integrat ing low carbon society concept into sustainable

Integrat ing Low Carbon Society Concept into Sustainable - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The 3rd Workshop of Japan-UK Joint Research Project, 13th-15th February, 2008 Integrat ing Low Carbon Society Concept into Sustainable Development Strategy in All Countries Ryokichi HIRONO Seikei University Introduction Introduction 1.

  1. The 3rd Workshop of Japan-UK Joint Research Project, 13th-15th February, 2008 Integrat ing Low Carbon Society Concept into Sustainable Development Strategy in All Countries Ryokichi HIRONO Seikei University

  2. Introduction Introduction 1. Major Issues of Sustainable Development 1. Major Issues of Sustainable Development 1) In Developed Countries 1) In Developed Countries 2) In Developing Countries 2) In Developing Countries 2. Major Issues of the Environment 2. Major Issues of the Environment 3. Growing Impact of Climate Change 3. Growing Impact of Climate Change 4. Mainstreaming Climate Change in National 4. Mainstreaming Climate Change in National Development Strategy Development Strategy 5. Integrating Low Carbon Society Concept in 5. Integrating Low Carbon Society Concept in Promoting Sustainable Development Promoting Sustainable Development 6. Enhancing International Cooperation 6. Enhancing International Cooperation

  3. 1.1 Major Issues of Sustainable 1.1 Major Issues of Sustainable Development in Developed Development in Developed Countries Countries 1) Sustaining Non- -Inflationary Growth under Inflationary Growth under Globalising Globalising 1) Sustaining Non World Economy: Rising Fear of Prolonged Stagflation due World Economy: Rising Fear of Prolonged Stagflation due partly to Subprime Subprime Loan Problems ( Loan Problems (Davos Davos 1/2008 & G8 1/2008 & G8 partly to Finance Ministers, Tokyo, 2/2008) Finance Ministers, Tokyo, 2/2008) 2) A Continuing Issue of Restraining Budgetary Deficits 2) A Continuing Issue of Restraining Budgetary Deficits below X %(3 in OECD) of GDP against the Background of below X %(3 in OECD) of GDP against the Background of Ageing Population and Rising Social Security Cost Ageing Population and Rising Social Security Cost 3) Mainstreaming the Environmental Issues in National 3) Mainstreaming the Environmental Issues in National Development Strategy Development Strategy 4) Exploring into the Post- -Kyoto International Arrangements Kyoto International Arrangements 4) Exploring into the Post on Climate Change, Targetting Targetting at a Minimum 20 % at a Minimum 20 % on Climate Change, Reduction of GHG Emission by 2020 and 50% by 2050 Reduction of GHG Emission by 2020 and 50% by 2050 (85% for Japan, 88% for USA and 83% for EU in a recent (85% for Japan, 88% for USA and 83% for EU in a recent TIT study) and Bringing All Countries into the International TIT study) and Bringing All Countries into the International Commitment Differentiated by Degree of Risk Commitment Differentiated by Degree of Risk

  4. 1.2 Major Issues of Sustainable Major Issues of Sustainable 1.2 Development in Developing Development in Developing Countries Countries 1) Achieving A Steady Growth to Reduce Poverty, A Steady Growth to Reduce Poverty, 1) Achieving Provide Employment and Green the Growth Provide Employment and Green the Growth 2) Brining the Benefits of Growth to all Segments of the 2) Brining the Benefits of Growth to all Segments of the Population, e.g., Lowering Regional Disparities, Income Population, e.g., Lowering Regional Disparities, Income Inequality, BEFA in particular by Raising Literacy Inequality, BEFA in particular by Raising Literacy among Women and Minorities, SAWFA (See MDG among Women and Minorities, SAWFA (See MDG Report2007) Report2007) 3) Minimising Minimising the Population Suffering from Infectious the Population Suffering from Infectious 3) Diseases including HIV/AIDS (G8 2008 at Lake Toya Toya) ) Diseases including HIV/AIDS (G8 2008 at Lake 4) Urging the International Community to Comply with the 4) Urging the International Community to Comply with the Doha Consensus in the International Trade and with the Doha Consensus in the International Trade and with the U.N. Commitment of Providing ODA at 0.7% of GDP U.N. Commitment of Providing ODA at 0.7% of GDP (G8 2008) (G8 2008)

  5. 2. Major Issues of the Environment: 2. Major Issues of the Environment: Commonality and Differences Commonality and Differences 1) Major National Environmental Issues 1) Major National Environmental Issues a) Air pollution a) Air pollution b) Water pollution b) Water pollution c) Soil pollution c) Soil pollution d) Hazardous and household wastes d) Hazardous and household wastes 2) Major Global Environmental Issues 2) Major Global Environmental Issues a) Climate change a) Climate change b) Deforestation b) Deforestation c) Trans- -boundary Haze, Sandstorms, River boundary Haze, Sandstorms, River c) Trans pollution and 3Rs pollution and 3Rs e) Biodiversity Biodiversity e)

  6. 3. Growing Impact of Climate Change 3. Growing Impact of Climate Change 1) On Food Production and Productivity, caused by Drought 1) On Food Production and Productivity, caused by Drought and Floods and Floods 2) Forest Fire: CO2 Emission and Haze 2) Forest Fire: CO2 Emission and Haze 3) Natural Disasters: Loss of Lives and Property 3) Natural Disasters: Loss of Lives and Property 4) Loss of Biodiversity and Coral Shelves 4) Loss of Biodiversity and Coral Shelves 5) Increasing Threat to Low Coastal Lines of Some SIDCs SIDCs 5) Increasing Threat to Low Coastal Lines of Some in the Pacific, the Indian and the Atlantic Ocean in the Pacific, the Indian and the Atlantic Ocean submerging under the SEA submerging under the SEA 6) A Deeper Impact of the Trans- -boundary Issues boundary Issues 6) A Deeper Impact of the Trans 7) Transmission of some Tropical Diseases to the Northern 7) Transmission of some Tropical Diseases to the Northern Hemisphere Hemisphere

  7. 4. Mainstreaming Climate Change 4. Mainstreaming Climate Change in National Development Strategy in National Development Strategy 1) Adaptation to Climate Change 1) Adaptation to Climate Change a) Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Development a) Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Development b) Natural Disaster Preparedness and Prevention b) Natural Disaster Preparedness and Prevention c) Planning Human Settlements Against Storms, etc. c) Planning Human Settlements Against Storms, etc. d) Adapting Tourist Development to Climate Change d) Adapting Tourist Development to Climate Change 2) Mitigation of GHG Emission and Global Warming 2) Mitigation of GHG Emission and Global Warming a) Access to Clean Energy Services in Rural a) Access to Clean Energy Services in Rural Communities and Improving Energy Efficiency Communities and Improving Energy Efficiency b) Increasing Use of Renewable Energy Sources b) Increasing Use of Renewable Energy Sources c) Industrial Restructuring and Merchandising in favour favour c) Industrial Restructuring and Merchandising in of Lower Carbon Intensity of Lower Carbon Intensity d) Decarbonising Decarbonising transport system transport system d)

  8. 5. Integrating LCS Concept in 5. Integrating LCS Concept in Promoting Sustainable Development Promoting Sustainable Development 1) Accelerating Technology Transfer and Diffusion and 1) Accelerating Technology Transfer and Diffusion and Enhancing Technological Development for Installing Enhancing Technological Development for Installing Production Processes and Product Mixes in favour favour of of Production Processes and Product Mixes in Lower Carbon Intensity Lower Carbon Intensity 2) Promoting 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and ESD 2) Promoting 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and ESD for Installing LCS Concept in Every Sector of the National for Installing LCS Concept in Every Sector of the National Economy Economy 3) A Greater Use of Economic Instruments and Market- - 3) A Greater Use of Economic Instruments and Market based Incentives including Developmental Clean based Incentives including Developmental Clean Development Mechanism (Co- -benefits) on Project, benefits) on Project, Development Mechanism (Co Programmatic and Sectoral Sectoral Basis Basis Programmatic and 4) Ensuring Consistency between Macro- - and Micro and Micro- - 4) Ensuring Consistency between Macro Economic Policies and among Sectoral Sectoral Policies to Policies to Economic Policies and among Promote Lower Carbon Intensity Promote Lower Carbon Intensity


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