Agenda: Agenda: � Introduction of the study � Snapshot of BB and its current situation on human resource management. � Findings and discussion. � Conclusion of the study and recommendations.
Introduction Introduction � Bangladesh Bank (BB), the central bank of Bangladesh, is the key player for the financial sector of Bangladesh as well as for the economy. � An urgent need for supply of adequate professional manpower to cope with the emerging challenges.
Objectives of the study: 1. To describe the existing HRM of BB. 2. To assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current 2. To assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current BB’s HRM. 3. To examine the relationship between BB’s HRM practices and HR Department’s employees performance.
Research methodology ◦ Sampling Method ◦ Primary Data ◦ Secondary Data ◦ Data Gathering Instrument ◦ Data Gathering Instrument ◦ Data Analysis
Flow chart of the research framework
Bangladesh Bank and its situation Bangladesh Bank and its situation on Human Resource Management on Human Resource Management • The establishment of BB • Functions of BB • Human Resources Department (HRD) of BB: HR Dept. has 3 division & each division has 2 wings. These are- Planning and Resourcing Division -Planning, Promotion & Transfer wing -Recruitment & Outsourcing wing Development and Benefit Division -Benefits & Administration wing -Training & Development wing Performance and Reward Division -Recognition & Reward wing -Performance & Discipline wing
Human Resource Department Planning and Development Performance Resourcing and Benefit and Reward Division Division Division Planning, Recruitment Benefits & Training & Performance Recognition Promotion & & Administrati Development & Discipline & Reward Transfer Outsourcing on Figure 2: Structure of Human Resources Department
� Human Human Resource Resource Management Management (HRM) (HRM) � Edwin Edwin Flippo Flippo defines defines Human Human Resource Resource Management Management as as "planning, "planning, organizing, organizing, directing, directing, controlling controlling of of procurement, procurement, development, development, compensation, compensation, integration, integration, maintenance maintenance and and separation separation of of human human resources resources to to the the end end that that individual, individual, organizational organizational and and social social objectives objectives are are achieved achieved. .” � Human Resource Management in BB - Bangladesh Bank has given more emphasis on its human resource management. management. -HRM of BB mainly focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. -Its HRM involves the acquisition of employee of the right caliber, developing their skill, motivating them to high levels of performance and ensuring that employees continue to maintain their commitment to the organization. -The Bangladesh Bank Staff Regulations, 2003 is the legal instrument that deals with these issues.
� Existing Human Resource Management System in BB - Human Resource Management System (HRMS) refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. -Bangladesh Bank has taken a number of initiatives, such as establishment of LAN/WAN among different offices and departments, implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) etc. -The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data, which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary.
� Performance Management System (PMS) in BB - Bangladesh Bank successfully introduced Performance Management System (PMS) from appraisal year 2007-2008. - To replace the current subjective Annual Confidential Report (ACR) system, an improved objective system PMS is introduced. -PM is a three-step process. It starts with performance planning and -PM is a three-step process. It starts with performance planning and ends with performance reviewing. In between these two steps is continuous monitoring through feedback, coaching and reinforcement by the supervisors. -Performance appraisal results will be used as a basis for appropriate HR action such as for recognition and rewarding accomplishment, promotion, transfer, coaching, counseling and discipline etc.
Strengths of HRM of BB Strengths of HRM of BB � Efficient and effective manpower planning � Competitive recruitment and selection process � Written and operational transfer and promotion policy � Performance management system (PMS) � Performance management system (PMS) � Implementation of HRM software and ERP � Policy regarding training and disciplinary action � Employee benefits such as advances, medical, retirement etc.
Weaknesses of HRM of BB Weaknesses of HRM of BB � Length of work time � Over whelmingness of work � Less number of employees � Refusal to grant leave � Pay cut
Data analysis and Findings Data analysis and Findings Table 1: The profiles of survey respondents Table 1: The profiles of survey respondents Items Group No of respondents Percentage Male 16 64% Gender Female 9 36% 25-30 4 16% 31-35 11 44% Age 36-40 36-40 8 8 32% 32% 41-45 2 8% Master 18 72% Qualification Bachelor 7 28% < 3 years 4 16% < 6 years 13 52% Tenure < 9 years 4 16% < 12 years 3 12% Above 12 years 1 4%
H 1 : Compensation Compensation practice practice is is positively positively related related with with performance performance of of employees employees of of HR HR Dept Dept. in in BB BB H 2 : Performance Performance evaluation evaluation practice practice is is positively positively related related with with performance performance of of employees employees of of HR HR Dept Dept. in in BB BB H 3 : Promotion Promotion practice practice is is positively positively related related with with performance performance of of employees employees of of HR HR Dept Dept. in in BB BB Multiple regression model Multiple regression model EP i = α EP i = α = α 0 + α = α 0 + α + α 1 CP + α 1 CP i + α i + α + α 2 PEP + α 2 PEP PEP i + α PEP i + α + α 3 PP + α 3 PP PP i + α PP i + α + α 4 TEN + α 4 TEN i + ε i + ε + ε + ε EP EP CP i CP i TEN i TEN i Where EP Where EP i = Employee performance, CP = Employee performance, CP i i = Compensation = Compensation practices, PEP practices, PEP i i = Performance evaluation practices, PP = Performance evaluation practices, PP i i = Promotion = Promotion i = Tenure, ε = Error term. = Tenure, ε = Error term. practices, TEN practices, TEN i In the regression model, employee performance (EP i In the regression model, employee performance (EP i ) is dependent ) is dependent variable and compensation practices (CP variable and compensation practices (CP i i ), performance evaluation ), performance evaluation practices (PEP practices (PEP i ) and promotion practices (PP ) and promotion practices (PP i i ) are independent ) are independent variable. TEN variable. TEN i (tenure) is a control variable. (tenure) is a control variable.
Table 2: Correlation between HRM practices and employees performance Table 3: Multiple Regression Analysis Table 3: Multiple Regression Analysis
Table 3 contd…. Table 3 contd….
Conclusions Conclusions � Human resource management practices of HR Dept. is effective and efficient in managing its personnel’s with its HRM system. � There is a positive correlation between the employee performance and HR practices (compensation practices, promotion practices and performance evaluation) of the HR Dept. of BB. performance evaluation) of the HR Dept. of BB. � All hypotheses are accepted. The regression results show that HR practices: compensation, performance evaluation and promotion practices of HR Dept. are significant.
Recommendations Recommendations � Training should be followed up efficiently and effectively and necessary measures must be taken on the basis of follow up training. � Job rotation can make the employees skilled in all the activities of a bank. HR Dept. should conduct “job rotation” program. � Length of working hours should not exceed the standard official working hours. � BB should offer attractive fringe benefits and competitive pay package to retain prospective staff.
Thank you Thank you � Questions and Answer � Questions and Answer
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