introduction i syllabus introduction i syllabus i why

INTRODUCTION I Syllabus INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study labor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INTRODUCTION I Syllabus INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study labor economics? INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study labor economics? I What makes the market for labor suciently dierent from other markets? INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study

  1. INTRODUCTION I Syllabus

  2. INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study labor economics?

  3. INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study labor economics? I What makes the market for labor su¢ciently di¤erent from other markets?

  4. INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study labor economics? I What makes the market for labor su¢ciently di¤erent from other markets? I Importance to individual and societal wellbeing (unemployment)

  5. INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study labor economics? I What makes the market for labor su¢ciently di¤erent from other markets? I Importance to individual and societal wellbeing (unemployment) I market doesn’t clear

  6. INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study labor economics? I What makes the market for labor su¢ciently di¤erent from other markets? I Importance to individual and societal wellbeing (unemployment) I market doesn’t clear I a window on society

  7. INTRODUCTION I Syllabus I Why study labor economics? I What makes the market for labor su¢ciently di¤erent from other markets? I Importance to individual and societal wellbeing (unemployment) I market doesn’t clear I a window on society I basis of political discussion and target of regulation

  8. Issues we will address: I changing labor force participation of women

  9. Issues we will address: I changing labor force participation of women I immigration

  10. Issues we will address: I changing labor force participation of women I immigration I the impact of minimum wage changes on unemployment and poverty

  11. Issues we will address: I changing labor force participation of women I immigration I the impact of minimum wage changes on unemployment and poverty I how do changes in pay-roll taxes a¤ect employment?

  12. Issues we will address: I changing labor force participation of women I immigration I the impact of minimum wage changes on unemployment and poverty I how do changes in pay-roll taxes a¤ect employment? I the e¤ect of health and safety regulations on

  13. Issues we will address: I changing labor force participation of women I immigration I the impact of minimum wage changes on unemployment and poverty I how do changes in pay-roll taxes a¤ect employment? I the e¤ect of health and safety regulations on I employment,

  14. Issues we will address: I changing labor force participation of women I immigration I the impact of minimum wage changes on unemployment and poverty I how do changes in pay-roll taxes a¤ect employment? I the e¤ect of health and safety regulations on I employment, I earnings,

  15. Issues we will address: I changing labor force participation of women I immigration I the impact of minimum wage changes on unemployment and poverty I how do changes in pay-roll taxes a¤ect employment? I the e¤ect of health and safety regulations on I employment, I earnings, I health and safety?

  16. Issues (cont.) I scholarships as a way out of poverty

  17. Issues (cont.) I scholarships as a way out of poverty I changes in the distribution of earnings

  18. Issues (cont.) I scholarships as a way out of poverty I changes in the distribution of earnings I a¢rmative action

  19. Issues (cont.) I scholarships as a way out of poverty I changes in the distribution of earnings I a¢rmative action I the role of labor unions

  20. Issues (cont.) I scholarships as a way out of poverty I changes in the distribution of earnings I a¢rmative action I the role of labor unions I unemployment/employment policy

  21. Methodology I De…ne terms

  22. Methodology I De…ne terms I Look at the relevant facts

  23. Methodology I De…ne terms I Look at the relevant facts I Consider which theories best reconcile the facts

  24. Methodology I De…ne terms I Look at the relevant facts I Consider which theories best reconcile the facts I Use theories to assess what policies make sense


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