Gravel Transport Study Gravel Transport Study
Lower Lake Creek Gravel, Wood, Gradient, and Study Sites 3000 50% 2500 45% Reach 5 Reach 4 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 (positive) and without wood (negative) 2000 40% Area of gravel in sq. ft. with wood 1500 35% Stream Gradient 1000 30% 500 25% ` 0 20% -500 15% -1000 10% -1500 5% -2000 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 Distance from Mouth (miles) Gravel no wood Gravel with wood Log Jams Gradient Gravel Study Sites Tributaries
Lower Lake Creek Gravel, Wood, Gradient, and Study Sites 3000 50% 2500 45% Reach 5 Reach 4 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 (positive) and without wood (negative) 2000 40% Area of gravel in sq. ft. with wood 1500 35% Stream Gradient 1000 30% 500 25% ` 0 20% -500 15% -1000 10% -1500 5% -2000 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 Distance from Mouth (miles) Gravel no wood Gravel with wood Log Jams Gradient Gravel Study Sites Tributaries
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