Preliminary I n t e r i o r D e s i g n F o r T h e M a l i o b o r o H e r i t a g e H o t e l , Y o g y a k a r t a W i t h C u l t u r a l H e r i t a g e C o n c e p t a s T o u r i s m A t t r a c t i o n o f C h i n a t o w n a n d Y o g y a k a r t a ’ s A c c u l t u r a t i o n
B a c k g r o u n d 1 A d n i n F a i r u z y P u t r i | 3 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 9 2 The Malioboro Heritage Hotel is a tourism hotel Yogyakarta is one of the most visited cities in built in Malioboro, at a Chinatown Ketandan, which is Indonesia by tourists from around the world as the witness of acculturation between Chinese culture, tourism destination in Indonesia because of its Keraton, and Yogyakarta people. culture and history. This cultural charm of Yogyakarta’s Chinatown is The increasing competition of hostelry service for getting relegated over the times, which is why this tourists in Yogyakarta requires every tourism place needs to be preserved as one of main hotel to have special appeal to attract the tourists. destinations to learn about Yogyakarta’s culture and history. Creating the hotel Tourism hotel can be interior design with developed as a tourism Yogyakarta’s Chinatown attraction itself, and its The decreasing charm of Chinatown Ketandan to culture-based is become aspects become the main attract tourists and the increasing competition of the main concern in concern of designing The hostelry service makes The Malioboro Heritage designing The Malioboro Malioboro Heritage Hotel Hotel needs to have a special appeal so it can be Heritage to help as an attraction for chosen as ideal hostelry place when the tourists visit conserving the area as tourists who visit Yogyakarta, while it represents the Chinatown well as creating an image Yogyakarta Ketandan as well. for the hotel I n t e r i o r D e s i g n F o r T h e M a l i o b o r o H e r i t a g e H o t e l , Yo g y a k a r t a W i t h C u l t u r a l H e r i t a g e C o n c e p t a s To u r i s m A t t r a c t i o n o f C h i n a t o w n a n d Yo g y a k a r t a ’ s A c c u l t u r a t i o n
T i t l e D e f i n i t i o n 2 A d n i n F a i r u z y P u t r i | 3 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 9 2 Interior design is the planning, layout, and design of the The Malioboro Heritage is a 7-storey and Cultural Heritage is an expression of interior spaces within buildings. These physical settings 3-stars tourism hotel built in Malioboro, the ways of living developed by a satisfy our basic need for shelter and protection, set the at Kampong Ketandan which is the community and passed on from stage for and influence the shape of our activities, nurture Yogyakarta’s Chinatown, and willing to generation to generation, including our aspirations, express the ideas that accompany our be one of the the Chinatown’s culture customs, practices, places, objects, actions, and affect our outlook, mood, and personality. heritage icon to support Yogyakarta’s artistic expressions and values. The purpose of interior design, therefore, is the functional tourism and to be one of best hotels (ICOMOS, 2002) improvement, aesthetic enrichment, and psychological chosen by tourists in Yogyakarta. (Rudy enhancement of the quality of life in interior spaces. Gunawan, hotel’s owner interview data) (Francis D. K. Ching, 1996) Interior Design For The Malioboro Heritage Hotel, Yogyakarta with Cultural Heritage Concept as Tourism Attraction of Chinatown and Yogyakarta’s Acculturation Tourism Attraction is a physical or cultural feature of a particular Acculturation is basically a meeting of two cultural areas, and each place that individual travelers or tourists perceive as capable of of them can accept the default values. (Sachari, 2001 : 87) meeting one or more of their specific leisure-related needs. Such features may be ambient in nature (eg. climate, culture, vegetation Therefore, acculturation of Chinatown and Yogyakarta is a blend of or scenery), or they may be specific to a location, such as a theatre two indigenous culture of these areas without losing their own performance, a museum or a waterfall. (Dictionary of Travel & default values. Tourism Hospitality Terms. Robert Harris & Joy Howard, Melbourne, Hospitality Press, 1996) A planning, layout, and design of the interior spaces within a tourism hotel building, The Malioboro Heritage Hotel to create functional improvement, aesthetic enrichment, and psychological enhancement of it with Cultural Heritage concept which is taking the essence of the ways of living’s expression that passed on from generation to generation, with purpose to be a cultural feature that tourists want to visit with representation of Chinatown and Yogyakarta’s blend of cultures.
P r o b l e m a n d P u r p o s e 3 A d n i n F a i r u z y P u t r i | 3 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 9 2 P u r p o s e s Creating The Malioboro Heritage Hotel’s interior design P r o b l e m I d e n t i f i c a t i o n which can attract tourists and chosen as one of ideal hotel in Yogyakarta While tourist is always selective in choosing a hotel to stay, Creating The Malioboro Heritage Hotel’s interior design that the increasing competition of hostelry service in Yogyakarta represent an image as one of Yogyakarta’s Chinatown’s requires every tourism hotel to have special characteristic to cultural icons attract the tourists The Malioboro Heritage Hotel is a tourism hotel built in Yogyakarta’s Chinatown Kampong Ketandan which its cultural charm as one of tourism attractions of Yogyakarta’s culture and history has relegated over the times, where B e n e f i t s actually it can be preserved through the hotel’s interior design To offer an alternative design concept which can helps the construction process and marketing strategy of The Malioboro Heritage hotel B o u n d a r y To give a design reference of tourism hotel for Interior Design ITS and Tourism dept. of Yogyakarta’s government. The hotel interior design concept is focusing in development of hotel into tourism attraction and creating aesthetic concept which fulfilling the tourists leisure and comfort-needs Hotel’s facilities are adjusted to hotel’s existing P r o b l e m F o r m u l a How to create The Malioboro Heritage Hotel’s interior design that offer tourism attraction aspects as well as comfort to increase tourists visits? How to bring out The Malioboro Heritage hotel’s image as one of cultural icons of Yogyakarta’s Chinatown through its interior design?
Literature I n t e r i o r D e s i g n F o r T h e M a l i o b o r o H e r i t a g e H o t e l , Y o g y a k a r t a W i t h C u l t u r a l H e r i t a g e C o n c e p t a s T o u r i s m A t t r a c t i o n o f C h i n a t o w n a n d Y o g y a k a r t a ’ s A c c u l t u r a t i o n
L i t e r a t u r e 4 A d n i n F a i r u z y P u t r i | 3 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 9 2 H o t e l Hotel is an accommodation that using parts or all of a building to provide hostelry, meal, drink and other services for public, and is commercially managed. (SK Menparpostel No. KM 94/HK 103/MPPT 1987) HOTEL EL Front of The Back of The e House House Semi-Public Public Area Private Area Service Area Area Employees Lobby Area Guests rooms Staff Office Laundry and Circulation Housekeeping Seating Area Receiving, trash, and Food and general storage Beverages area Outlet Food storages Recreation area Area Support Mechanical and Function Engineering Area Public area should be associated with service area but still having clear boundaries, so the service activities does not interfere the public’s .
L i t e r a t u r e 5 A d n i n F a i r u z y P u t r i | 3 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 9 2 3 - S t a r s H o t e l R e q u i r e m e n t s H o t e l S t r u c t u r e O r g a n i z a t i o n Based on Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No. PM. General 10/pw.301/pdb-7, the physical requirements of 3-stars hotel (***) Manager in Indonesia are : Meet requirements from job planning / public works department and easily accessible to ensure the enjoyment, Secretary guests avoided of environmental pollution caused by noise, unpleasant odors, dust, and smoke. All or part of the building’s decoration reflect to Indonesian Human Marketing Accounting Room F&B Dept. culture Dept. Resources Dept. Division Dept. Number of rooms at least 30 rooms including 3 single rooms Dept. Public area at least consists of: lobby, lounge, dining room, and the total area is at least 2,7 m3 x total number of bedrooms Front Office Chef Security Parking lot available with a capacity of 1 car for every 5 bedrooms House- Cook Driver keeping There are separate entrances for guests and hotel supply goods Dish- Engineering Lobby lounge is available at least with 8 seats washer The front office is available separately: reception area, information area, the place of payment, luggage storage area Waiter/ ress The number of public toilets at least 3 for men and 2 for women. With amenities such as : WC, Urinoir, face/hand- washing area with decorative glass, hand-dryer
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