20 16 residential amp hard to reach standard offer

20 16 Residential & Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Program s - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

20 16 Residential & Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Program s Workshop October 28, 2015 1 AEP Contact Information AEP Texas Central Company Residential: Jim Fowler 361.881.5790 j j fowler@ aep.com Hard-to-Reach: Vee S trauss

  1. 20 16 Residential & Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Program s Workshop October 28, 2015 1

  2. AEP Contact Information • AEP Texas Central Company  Residential: Jim Fowler 361.881.5790 j j fowler@ aep.com  Hard-to-Reach: Vee S trauss 361.574.2252 svstrauss@ aep.com • AEP Texas North Company  Residential: Rhonda Fahrlender 325.674.7513 rrfahrlender@ aep.com  Hard-to-Reach: S teve Mutiso 325.674.7287 smmutiso@ aep.com • Southwestern Electric Power Company  Resident ial & Hard-t o-Reach: Debra Miller 318.673.3324 damiller1@ aep.com 2

  3. Where in Texas? AEP is offering the Residential and Hard-to-Reach S tandard Offer Programs (S OPs) through its Texas distribution companies: • AEP Texas Central Company (TCC) • AEP Texas North Company (TNC) • S outhwestern Electric Power Company (S WEPCO) 3

  4. Overview • Primary obj ectives of the S OPs are to achieve cost-effective reduction in:  summer & winter peak demand  annual energy consumption • The S OPs each provide set incentives to S ervice Providers (or Proj ect S ponsors) for the installation of qualifying energy efficiency measures • The incentives are based on peak demand (kW) and annual energy (kWh) savings • The S OPs utilize approved deemed savings values contained in the S tate of Texas Technical Reference Manual (TRM) to estimate kW and kWh savings impacts 4

  5. Overview • AEP  Reviews, approves, rej ects applications  Pre-approves all marketing material, including social media and telemarketing  Performs inspections  Processes incentive requests based on inspection results  Manages programs and incentive dollars  Adj usts programs as needed  Verifies PUCT compliance 5

  6. Overview • Proj ect S ponsor  Enters into S OP Agreement  Follows program requirements outlined in manual  Identifies proj ect opportunities  Markets program and negotiates terms with customer  Verifies customer eligibility  Installs and accurately reports qualifying measures  Reviews the TRM for all measure installation requirements 6

  7. Am I Eligible to Participate? • Any entity meeting the S OPs application requirements that installs eligible residential energy efficiency measures at a customer site with residential electricity distribution service from TCC, TNC or S WEPCO is eligible to apply for participation in the S OPs • Eligible Proj ect S ponsors may include:  Energy service companies  Retail electric providers  National or local companies that provide energy-related products (e.g., insulation or HVAC)  Product retailers, if they install the particular energy-efficient products sold as part of the S OPs 7

  8. Proj ect S ponsor Requirements • At a minimum, a Proj ect S ponsor must have the following requirements to apply for participation in the S OPs:  Valid insurance (e-mailed directly to appropriate Program Administrator by insurance agency)  All appropriate licenses or certifications  Home Energy Raters (HERs) or Building Performance Institute (BPI) individual required to be on staff for any Proj ect S ponsors(s) performing Duct Efficiency and/ or Air Infiltration measures  References  Evidence of technical and managerial capabilities and experience  Current year calibration of equipment certificates and serial numbers if performing Duct Efficiency and/ or Air Infiltration measures 8

  9. How Do I Participate? • Review each S OP Manual in its entirety • Review each S OP Agreement • Complete and submit on-line registration & application. • If applicable, upload testing procedures at time of registration • Applications will be reviewed upon receipt of all required application documents • Contracts will be awarded based on proj ect sponsor qualifications, performance history, etc., to ensure program goals will be achieved with quality installations and timely reporting 9

  10. How Do I Participate? (cont.) • Proof of statutorily-required insurance submitted by insurance agency • Once application is approved, enter into a contract with AEP to install eligible measures • Refer to Program Manuals and Program Websites for additional information • Refer to the latest Technical Reference Manual (TRM) for measure installation standards (Eligibility and High-Efficiency Condition) and savings calculation detail 10

  11. Customer Eligibility • Residential distribution customers of TCC, TNC and S WEPCO are eligible to have measures installed at their homes as part of the S OPs • Eligible customers shall be identified by the Electric S ervice Identifier (ES I ID) numbers on their electric bill:  TCC customer ES I ID’ s begin with 100327894… .  TNC customer ES I ID’ s begin with 102040497… .  S WEPCO customer ES I ID’ s begin with 101769896… . 11

  12. Customer Eligibility • Hard-to-Reach customers are defined as residential customers who have household income at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines S ize of Family Unit Annual Income 1 $23,540 2 $31,860 3 $40,180 4 $48,500 5 $56,820 6 $65,140 7 $73,460 8 $81,780 Each Additional Person Add $8,320 *Income ceilings are for February 1, 2015-January 31, 2016. • Income guidelines are updated every January and posted on the PUCT website 12

  13. Eligible Properties • Eligible residential properties include:  S ingle-Family properties – Defined as residential dwellings consisting of two or less units (i.e., a duplex or less)  Mobile Home properties – Defined as manufactured homes  Multi-Family properties - Defined as residential buildings containing three or more dwelling units. These include -  Individually metered Multi-Family properties  Individually metered townhomes • Residential dwellings or additions completed before January 1, 2014 are eligible for the S OPs 13

  14. Eligible Measures • Air Infiltration control • Duct sealing • High-efficiency A/ C and heat pump retrofits • Insulation (ceiling, floor or wall) • Water heater measures (Hard-to-Reach only) • CFL (TCC & TNC Hard-to-Reach S OP only) • Additional eligible measures are listed in the program manuals 14

  15. 2016 Program Budgets • Budgets for the 2016 Residential and Hard-to-Reach S OPs are as follows: Project Sponsor Program Budget Limit TCC Residential S OP – Large Proj ects TBD $150,000 TCC Residential S OP – S mall Proj ects $1,161,115 $150,000 TCC Hard-to-Reach S OP $953,417 $75,000 TNC Residential S OP $419,610 $75,000 TNC Hard-to-Reach S OP $162,719 $50,000 S WEPCO Residential S OP $910,000 $125,000 S WEPCO Hard-to-Reach S OP $785,000 $100,000 15

  16. TCC Residential S OP – Large vs. S mall Proj ects • Large Proj ects  Reserves funds for program year  5% security deposit  Milestone schedule (40% of contract met by May 31, 2016; 75% of contract met by August 31, 2016) • S mall Proj ects  Reserves funds for 30 days  Multi-Family properties not eligible  First-time participants start here 16

  17. OPs TCC & TNC Residential & Hard-to-Reach S • S mall Proj ects  No minimum proj ect size  S ingle- & Multi-Family proj ects are eligible  Reserves funds for 30 days  S ingle-Family reservations up to $5,000 at a time  Multi-Family reservations up to $25,000 at a time  Only one reservation may be open at a time 17

  18. OPs S WEPCO Residential & Hard-to-Reach S  No minimum proj ect size  S ingle- & Multi-Family proj ects are eligible  $25,000 cap on Multi-Family proj ects  No Reservations  Proj ect S ponsors with no experience will start with a cap of no more than $25,000. Additional funds may be allocated per the program administrator’ s discretion based on an analysis of the proj ect sponsor’ s performance and available program budget.  S WEPCO will use a “ Proj ect Age” report. Proj ects must be submitted within 45 days of inputting the proj ect. 18

  19. Incentive Payment S tructure • To encourage a comprehensive range of measure installations across the service territories, the S OPs have established different incentive levels. Each S OP will include different incentive levels for some or all of the following categories:  Installation of S tandard S ingle-Family dwelling Measures  Installation of S tandard Multi-Family dwelling Measures  Installation of historically Underserved Measures  Installation of measures in certain historically Underserved Counties 19

  20. 2016 Incentive Rates • Incentive rates for Residential and Hard-to-Reach proj ects are as follows: Program $/kW $/kWh $242 $0.08 Residential S OP - S tandard S ingle- & Multi-Family (TCC only) $254 $0.084 Residential S OP – S tandard S ingle- & Multi-Family (TNC only) $296 $0.10 Residential S OP - Underserved Counties (TCC & TNC only) $280 $0.09 Residential S OP – S tandard S ingle- & Mult i-Family (S WEPCO) $340 $0.11 Residential S OP – Underserved Counties (S WEPCO) $360 $0.11 Hard-to-Reach S OP- S tandard S ingle-Family $325 $0.10 Hard-to-Reach S OP- S tandard Multi-Family $400 $0.13 Hard-to-Reach S OP- Underserved Counties 20


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