low carbon options in china through sustainable

Low-Carbon Options in China Through Sustainable Development (SD) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Low-Carbon Options in China Through Sustainable Development (SD) Jiang Kejun, Zheng Shuang Energy Research Institute, China Side Event at COP12. Global Challenges toward Low-Carbon Society (LCS) through Sustainable Development (SD) Framework

  1. Low-Carbon Options in China Through Sustainable Development (SD) Jiang Kejun, Zheng Shuang Energy Research Institute, China Side Event at COP12. Global Challenges toward Low-Carbon Society (LCS) through Sustainable Development (SD)

  2. Framework of Integrated Policy Model for China (IPAC) Environment industry Energy demand and supply Pollutant emission Price/investment Medium/long-term analys IPAC-SGM IPAC-AIM/MATERIAL Economic impact Medium/long-term analysis Energy demand and suppl Energy demand and supply Full range emission Price/investment IPAC-TIMER IPAC-Emission Price, resource, technolog Medium/long-term analysis Medium-long term analysis Economic impact Short term forecast/ IPAC/Tech(Power/Transport) Technology development energy early warning Environment impact IPAC/SE, IPAC/EAlarm Technology policy Medium/short term analysis IPAC/AIM-Local IPAC-AIM/tech Technology assessment Region analysis Detailed technology Medium/short analysis flow Energy demand and supply AIM-air IPAC-health Technology policy Climate Model ERI, China ERI, China

  3. China: Energy demand and CO 2 emission scenarios Baseline scenario Policy and technology scenario Enhanced Energy Energy Intensive Annual average energy saving Annual average energy saving rate Saving Products rate 2.7% 3.6% Building Annual average energy saving Annual average energy saving rate rate 1.9% 3.0% Transport Annual average energy saving Annual average energy saving rate rate 1.5% 2.8% Renewable energy Biomass Annual average reduction rate Annual average reduction rate of of cost by 3.7% cost by 5.9% Hydro 65% of technical potential by 80% of technical potential by 2050 2050 Solar/wind 0.7yuan/kWh by 2050 0.5Yuan/kWh by 2050 Carbon Capture and Coal fired power 4% by 2050 15% by 2050 Sequestration plants Industry 1% by 2050 5% by 2050 Clean coal technology Power generation 7% by 2050 35% by 2050 Industry 5% by 2050 15% by 2050 Hydrogen Power generation Distributed power generation Distributed power generation system by 3% in 2050 system by 8% in 2050 Transport Fuel cell vehicle 5% Fuel cell vehicle 15% Transport Vehicle Hybrid vehicle diffusion start Hybrid vehicle diffusion start from from 2010, 10% by 2030 2010, 70% by 2040 Policies Energy tax No 50yuan/tce in 2010, 200yuan/tce in 2050 Subsidy No Power from renewable energy 0.3yuan/kWh Investment Energy Annual average growth rate 4% Annual average growth rate 6.2% technology R&D

  4. ar y e nergy de mand in China, 2050 Pr i m Coal O i l Gas N ucl ear R enew abl es 6405 7000 6000 4697 5000 t ce) 4000 ( M 3000 2000 1391 1000 0 2000 BAU 2050 Tech and Pol i cy 2050 Final energy demand in China,2050 Coal O i l Gas El ec t r i c i t y 6000 5087 5000 3825 4000 t ce) 3000 ( M 2000 1078 1000 0 2000 BAU 2050 Tec h and Pol i cy 2050

  5. Energy demand will be GDP energy intensity in China, 2000-2050 reduced 27% (1708Mtce) in (tce/10000 yuan RMB) 2.00 2050 by technology and 1.50 policy scenario compared 1.00 with baseline scenario in 0.50 China. 0.00 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Energy intensity/GDP(BAU) Energy intensity/GDP (TAP) CO2 Emission in China,2050 CO2 emission will be reduced CO2 emission(BAU) CO2 emission(TAP) 39% (1263Mt-C)in 2050 by 3500 technology and policy scenario 3000 39% 2500 compared with baseline (Mt-C) 2000 scenario 1500 in China 1000 500 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

  6. Identify efficiency promised technologies: fully used by 2020 Sector Technologies Steel Industry Large size equipment (Coke Oven, Blast furnace, Basic oxygen furnace ,etc.), Equipment of coke dry quenching, Continuous casting machine, TRT Continuous rolling machine, Equipment of coke oven gas, OH gas and BOF gas recovery , DC-electric arc furnace Chemical Industry Large size equipment for Chemical Production, Waste Heat Recover System, Ion membrane technology, Existing Technology Improving Paper Making Co-generation System, facilities of residue heat utilization, Black liquor recovery system, Continuous distillation system Textile Co-generation System, Shuttleless loom, High Speed Printing and Dyeing Non-ferrous metal Reverberator furnace, Waste Heat Recover System, QSL for lead and zinc production Building Materials dry process rotary kiln with pre-calciner, Electric power generator with residue heat, Colburn process, Hoffman kiln, Tunnel kiln Machinery High speed cutting, Electric-hydraulic hammer, Heat Preservation Furnace Residential Cooking by gas, Centralized Space Heating System, Energy Saving Electric Appliance, High Efficient Lighting Service Centralized Space Heating System, Centralized Cooling Heating System, Co-generation System, Energy Saving Electric Appliance, High Efficient Lighting Transport Diesel truck, Low Energy Use Car, Electric Car, Natural Gas Car, Electric Railway Locomotives Common Use High Efficiency Boiler, FCB Technology, High Efficiency Electric Technology Motor Speed Adjustable Motor, Centrifugal Electric Fun, Energy Saving Lighting

  7. Technologies use in IPAC-AIM/Technology model for transport analysis Mode Technology Mode Technology Air, Freight Airplane, freight Bus Gasoline bus Large Truck Conventional large truck (Gasoline) Improved gasoline bus New large truck (Gasoline) Diesel bus Conventional large truck (Diesel) Improved diesel bus New large truck (Diesel) Hybrid Bus Hybrid Truck, large CNG.Bus Small Truck Conventional small truck LPG.Bus New small truck MRT MRT Small Truck Diesel Car Electric car Hybrid Truck, small SANATA-Normal Car, Gaso Railway, Freight Conventional diesel locomotive Mini-Car New diesel locomotive High Fuel Economy Car Conventional electric locomotive Hybrid Car New electric locomotive Fuel Cell car Steam locomotive Diesel Car Waterway Conventional coastal ship New Diesel Car New coastal ship Railway, Passenger Conventional diesel locomo Conventional ocean ship New diesel locomotive New ocean ship Conventional electric locom Conventional river ship New electric locomotive New river ship Steam locomotive Transportation Others Waterway, passenger Conventional river ship Air, Passenger Airplane, Passenger New river ship

  8. Policy Options for alternative transport scenario Mode Policy Options New Boing Airplane, AirBus Air 380 Efficiency improvement 8% for Railway electric and diesel locomotive 15% efficiency improvement Waterway by using larger tank and engine Advanced diesel truck, more Freight Large Truck then 50% Hybrid Truck, 20% Freight Small Truck Hybrid Truck, 50% New Diesel Truck, 40% Bus Hybrid Bus, 70% Car Efficient diesel car, 30% Hybrid car 50% Biomass Fule Ethonal 30% of gasoline use BioDiesel 15% Public Transport Take 15% more from car use Bicycle 10% more Start from 2010, similar rate Fuel tax by 2020 with that in Japan and Europe

  9. Transport Energy Deamnd, Baseline Scenario Fuel Oil-Waterway 500 Diesel-Waterway 400 Koresene Mtoe Electricity 300 Diesel-Railway 200 Bio-Diesel 100 Ethrnal Diesel-Road 0 Gasoline 2000 2010 2020 2030 Year Transport Energy Deamnd, Policy Scenario Fuel Oil-Waterway 500 Diesel-Waterway 400 Koresene Mtoe Electricity 300 Diesel-Railway 200 Bio-Diesel 100 Ethrnal Diesel-Road 0 Gasoline 2000 2010 2020 2030 Year

  10. Technology Used in Power Generation Biogas Power Generation Biogas power generation from husbandury Biomass Power Generation Offshore wind turbine Nuclear Power Plant Biomass Power Plant Super Critical Unit Critical Unit Coal Cogeneration N.Gas Co-generation Coal Power Plant Gas Power Plant IGCC NGCC Oil Power Plant Hydro Power Plant Wind Power

  11. Technology options for alternative scenario Bi ogas Pow er G ener at i on 10G W by 2020 Bi ogas pow er gener at i on f r om hu 1G W by 2020 Bi om ass Pow er G ener at i on 2G W by 2020 O f f shor e w i nd t ur bi ne 10G W by 2030 N ucl ear Pow er Pl ant 40G W by 2020 I G C C 100G W by 2030 N G C C 100G W by 2030 I nl and W i nd Pow er 25G W by 2020

  12. Power Generation Output in China, Baseline Scenario 8000 7000 Bio 6000 wind 5000 Nuclear TWh 4000 Hydro 3000 N.Gas Oil 2000 Coal 1000 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 Year Power Generation Output in China, Policy Scenario 8000 7000 Bio 6000 wind 5000 Nuclear TWh 4000 Hydro 3000 N.Gas Oil 2000 Coal 1000 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 Year

  13. Fossil Fuel Use in Power Sector, baseline scenario 1400 1200 1000 N.Gas Mtce 800 Oil 600 Coal 400 200 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 Year Fossil Fuel Use in Power Sector 1400 1200 1000 N.Gas Mtce 800 Oil 600 Coal 400 200 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 Year

  14. Clean Coal Technology: Global Progress a In 2000, Version 21 program in United States a Early Entrance Co-production Plant(EECP), 2007 a Pilot phase plants on LPMEOH and LPDME, which are the technologies to produce methanol, Dimethyl Ether, and co-generation. These plants were constructed in 1997 a Coal integrated generation system by Some famous international companies including BP, GE, Air Products and Chemicals, Shell a Investment for clean coal technology R&D is decreasing in Europe due to less use of coal, even in United States

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