Implementing the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) EU flagship initiative: Partnership on climate change EU PARTNERSHIP FORUM – JULY 2017 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
GLOBAL : Paris GLOBAL : 17 Sustainable Climate Agreement Development Goals GLOBAL : Sendai Framework for Action NATIONAL : National N A T I O N Adaptation Plans A NATIONAL : DRR T L a r : g e 2 Policy and Legislation t 3 s 0 ; M S D u l G t i p l e I n d i c a t o r s Marcus Oxley Executive Director LOCAL: Community- LOCAL: Community- Based Adaptation L O C A L Based Disaster Risk : P P o l v a n e r s , t y A R c e t i d o u n c s t i o & n I n d Reduction i c a t o r s Systems-wide Inclusion of at-risk people perspective: can increase policy Different actors, relevance, effectiveness, different functions, coherence and different scales sustainability Implementing the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) EU flagship initiative: Partnership on climate change
➢ Climate action is not politically neutral Political space needed for successful action at all levels ➔ ➢ Multi-stakeholder engagement at the local level is lever for success Territorial Approach to Local Development to include climate action ➔ ➢ Governance capabilities to deliver, engage, interact & self- Wouter Boesman renew Director Peer learning programs on climate action and multi-stakeholder involvement ➔ ➢ Local and regional governments in UNFCCC Local Leaders Summit in Paris (1000 Mayors), Marrakech and Bonn ➔ Climate Chance Summit – multi-stakeholder coalition for local climate action ➔ Implementing the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) EU flagship initiative: Partnership on climate change
Unleashing the power of local associations to transform lives Catherine Kanabahita Executive Director DENIVA is the secretariat for DRR Coalitions from Eight Countries in the Eastern Africa Region, formed with support from GNDR. Strategies to address disasters caused by climate change such as floods, droughts, mudslides, food insecurity have been as follows: 1. Capturing Voices from the Frontline: most vulnerable in the Communities. 2. Multi-stakeholder approach: Government, CSOs & Private Sector 3. Capacity building in Research, Advocacy, Policy & Law Formulation. 4. Monitoring impact, promoting Accountability, Planning & Action. 5. Adaptation to Climate Change; Improved Agricultural Practices. 6. Creation of Resilient Communities and Sustainable Solutions. Implementing the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) EU flagship initiative: Partnership on climate change
Case study: Civil society (INGOs) acting as a broker and convener connecting… • Sectors • Levels – local, national, global • Actors – researchers, Helen Jeans Government, communicators, Resilience and Climate capacity builders Adaptation Unit ‘The most important lesson that I learnt from Manager, Resilience Enabling governments to working with ACCRA is that cross-cutting issues and Climate Change respond to the strategic like climate change can only be addressed through Adaptation Adviser, priorities of communities at collaboration between various parties with different scale and be accountable. OXFAM GB specialties and expertise; both government and non-government actors.’ Building knowledge and Roland Taremwa, Monitoring and Evaluation adaptive governance for Official, Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda the long term Implementing the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) EU flagship initiative: Partnership on climate change
ACCRA influencing policy via IPCC e.g. 5 th Assessment Report on Adaptation Ludi et al 2012 Jones et al 2010 Implementing the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) EU flagship initiative: Partnership on climate change
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