human resource management learning outcomes

Human Resource Management Learning Outcomes! 1. Explain the purpose - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Human Resource Management Learning Outcomes! 1. Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives. 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of

  1. Human Resource Management

  2. Learning Outcomes! 1. Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives. 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation. 3. Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision- making, including employment legislation. 4. Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context.

  3. 3

  4. Session 5 Training and Development 4

  5. Training And Developing Employees 5

  6. When a new employee joins a company, what are the challenges they are likely to . face? When a new employee joins a company, what are the 6 challenges they are likely to face?

  7. What is Training and Development ? Training and development is the field which is concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. 7

  8. Training and development definition Training and development is considered as the most fundamental theory of human resources Management (HRM) which would enhance a specific skills and ability with the intention of achieving required standard through guidance and practices (Tracey et al., 2014) 8

  9. Differences of Training and Development Training and development are two different concepts , whereas training is practiced for a short period of time while development is a long term process (Tai, 2006) The aim of a training program is to improve the performances through systematic advancement of knowledge and objective of a development program is that to prepare employees for future challenges and meet specific objectives (Lall & Zaidi, 2008) Training includes newly joined staffs and employees from all the hierarchical level, whereas; development mainly focuses on managerial level employees (Machado & Davim, 2016) 9

  10. Comparison of training and development 10

  11. Importance of training and development • Improved employee performance • Improved employee satisfaction and morale • Addressing weaknesses • Increased productivity and adherence to quality standards • Increased innovation in new strategies and products • Reduced employee turnover • Reduces absenteeism • Enhances company reputation and profile 11

  12. Types of training 1. Induction 2. On-the-job 3. Off-the-job 12

  13. Induction Induction training is given to new employees with the purpose of helping new employees settle down quickly into the job by becoming familiar with the people , the surroundings , the job and the business . 13

  14. Induction • It is important to give a new employee a good impression on the first day of work . However, the induction program should not end there. • It is also important to have a systematic induction program , spread out over several days, to cover all the ground in the shortest effective time • Usually induction involves the new employee meeting and listening to different people talk about the business. Other methods include written information , audio visuals aids and group discussion. 14

  15. Elements to cover in an effective induction program • Introduction to the business/department and its personal/management structure • Layout of the building (factory / office) • Terms and conditions of the employment • Relevant personnel policies, such as training, promotion and health and safety • Business rules and procedure • Arrangement for employee involvement and communication • Welfare and employee benefits or facilities. 15

  16. Benefits and Limitations of Induction Benefits of Induction Limitations of Induction • • Helps to build loyalty towards the business Not may be focused on the job directly • • Help to labour turnover of new recruits Must use the right staff to conduct the • training Employees will feel more relaxed and • comfortable within the organization Expensive process • • Allows quicker learning and increased Time consuming procedure productivity 16

  17. On-the-job Training Employees receive training while remaining in the workplace 17

  18. On-the-job Training Definition • On-the-job training, also known as OJT, is a hands-on method of teaching the skills , knowledge , and competencies needed for employees to perform a specific job within the workplace. • Employees learn in the environment where they will need to practice the knowledge and skills obtained during training. • On-the-job training uses the existing workplace tools, machines, documents, equipment, and knowledge to teach an employee how to effectively do his job. 18

  19. Benefits and Limitations of On-the-job training Benefits of on-the-job training Limitations of on-the-job training • • Most cost effective Quality depends on ability of the trainer and time • available Employees are actually productive • • Bad habits might be passed on Opportunity to learn while performing the job • • Learning environment may not be conductive Training alongside real colleagues • Potential disruption to production 19

  20. Advantages and Disadvantages of On-the-job Training Training method Description Advantages Disadvantages   Job Coaching A supervisor acts as a coach The supervisor provides feedback to the Restrictions are amended on in training the individual. trainee on his performance trainees to express their own ideas.  Provide employees some suggestions for improvement.   Mentoring Managers appointed recently Opportunities to interact with experienced Heavy reliance on the abilities of the seeking the advice and managers to improve performance. mentor guidance of highly   Helps for future development. Giving importance to present experienced managers. management techniques.   Job Rotation Employees are positioned into Employee gets to know how his own and Less focus on employees own job different jobs where other departments also function. specialisation. employees learn a range of   Interdepartmental coordination can be Employees basic talents may jobs of various departments improved team spirit remain under utilized   Job Instruction An instruction or directions to Follow to provide feedback and help Time consuming perform a particular task or a   assists to deliver step-by-step instruction Independent individuals may not function 20 like this approach  Helps to identify when the learner has actually understands the job

  21. Off-the-job Training Employees are taken away from their place of work to be trained 21

  22. Off-the-job Training The Off-the-Job Training is the training method where in the workers/employees learn their job roles away from the actual work floor. 22

  23. Benefits and Limitations of Off-the-job training Benefits of off-the-job training Limitations of off-the-job training • • Wide range of skills or qualifications can be obtained More expensive- eg: transportation and accommodation • • Can learn from outside specialists or experts Lost working time and potential output from employee • • Employees can be more confident when starting job Employees leaving after the training 23

  24. Advantages and Disadvantages of Off-the-job Training Methods Description Advantage Disadvantage   Classroom Lectures Lecturing to a very large It can be used for large groups. Low popularity.   number of audiences. Cost endured for a trainee is less. One-way communication.  No authentic feedback mechanism.   Outbound training An outbound training Realize the fact that, choices have More expensive  program brings changes in consequences Lost working time and potential  both, your behaviour and Feel a tangible difference in your thought output from employee  thoughts. process and behaviour New employees may still need some  Realize the values of life induction training   Role playing Acting out or performance Improves interpersonal relationships The role playing of highly emotionally  a particular role of a Build confidence and listening skills charged situations tends to be less  particular context. Creative problem-solving effective in large groups   Simulation can improve trainees’ to learn Simulation Simulation is a technique Simulators can be very expensive for practice and learning from error. and require constant updates and  that can be applied to Can be set up at appropriate times and maintenance.  trainees. repeated as often as necessary. Not every situation can be included   Management games Training courses and team Quick learning and enhances creativity Unless well-structured and thought-  building to provide a rapid High knowledge retention out people will get bored 24   experience of a particular Builds teams cohesiveness Creates people to be more robotic  learning. Develops critical thinking skills than human

  25. Process of Training 25


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