inverse langevin approach to time series data analysis

Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis Fbio Macdo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Motivation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Summary Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis Fbio Macdo Mendes Annbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Universidade de Braslia Saratoga Springs, MaxEnt 2007 Fbio Macdo

  1. Motivation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Summary Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Universidade de Brasília Saratoga Springs, MaxEnt 2007 Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  2. Motivation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Summary Outline 1 Motivation Brownian Motion Limit from discrete process Inference about forces/noise Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference 2 Newton’s method Implementation Examples A very naive application to finance Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  3. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Outline 1 Motivation Brownian Motion Limit from discrete process Inference about forces/noise Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference 2 Newton’s method Implementation Examples A very naive application to finance Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  4. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Classic Brownian motion Einstein: drunkard walk (Smoluchowski controversy) ) Lots of “Brownian” motions all around: physics, finance, communication etc. Random Gaussian increments (SDE’s — Wanier, Itô) dx = m ( x ; t ) dt + σ ( x ; t ) dB Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  5. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Langevin dynamics We must retain Newtonian physics: expand the state dv = a ( x , v ; t ) dt + D ( x , v ; t ) dB dx = v dt rich set of solutions from simple equations: linear, exponential, oscillatory, etc Similar results (classic Brownian) Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  6. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Outline 1 Motivation Brownian Motion Limit from discrete process Inference about forces/noise Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference 2 Newton’s method Implementation Examples A very naive application to finance Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  7. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Limit from discrete process What we tackle (work in progress) √ Wanier noise dB = β dt : Fokker-Planck/forward Kolmogorov equation. (Brownian motion) Non-analytic noises, Levy, and others: Kramer-Moyal equation. (gas of rigid spheres) Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  8. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Questions What the drift and the noise? Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  9. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Questions What the drift and the noise? Is it Fokker-Planck or Kramer-Moyal? Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  10. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Questions What the drift and the noise? Is it Fokker-Planck or Kramer-Moyal? Can we compare Fokker-Planck to Kramer-Moyal models? Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  11. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Outline 1 Motivation Brownian Motion Limit from discrete process Inference about forces/noise Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference 2 Newton’s method Implementation Examples A very naive application to finance Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  12. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Markov Chain Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  13. Motivation Brownian Motion Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Limit from discrete process Summary Inference about forces/noise Use Bayes theorem... Likelihood ( µ : measurement noise, � w : hidden state, η, θ : parameters of interest) 1 p ( η | � y ) = y ) p ( η ) p ( � y | η ) p ( � � p ( � y | η ) = d � w d µ d θ p ( η, θ ) p ( µ ) p ( � y | � w , µ ) p ( � w | η, θ ) Similar thing for p ( θ | � y ) Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  14. Newton’s method Motivation Implementation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Examples Summary A very naive application to finance Outline 1 Motivation Brownian Motion Limit from discrete process Inference about forces/noise Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference 2 Newton’s method Implementation Examples A very naive application to finance Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  15. Newton’s method Motivation Implementation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Examples Summary A very naive application to finance Exactly soluble propagators A Markov process is characterized by its propagator p ( w 0 , w 1 , . . . , w N ) = p ( w 0 ) p ( w 1 | w 0 ) . . . p ( w N | w N − 1 ) We know analytical (Gaussians!) results only for simplest cases F ( x , v ; t ) = − γ v − ω 2 x + a 0 m Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  16. Newton’s method Motivation Implementation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Examples Summary A very naive application to finance The parabolic method We don’t know how to integrate every model Newton approximation The force at a small δ t is almost constant (but depends on initial position + parameters) We can calculate the trajectory/propagator Repeat this procedure for the next step Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  17. Newton’s method Motivation Implementation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Examples Summary A very naive application to finance Outline 1 Motivation Brownian Motion Limit from discrete process Inference about forces/noise Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference 2 Newton’s method Implementation Examples A very naive application to finance Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  18. Newton’s method Motivation Implementation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Examples Summary A very naive application to finance Delta function approximation Conjugate prior for p ( µ ) . At some level approximation for large data sets... � d µ p ( µ ) p ( � y | � w , µ ) ∼ δ ( � y − � x ) Now we have only Gaussian integrations over velocities. � Φ = d � v p ( y 0 , v 0 , y 1 , v 1 , . . . , y N , v N , | θ, η ) Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  19. Newton’s method Motivation Implementation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Examples Summary A very naive application to finance Main loop At each integration step, collect a bunch of coefficients η α i 2 ( a i v 2 i − 1 + 2 e i v i − 1 + f i ) i + 2 b i v i + 2 c i v i v i − 1 + d i v 2 e − η G i After each step, some coefficients must be updated before we start with the next integration N − 1 � v | θ, η ) = η 2 G ( θ ) e − η 2 f ( θ,� y ) Φ = d � v p ( � y ,� Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis

  20. Newton’s method Motivation Implementation Parabolic scheme for stochastic inference Examples Summary A very naive application to finance Inference results Use Laplace approximation to normalize p ( θ | � y , η ) , plug-in a Gamma prior p ( η ) p ( θ ) p ( θ | � y ) ∝ � N + 1 2 + σ + d y ) − f (¯ � G ( θ ) f ( � y ) + f ( θ,� θ,� y ) + δ 2 p ( η | � y ) is calculated analytically Fábio Macêdo Mendes Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto Inverse Langevin approach to time-series data analysis


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