illinois youth survey student assistance program

Illinois Youth Survey & Student Assistance Program Diana - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Illinois Youth Survey & Student Assistance Program Diana Benoist, South High Coordinator, LPC, NCC Keith Bullock, North High Coordinator, LCSW, CADC Counseling and Student Services Department Objectives: Review our student participation in

  1. Illinois Youth Survey & Student Assistance Program Diana Benoist, South High Coordinator, LPC, NCC Keith Bullock, North High Coordinator, LCSW, CADC Counseling and Student Services Department

  2. Objectives: Review our student participation in the Illinois  Youth Survey (IYS) in March 2014 Present D99 IYS trend data  Celebrate positive trends and identify areas of  future focus Present information on our district-wide social  norms marketing campaign, #mostteens@d99, our evidenced-based prevention approach Review the goals and work of the Student  Assistance Program

  3. Illinois Youth Survey (IYS)  Designed and processed by the Center for Prevention Research and Development at the University of Illinois  “[The IYS is] designed to gather information about a variety of health and social indicators including substance use patterns and attitudes of Illinois youth .”  Modeled on the national Monitoring the Future survey from the University of Michigan, given since 1975

  4. Illinois Youth Survey (IYS)  Valid and Reliable  Voluntary participation biannually since 1990  Funded by the State of Illinois  D99 students surveyed in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2014

  5. Categories of Survey and Data  Student Characteristics (Demographics)  Drug Prevalence & Behaviors  Drug Use & Contributing Factors  Interpersonal Conflict, Violence & Delinquency  Academic & School Experiences  Mental, Social, & Physical Health  D99 Additional Questions

  6. Illinois Youth Survey Benefits of participating in IYS  To know and share accurate information about student needs, challenges, behaviors, and strengths  Monitor changes within adolescent population  Provides data on several topics to use for multiple purposes  Data is basis of social norms marketing/ #mostteens@d99  Helps connect to State grant-funded partnerships

  7. District 99 Student Population Surveyed  March 18, 2014, all 2 nd hour students in attendance  4,292 or more than 85% of District 99 students surveyed  All grade levels surveyed consistently  98% of surveys processed for data

  8. Data Trends to Consider and Celebrate  IYS confirms most D99 students do NOT regularly drink alcohol or use substances!  Students’ primary activities with friends are non -substance related  Statistical declines in use compared with 2008 data  2014 D99 student use lower than State of Illinois student use in 2012  D99 student alcohol and substance use generally mirrors or is lower than national, state, and county trends  Low D99 student use of illicit drugs overall, extremely low for substances such as cocaine, meth, and heroin

  9. Focus for the Future  Sustain our social norms marketing campaign  Monitor national drug trends including potential changes in perceptions and norms regarding marijuana use. Continue to educate students and families on the concerns related to marijuana use.  Inform families and students on the challenges of storing and dangers of abusing prescription drugs  Reach out to parents and families through social media

  10. Social Norms Marketing — mostteens@d99  IYS data is a vital component  Started last year with national data  Use data to inform and market to multiple audiences actual student usage, challenging inaccurate assumptions/misperceptions  Goal of reducing overall use as students seek to be part of the norm in their school community  Sustained effort — for this year will include PN/MW lessons during RRW and monthly messages

  11. SAP Prevention Efforts and Programs  Integrated efforts and programming  Red Ribbon Week: using a peer to peer teaching model and sharing our social norms message through various mediums during RRW and all year  Operation Snowball — Social Emotional Learning and life skills  Mad Dash/Rush Corp/Mustang Way Leaders and Positively North Stars — building leadership skills and capacity while supporting transitioning students

  12. SAP Prevention Efforts and Programs  SAP reaches out to all students in all tiers  Integrated with Mustang Way and Positively North  Keep healthy students healthy  Intervene with students and support families  Provide individual and group interventions  Connect students and families to community support  Support Athletic and Activity Code  Partner with other government entities and community providers

  13. #mostteens@d99

  14. #mostteens@d99

  15. Thank you for your support! Diana Benoist, South High Coordinator, LPC, NCC Keith Bullock, North High Coordinator, LCSW, CADC Counseling and Student Services Department


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