Silver Thank you for all you've done to make Ramath Orah such a wonderful shul. Mazel tov on this great honor. — Shira Dicker and Ari Goldman
Silver Congratulations Jay and Jane — Barbara Lass
Silver Congratulations Jay and Jane — Abigail Miller
Silver All the best. Well Deserved — Sylvan Feldstein
Silver Dear Jane and Jay, Mazel Tov! Your leadership and dedication are an inspiration to us all. May you continue from strength to strength. As we learn in Pirke Avot (1:2): The world stands on three things: Torah, Avodah and Gemillat Chassadim. Love, — Judy, Rodney, Ariel and Jacob Greenwald
Silver Kol HaKavod! — Adam Zachary Newton and Miriam Udel
Silver Yasher Kaoch to Jay and Jane For all that you do for this community and Klal Yisrael May you continue to go from Strength to Strength — Ann Wimpfheimer and Eddie Snyder Ben and Yoni Bokser
Silver Well deserved! — Todd, Laurie, Howie and Sophie
Silver Yashar koach and many thanks to Jane and Jay for their outstanding service to the shul. With fond appreciation, — Eric Fishman and Shuly Rubin Schwartz
Silver Mazal tov to Jane and Jay on this well- deserved honor. In gratitude for your friendship over the years. We always enjoy spending time with you because of your kindness and great sense of humor. Wishing you many more simchas in the years ahead. With love, — Hope and Joshua Newman
Silver Congratulations Jay and Jane — Ben Goldstein
Silver Mazal Tov to Jane and Jay, whose selfless dedication to the Ramath Orah community has enhanced all our lives. With much appreciation, — Suzy and Yono Reich
Bronze Jane and Jay, Congratulations on the tremendous honor of being recognized for your contributions to Ramath Orah. Mazel tov. — Erica and Kenneth Grau
Bronze Congratulations to Jane and Jay Blumenstein on this well deserved honor - and to the Ramath Orah Community — Rabbi Tsvi Blanchard and Naomi Mark
Bronze WE ARE SURE THAT THE DINNER IS AMAZING! Congratulations to Jane and Jay Love, — Meredith Wolf Schizer's Parents
Bronze May you go from strength to strength. — Judy Oshry
Bronze Thanks for all the hard work Jay and Jane! We miss you! Stay classy. — McKenzie and Asher Kohn
Bronze Mazel tov to Jane and Jay Blumenstein on being honored as pillars of your community. — Stacey and Michael Daube. Naomi and Hal Dorfman
Bronze Jane & Jay, This is a most deserving honor to a very warm couple that always made us feel at home in Ramat Orah. Best regards from Rosh Pina, Israel, — Meryl & Shmuel Solomon
Bronze "Say little and do much, for by your deeds shall you be judged." - Talmud Mazal Tov Jane &Jay, Tonight we celebrate your achievements & hard work with great pride and friendship! — Linda Roberts Nicole Rothchild Debbie Rudt Deborah Shapira Beverly Wolfer-Nerenberg Sarah Zitter Milstein
Bronze In honor of Two Kind and Productive Jews- Jane and Jay Blumenstein With Love and Respect, — Bryna and Joshua Landes and Family
Bronze Jane and Jay, Mazal Tov on this wonderful honor! Your shul is very lucky to have you! Love, — Tali and Je ff Moskowitz
Bronze Dear Jane and Jay, You are the brick and the mortar, the sefarim and the torahs, the chollent and the math puzzles at kiddush. What could we do without you? Thank you for making the place more fun, more real, and more awesome. Hugs, — Zev
Bronze While Elissa and I will not be able to attend, we value Ramath Orah as an important part of our lives. We’re also grateful that our son Elia can pursue his Torah studies at Ramath Orah. — David and Elissa Fishman
Bronze Jane & Jay, To truly understand Torah, philosophical principles need to be translated into action.Pirkei Avot 1:4 The time for ACTION IS NOW and this you both truly exemplify to your Children & to your Community. Thank You, — Esther & Len Wolfer
Bronze Jane and Jay, your dedication to our community is not taken for granted. Thank you for your tireless e ff orts and may you continue to go from strength to strength! With love and admiration, — Mayah Judovits
Bronze Mazel tov to Jay and Jane Blumenstein and thank you for your commitment to the community. May you continue to inspire others by your example. — Lisa, Eduardo, Lucia and Rafael Robinovich
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