it takes a campus

It takes a campus, Anne-Marie h c r a e s e r g n t i - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

It takes a campus, Anne-Marie h c r a e s e r g n t i a e r C Deitering t a h t s t n e m n g s i s a AMICAL 2015 & y t s i o r i u c k r a p s n o t i a r o b a l l o c Choose a

  1. It takes a campus, Anne-Marie h c r a e s e r g n t i a e r C Deitering t a h t s t n e m n g s i s a AMICAL 2015 & y t s i o r i u c k r a p s n o t i a r o b a l l o c

  2. Choose a note taker & reporter. Brainstorm examples of problematic assignments. (Research assignments that don't quite work)

  3. Choose Brainstorm Discuss: What are some reasons why these assignments fail? Share (Research assignments that don't quite work)

  4. Requiring students to use, locate or manipulate a thing that my library does not have. Requiring students to do a thing in an outdated or inefficient way. No immediate payoff - that serve only a future need. Mis-matches between requirements & cognitive development. Mis-matches between source requirements & rhetorical purpose.

  5. Requiring students to use, locate or manipulate a thing that my library does not have. Requiring students to do a thing in an outdated or inefficient way.

  6. Requiring students to use, locate or manipulate a Libraries don’t have what you need . thing that my library does not have. Librarians don’t know what you need and Requiring students to do a thing in an outdated or cannot help you. inefficient way.

  7. Requiring students to use, locate or manipulate a Libraries don’t have what you need . thing that my library does not have. Librarians don’t know what you need and Requiring students to do a thing in an outdated or cannot help you. inefficient way. No immediate payoff - that serve only a future need.

  8. Requiring students to use, locate or manipulate a Libraries don’t have what you need . thing that my library does not have. Librarians don’t know what you need and Requiring students to do a thing in an outdated or cannot help you. inefficient way. Blah, blah, blah… No immediate payoff - that serve only a future need.

  9. Requiring students to use, locate or manipulate a Libraries don’t have what you need . thing that my library does not have. Librarians don’t know what you need and Requiring students to do a thing in an outdated or cannot help you. inefficient way. Blah, blah, blah… No immediate payoff - that serve only a future need. Mis-matches between requirements & cognitive development. Mis-matches between source requirements & rhetorical purpose.

  10. Requiring students to use, locate or manipulate a Libraries don’t have what you need . thing that my library does not have. Librarians don’t know what you need and Requiring students to do a thing in an outdated or cannot help you. inefficient way. Blah, blah, blah… No immediate payoff - that serve only a future need. These requirements are just arbitrary hoops. Mis-matches between requirements & cognitive development. Once you graduate, you’ll never use this stuff Mis-matches between source requirements & again. rhetorical purpose.

  11. Groups Choose a problem or learning goal

  12. Choose a "3 peer- problem reviewed or learning articles" goal

  13. Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education Practices Dispositions

  14. Groups Connect your learning goal to a frame.

  15. (Also - authority is constructed and contextual) Information Connect your creation as a learning goal to a frame. process. (Also - scholarship as a conversation)

  16. What do students need? authenticity culture confidence feedback

  17. Students need -- To practice doing real things. g n i n i a r t o n ! s l e e h w

  18. Audience

  19. Groups A real reason why someone would use your source, process, or research tool?

  20. T o understand current research on a topic. A real reason why T o understand the someone would use discipline. your source, process, or T o understand what research tool? faculty do.

  21. Groups A real reason why someone would use your source, process, or research tool?

  22. Welcome to academia ! Students need -- To navigate a new culture

  23. Culture is: ✦ the material artifacts ✦ the performative practices ✦ the social ideas & ✦ the emotional responses That we: Culture is therefore the ✦ participate in constituted amalgam of human ✦ produce activity — ✦ resist ✦ celebrate ✦ deny, or culture is what humans do. ✦ ignore

  24. Groups What do students need to know about what people do in order to master your learning goal?

  25. Scholars do research, original research. They do original research that connects to other scholars' research (past and present). They usually study a specific aspect of a topic, not the whole thing. They use citations to show these connections. They write articles to share the results of their studies. They usually publish these articles in things called journals. They want their studies to be used (cited) by other scholars. They write for other scholars (not the general public) in these articles. They belong to professional communities called disciplines. They review articles written by other scholars in their discipline for quality. Disciplines develop best practices or standards for conducting and communicating research. They're not all the same. They apply the standards of their discipline when they review articles for quality. They do not repeat the studies when they review articles for quality. They continue examining, evaluating and testing the quality of research after the articles are published. They make arguments, but of a particular type. They are not trying to have the last word. They expect good research to inspire more questions.

  26. Groups What do students need to know about what people do in order to master your learning goal?

  27. Students need -- To explore beyond their comfort zones. Feelings matter!

  28. Groups Start them on solid ground. Push beyond their comfort zones.

  29. Groups Start them on solid ground. Push beyond their comfort zones.

  30. Students need meaningful feedback ? e m r o f t u o k r o w t a h t d d i w o H

  31. Original Investigation Clinical Trial Meta-Analysis Caring for the Critically Ill Patient Brief Report JAMA Clinical Challenge Viewpoint A Piece of My Mind Letter to the Editor Letter in Reply Research Letter Poetry and Medicine

  32. cognition cognition processes high reason related to the body emotional thought The platform for learning, memory, decision-making and creativity — in both social and non-social contexts. emotion

  33. C r e a t e Draw/ write/ map Your learning goal What will students do? How is it authentic? How does it push their comfort zones? What will you do? How will you help them understand the culture? How will they get feedback?

  34. Encouraging curiosity & creativity

  35. Write down a student research topic. It can be "good" or "bad." It can be unique or common. The only rule is that it must be real - something you have actually seen.

  36. sparks

  37. 1. Examine your object. What makes you curious? 2. Brainstorm questions.

  38. Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always

  39. Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always

  40. Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always

  41. Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always epistemic perceptual interpersonal

  42. 1. Examine your object. 2. Brainstorm questions. 3. Reflect. On your questions. On the process.

  43. T a k e a w a y Stakes are low. s Collaboration & sharing. Questions are key.

  44. Openness Awareness Confidence opic selection T

  45. to answer Why do research ? to come up with

  46. Connections

  47. Reflect

  48. All images provided by the Special Collections and Archives Research Center at Oregon State University Aerial view of Oregon State College campus. 1932


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