
Introduction Thanks to those of you who attended our events held on - PDF document

Introduction Thanks to those of you who attended our events held on the 9 and 11 May 2019 to talk to us about the site at 15-17 Hewer Street . At our last consultation you gave us your comments and views about the proposals to bring the Hewer

  1. Introduction Thanks to those of you who attended our events held on the 9 and 11 May 2019 to talk to us about the site at 15-17 Hewer Street . At our last consultation you gave us your comments and views about the proposals to bring the Hewer Street building back into use for new homes. We have taken these away and on today’s presentation boards we have set out what you told us and we have responded to your comments. Working with the architects we have developed the proposals further and want to get your thoughts on the emerging plans.

  2. New homes programme At our last events we told you that the Council’s new homes programme aims to deliver 600 new homes including 300 council homes to rent . A proportion of these homes will be built on the ‘Stage One’ sites as shown on the next board, including Hewer Street . On the sites identified it is proposed that a mix of different types of homes is delivered including homes to rent and homes to buy, to support the funding of the overall programme. At 15-17 Hewer Street the aim is to deliver new homes to rent whilst retaining the character of the existing building.

  3. ‘Stage One’ sites The ‘Stage One’ sites aim to deliver a proportion of the overall programme with a mix of different types of homes including council homes to rent, and open market homes. One of the four sites in ‘Stage One’, shown below, that has been announced is 15- 17 Hewer Street . Grant funding has been secured from the Mayor of London to assist with the delivery of council homes to rent within the overall programme to meet the pressing need for genuinely affordable housing . Location of Stage One Sites

  4. The site: 15-17 Hewer Street Location plan: Aerial photo:

  5. Your feedback on types of new homes Your preferences for types of new homes in the borough-wide programme are: • Council homes to rent. • Mixed Tenure (Council homes for rent alongside open market homes for rent or sale or ‘key worker’). You also told us that you recognise the need for: • Homes that are affordable for young people working in London who are not eligible to register for council homes. • ‘Key worker’ homes. • You asked us to explore the potential for homes for seniors (over 55) on the Hewer Street site.

  6. Your key comments from the last consultation: • Retain the existing building character. • Use of traditional materials to restore the building (brick, slate, traditional sash windows). • Height is an important factor and any increase should be kept to a minimum. • Explore providing homes for seniors. • Consideration of ‘mixed tenure’ with affordable homes and open market homes for rent or sale. • Parking during and after completion of construction should be considered. • Respecting adjoining buildings particularly at 13A/B Hewer Street in terms of ‘overlooking’ and privacy. • Making the building sustainable exploring use of solar power. • Provision of regular updates and a point of contact for residents during construction. Our ‘ Responding to your comments’ boards show all your points and how we would propose to address these. If there are other matters you feel are important please tell us by posting a note on the next board.

  7. Seniors Accommodation • We are reviewing the design and management requirements for homes for seniors on the site. Seniors homes would typically require a larger number of homes than the site could accommodate without building a number of additional floors. • In our next consultation we will provide a more detailed summary of our findings and technical analysis. • The Council is currently reviewing its senior housing demand as part of the wider programme. Building Design • Fire safety will be a key element of building design. The Council recognises the recommendations laid in the Hackitt report and this will be considered in the final design. • Potential for solar panels within roof materials with appropriate appearance will be explored by specialist consultants. • We will look at ways to make these homes environmentally friendly and sustainable. • The land and road at rear of the building that forms part of Treverton Estate will be investigated for potential use for the delivery of materials as part of construction management plan, subject to residents views. • Use of wind turbine for a relatively small building is unlikely to be feasible but this will be investigated and reported back. ‘Stage One’ Development • A plan of the sites we have announced in our ‘Stage One’ of the New Homes Programme is displayed. Advertisement of the events • We have widened the distribution area to Dalgarno Ward and our team have hand delivered invitations to Hewer Street residents. • We have increased our social media coverage to include ‘Next Door’ as well as our own website.

  8. Additions to feedback boards Mixed housing option should • This option has now been added to our be added to the feedback board New Home Consultation boards for future events. Should the Council sell to a developer? Why not sell the property to • Using the Council’s land and self delivery will a developer? help us deliver more affordable homes. Housing Tenure • We need to optimise the number of homes on the site. • We are exploring a mixed tenure development with affordable and open market homes to rent. • Feasibility for 1 and 2 beds homes for seniors is being undertaken for review by Housing Team. Lifts and other design features to meet needs for seniors housing would be required. • If the building was open market rent the council would manage the building in house or appoint qualified property managers. • Work is being undertaken to explore a ‘Key worker’ tenure. • Young people would be able rent open market homes. Section 106 Contributions • S106 contributions received for residential projects implemented can be used to provide additional affordable homes within the Borough.

  9. Retaining the Building • The indicative proposal shows the retention and extension of the existing building. Parking & Traffic Management • We have provided a plan showing the approximate location of existing Hewer Street parking bays and will discuss with parking and Highways. • Council officers will ensure that the appointed contractor addresses management of construction traffic. • Build programme for Hewer Street is targeted to start summer 2020. Barlby Schools targeted to complete construction 1st Quarter 2021. Height & Massing • We propose to adopt the same principles as the original consent in relation to the retention of the building. • To optimise the number of homes this building could provide whilst respecting the Hewer Street frontage, we have proposed one additional floor to the rear of the building to minimise visual impact. Construction Phase/Management • An indicative timeline has been provided and the Council will appoint a resident liaison officer during the construction phase of this development to keep local residents and businesses updated. • Point of contact for residents will be provided when the build contracts are in place.

  10. Parking and traffic management- Hewer Street Plan of existing parking arrangements to inform future traffic management strategy during construction

  11. The Proposal The Council has appointed Adam Architecture who are specialists in traditional and period buildings. In response to your feedback, we have prepared further design proposals. It should be noted that these are indicative and once the Council has received your comments and feedback from this round of consultation, further technical/costing work will be undertaken to support the feasibility analysis of the proposal. Initial studies show that we could achieve approximately 20 one and two bed homes within the massing shown, which will also be dependant upon the housing tenure that is delivered.

  12. The property now

  13. Indicative View- Hewer Street

  14. Indicative Aerial View- Hewer Street Possible use of ‘solar slate’

  15. How your comments have shaped this proposal 1. We have taken on board your comments about height, and have retained the gable walls to Hewer Street. 2. We have reduced the size of the additional floor, whilst retaining it at the rear of the building. This is designed to minimise visual impact to Hewer Street. 3. We have ensured that the eastern elevation addition would respect the adjacent properties by showing a sloping mansard with no overlooking windows. 4. We have created an attractive landscaped entrance area utilising the existing courtyard. 5. Cycle parking areas required are located inside the building to improve security and reduce visual impact. 6. The existing boundary walls fronting Hewer Street would be restored to include traditional stone capping and railings, with ‘front doors’ to enhance the residential nature of Hewer Street.

  16. Indicative floor plans MANSARD ROOF

  17. Other ways you can feedback Feedback form Fill this in today at the event Email us Website

  18. What happens next? We will… • review your feedback and comments • use your comments to further our proposals • post summary of feedback on New Homes page on the RBKC website • share these proposals with you at the next events after the summer Thank you for coming today!


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