sse ss the to ge ne r ate : pro po se d De ve lo pme nt’ s impa c t o n the tra nspo rta tio n THRESHOLDS AND TYPE OF TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REQUIRED ne two rk, a nd Type of Analysis Threshold to id e ntify tra nspo rta tio n impro ve me nts (a nd the ir Less than 50 Peak Hour Level 1 - Trip Generation Memo vehicle trips a sso c ia te d c o sts) tha t wo uld 50 or more Peak Hour o ffse t the pro po se d Level 2 - Traffic Impact Study vehicle trips De ve lo pme nt’ s impa c t. JA- MHC- O DIST RICT
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