it takes a village

It Takes a Village They say that it 20172018 takes a village to - PDF document

School Board G e n e s e o Recognition Week C e n t r a l S c h o o l D i s t r i c t October 2327, 2017 O c t o b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 It Takes a Village They say that it 20172018 takes a village to School raise a child, and

  1. School Board G e n e s e o Recognition Week C e n t r a l S c h o o l D i s t r i c t October 23—27, 2017 O c t o b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 It Takes a Village They say that it 2017—2018 takes a village to School raise a child, and Board Members: when you think about it, those Jennifer individuals who Mehlenbacher, serve on a school President board are the Catherine perfect Bennett, embodiment of Vice-President that statement. School Board Craig Phelps, Members come Trustee from all walks of David Dwyer, life, but the one Trustee thing they have in common is Michael Tenalio, the fact that they sincerely commitments, and other communication skills. Trustee care about every single obligations - have the They must receive special student in their desire to serve as training; attend school Julie community. They elected or appointed board meetings regularly; Matthews, wholeheartedly believe representatives of their be visible at school Trustee that each child is school districts’ Board of functions and in the Chris important, unique, and Education. Once elected, community, serve on McDonald, deserving of the best they must always try to special committees; read, Trustee education available to exhibit qualities of understand and interpret them. To that end, these honesty, trustworthiness, information presented to people - who already have diplomacy, leadership, them; and so much more. jobs, family & community and have excellent ...Continued on Page 2

  2. P a g e 2 ...Continued from Page 1 Education All of this takes time, They are dedicated work directly impacts is not and the average school givers who strive to the education of our board member in NYS ensure the success of youth and the future of the spends about 6 hours or every student, by our society. For these more per week on these learning about, focusing reasons and more, we Learning tasks. They do not on, and safeguarding should all remember to receive monetary the myriad details that stop for a moment and of facts, compensation, but that come with running a thank them for their but the was never the point for school district. They selfless dedication, them. Their reward are the link between hard work, and help in training of comes from knowing families and school, raising the children who they have made a whose tireless efforts all attend our schools. the mind difference in the lives of too often remain children, in the school, unseen or unrecognized to think. and in the town or by the community they ~ Pamela Bickford, GCS District Clerk village they call home. represent—but their ~ Albert Einstein T HANK T HANK Y Y OU OU , , T Y , HANK OU GCS S GCS S CHOOL CHOOL B B OARD OARD M M EMBERS EMBERS GCS S B M CHOOL OARD EMBERS F OR A LL T HAT Y OU D O ! ! F F OR A LL A T T HAT Y Y OU D D O ! OR LL HAT OU O S c h o o l B o a r d R e c o g n i t i o n W e e k

  3. S c h o o l B o a r d R e c o g n i t i o n W e e k P a g e 3 5.01 Special Presentation 1. Opening Remarks ~ Tim Hayes, Superintendent 2. Geneseo High school A Capella Group Performance ~ The Pitchforks: Claire Halstead, Sarah Halstead, Morgan Kennedy, Madison Scoville, Liliana Loughlin, Maria Isabella Loughlin, Isabel Granger, John Rutigliano, Isaac Post, Max Neiderbach, Paul Allen, and Matthew Capel ~ Directed by Lindsey Howard 3. Presentation of Thank You Banner ~ Student Council Students: Heidi Phelps, Madison Scoville, Matthew Capel, Morgan Kennedy, Sarah Hammond, Chloe Kernan, and Brigid Kelly 4. Break for Refreshments ~Cookies by Sweet Arts Bakery

  4. School Board Member Fact Sheet 2017 School Board Member Fact Sheet 2017 Commitment to Public Education School board members take on one of the most important citizen responsibilities: overseeing the education of the community’s youth. The board of education guides the community’s public school system and ensures public schools are flexible and responsive to the needs of the community. School boards are comprised of volunteers, most of whom do not receive a stipend for service. They are individuals within the community who dedicate their time to better public education. School board members statewide collectively oversee 2.6 million students and $65 billion in budgeted spending. With schoolchildren their ultimate focus, school board members strive to: • Create a shared vision for the future of education • Set the direction of the school district to achieve the highest student performance • Provide accountability for student achievement results • Develop a budget and present it to the community • Align district resources to improve achievement • Support a healthy school district culture in which to work and to learn • And much more! K-12 School Boards New York has 691 public school districts, each with its own board of education. Except for New York City and Yonkers, board members are publicly elected. The number of board members in these districts ranges from three to 13, with seven being the most common. New York also has 37 Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) that provide shared educational programs and services to school districts across the state. BOCES boards range in size from seven to 15 members, with nine being the most common. BOCES board members are elected by school board members in districts within their service area. School Board Members by the Numbers No. of board seats in New York...................................... 5,106 Male board members .................................................... 56% Female board members ................................................. 44% Most board members serve………………………………… 6 or more years Most board members spend ………………………………. 6 hours or more per week on board activities

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