Irish Youth Foundation Youth Sector Covid-19 Response Survey March – April 2020
In late March 2020, amid the Covid-19 (Corona Virus) crisis, the Irish Youth Foundation sent out a survey to their database of over Irish Youth 700 youth groups, after-school clubs, sports clubs and Foundation – organisations serving children and young people across Ireland, with the aim to identify the effect the crisis is having on the young Covid-19 Crisis people of Ireland. Our focus was to understand what the immediate and urgent Survey issues facing these organisations, as well as predicting what the Findings long-term impact may be.
Main issues facing children and young people Mental health, isolation and loneliness are the burning issues Mental health issues (e.g. anxiety, fear, stress): 22.8% Lack of socialising/struggling with loneliness in isolation: 20% Lack of resources: 15% Maintaining routine: 10.7% Lack of education: 7.8% Inappropriate housing situations/drug and alcohol abuse in the home: 6.4% Lack of reassurance/ uncertainty of current situation: 5.7% Other: 4.2% General risk of Covid-19 and risk of spreading infection: 3.5% Inactivity: 3.5% What are the main issues and needs for the children and young people in your community currently, arising from the Covid-19 pandemic?
Long term • 50 Long term impact on mental health: 38.2% impact on 45 • Worry about getting back 40 mental health is into education/a normal 35 routine: 21.1% the area of • Loss of social 30 greatest skills/settling back into 25 normal society: 13% concern… 20 • Economic worries: 8.1% • 15 Other: 8.1% followed by • Loss of loved ones: 7.3% 10 education fall • Lack of employment 5 opportunities: 4% out 0 Worry about Long term Economic Lack of Loss of loved Loss of social Other getting back impact on worries employment ones skills/settling into mental health opportunities back into education/a normal normal society routine What do you see as the longer-term issues for the children and young people you support as a result of Covid-19?
Impact on Education 47 % say falling behind with studies and exam stress is the biggest issue for young people Falling behind in education/ worry about exams: 46.6% Not have resources at home for remote learning: 21.3% Lack of routine and engagement: 9.3% Higher rate of school leavers: 8% Lack of social interaction: 6.6.% Lack of confidence/understanding/support: 5.3% Other: 2.6% What do you see as the longer term challenges for the children and young people you support in education, as a result of Covid-19?
Impact on Health and Wellbeing 70% predict that mental and physical health issues will be areas for major concern Mental health issues (e.g. anxiety, loneliness, depression): 50% Physical issues (weight gain, poor diet): 19.5% Lack of social : 13.4% Lack of routine/motivation: 10.9% Other: 6% What do you see as the longer term challenges for the children and young people you support in health & wellbeing, as a result of Covid-19?
Impact on Skills and Employability 64% are concerned about lack of employment opportunities and/ or access to learning new skills that will arise with the inevitable recession. No employment opportunities/economic worries: 36% Lack of skills/not learning new skills: 28% Lack of motivation to find employment: 14% Lack of social skills: 12% Loss of existing jobs: 8% Other: 2% What do you see as the longer term challenges for the children and young people you support in skills & employability, as a result of Covid-19?
Overnight shift in how the sector is communicating 40 • Using social media to 35 communicate: 25% There has been • Contacting families via 30 calls/video calls: 21.3% a massive • Online support: 20.5% 25 • switch to online Still providing usual services: 14.7% support in an • 20 Unable to provide support/closure: 8.8% extremely short • 15 Other: 5.1% period – 66% • Providing food for families: 4.4% 10 5 0 Using social Still providing Online support Contacting Unable to Providing food Other media to usual services families via provide for families communicate calls/video calls support/closure How is your organisation supporting children and young people in your community in responding to Covid-19?
Fears over future support and sustainability 50 • More funding: 45% 45 45% of youth • Partnerships with other 40 workers say 35 organisations: 16% 30 • Other (e.g. toys, art supplies, that they 25 educational tools, food, 20 desperately etc.): 13% 15 • More staff: 11% 10 need additional • More volunteers: 6% 5 • No additional support funding during 0 g f s s y d ) f n . n r l a e l e c needed: 5% i o a t t d d e i c e s e t t n o e n a , e u d u s l n r i e o f o l n o l t the Covid-19 e M o b r v a • r o f g a o Better knowledge of what is , e l p M r s i r o a p l o o v u r o m a e s t h s l a t i l a n o t available locally: 4% n a o o h h i t w t i crisis…. t i i w d a c f d s o u a p e d i o h g e N s d , s r e e e l n w i l t p r o p a n u P k s r t e r t a t e , s B y o t . g . e ( r e h t O WHAT SUPPORT ARE YOU LIKELY TO NEED TO HELP CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE, BOTH ON A FINANCIAL AND PRO-BONO SERVICES BASIS?
30 • Funding may be affected: 25% 25 • Uncertainty regarding .. conversely best ways to engage 20 with young people: 42% report that 19% • lack of funding 15 Forced closure: 17% • Don’t have IT or forced infrastructure to 10 support people closure is the remotely: 11% greatest threat 5 • Other: 11% • Restricted access to to their future resources needed 10% 0 Don’t have IT Restricted Uncertainty Funding may be Restrictions on Forced closure Other • Restrictions on travel infrastructure access to regarding best affected travel may to support resources ways to engage affect may affect people needed (e.g. with young staff/volunteers remotely toys, art people staff/volunteers: 7% supplies, educational tools, food, etc.) WHAT DO YOU THINK ARE THE MAIN RISKS TO YOUR ORGANISATION?
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