Yemen experience on Climate Change Yemen experience on Climate Change Global Climate Change Alliance Bangkok, 14-18 March 2012
Geographic Location and Land Area � Yemen is an arid Middle Eastern country occupying an area of � Yemen is an arid Middle Eastern country, occupying an area of 527,970 km2 � It has a 2 250 km coastline along the Gulf of Aden and the Red � It has a 2,250-km coastline along the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea
Cont . Geographic Location and Land Area � Yemen is characterized by five major ecological � Yemen is characterized by five major ecological systems : Hot-humid Coastal Plain, 1. Temperate Highlands, i hl d 2. Yemen High Plateaus and Hadramout –Mahrah Uplands, 3. The Desert Interior and 4. The Islands Archipelago. 5.
Vulnerability of Yemen to Climate Changes Vulnerability of Yemen to Climate Changes Water scarcity; � Short and heavy storms; y ; � Floods; � Long dry periods; � Desertification; � Land degradation and soil erosion. �
Adaptation priorities under NAPA Adaptation priorities under NAPA key sectors identified: � Water Resources � Agriculture � Agriculture � Coastal zones � Cross cutting issues ( awareness, capacity building, education, and databases) 12 high priority projects 12 high priority projects Cost : About USD30 millions
Water: � Average annual per capita share of water resources is Average annual per capita share of water resources is 137 m 3 � Extraction of ground water has exceeded the level of Extraction of ground water has exceeded the level of replenishment capacity causing water depletion � Over 90% of water consumption is used for irrigation Over 90% of water consumption is used for irrigation � Water needs are estimated at 3,521 million m 3 in 2010 � deficit of about 700 million m 3 in 1995 expected to � deficit of about 700 million m 3 in 1995, expected to increase to 921 million m 3 in 2010 would result in the depletion of 12 157 million m 3 of ground water by 2010 depletion of 12,157 million m of ground water by 2010.
Agriculture : i l � Remains the most important sector employing 54% of � Remains the most important sector employing 54% of Yemen labor force � Contributed around 21% in the total GDP � Contributed around 21% in the total GDP � Yemen current total cultivable area is about 16,700 km 2 of which: which: � 72% uncultivated utilizing rain-fed, flood, and ground water irrigations schemes water irrigations schemes � Rangelands together with forest and woodlands comprise 34% of total area. of total area. � Other land, mostly desert with limited use potential constitutes about 49% of the total area
Coastal and Fisheries: l d i h i � Coastal line long is about 2250 Km, with185 Islands � Coastal Cities, Harbors, Infrastructure, Fish Communities Villages and Facilities � Coastal sensitive Habitats (Mangroves, Coral Reef, Seagrass, Palm Groves, Wetlands, Lagoons, Sabkhas, Rocky Shores, S Sandy Beaches) d B h ) � Rich of fish and other marine resources species � Fisheries contribution to GDP more than 2.4%, it is export value reach more than 213 Million US$ per year � Fisheries Provides locals with high quality food Fi h i P id l l ith hi h lit f d � Contribute on Poverty alleviation, by providing work opportunity for more than 350 thousands people opportunity for more than 350 thousands people
� Aden is one of the top 20 cities Aden is one of the top 20 cities in the world where the most people will be at the greatest risk from sea level rise and i k f l l i d storm surges in the developing world (Dasgupta, et. al; Center ( g p , ; for Global Development, September 2009
Vulnerability of y f Yemen’s Fisheries Sector to Climate Change g 60,000 to 80,000 Vulnerability of national economies of potential fishermen and their climate change impacts on fisheries (integrates li t h i t fi h i (i t t families depend on exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity) under fishing for their IPCC scenario B2 (local development, lower livelihoods emissions) emissions).
Ranked priority adaptation projects (1) p y p p j ( ) Project title Sector Time frame Budget (USD) 1 Develop and implement integrated coastal zone management Marine & coastal 4 years 3.2 million areas 2 Water conservation through reuse of treated waste water and grey Water and 3 years 3.2 million water from mosques, and irrigation saving techniques agriculture 3 Awareness raising on adaptation to climate changes Public awareness 2 years 0.65 million 4 4 Establishment and maintaining of climate change database Establishment and maintaining of climate change database Cross cutting Cross-cutting 2 years 2 years 0.35 million 0.35 million 5 Planting and re-planting of mangroves and palms for adaptation to Marine & coastal 5 years 2.45 million sea level rise l l i areas 6 Develop and implement programs to improve Yemen’s preparedness Cross-cutting 4 years 5 million to cope with extreme weather events
Ranked priority adaptation projects (2) p y p p j ( ) Project title Sector Time Budget frame (USD) 7 Rainwater harvesting through various techniques including traditional methods Water and agriculture 3 years 2.81 million 8 Rehabilitation and maintenance of mountainous terraces Agriculture and land 5 years 4.78 million resources 9 Promotion of research on drought, heat and salinity tolerant varieties Agriculture and land 4 years 3.15 million resources 10 Sustainable land management to combat desertification and land degradation Agriculture and land 3 years 2.33 resources million 11 Sustainable management of fisheries resources Marine & coastal areas 5 years 1.18 million million 12 Incorporation of climate change and adaptation into school education Education & awareness 2 years 0.82 million
Proposed criteria for setting up priorities � Contribution to Sustainable Development; � Livelihood security of Local Communities; l h d f l � Poverty reduction to enhance adaptive capacity; � Synergy with other multilateral environmental agreements and conventions; and Sy gy g ; � Cost-effectiveness
Climate Change Institutional Structure Establishment of CC Board, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister for Economical Affairs, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation and membership of the following institutions: M Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) f W d E (MWE) � Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MAI) � Ministry of Fish Wealth (MFW) � Ministry of Finance (MOF) � Ministry of Local Administration (MOLA) � Ministry of Oil and Minerals (MOM) � Ministry of Transportation (MT) � Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology (MTIT) � Environment Protection Authority (EPA) �
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