identity management

IDENTITY MANAGEMENT Presentation at EuroCAMP 2009-05-17 by Roland - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IDENTITY MANAGEMENT Presentation at EuroCAMP 2009-05-17 by Roland Hedberg <> Tuesday, May 19, 2009 WHAT IS IDM ? Identity management is the management of the identity life cycle of entities. --- wikipedia

  1. IDENTITY MANAGEMENT Presentation at EuroCAMP 2009-05-17 by Roland Hedberg <> Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  2. WHAT IS IDM ? “Identity management is the management of the identity life cycle of entities.” --- wikipedia Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  3. LIFE CYCLE Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  4. STATE DIAGRAM, SIMPLIFIED HR Grace Pending New employment Not yet Active End active Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  5. WHAT IS IDM ? “Identity management is the management of the identity life cycle of entities.” --- wikipedia Identity — the very essence of who we are and how we interact with others Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  6. WHO WE ARE Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  7. HOW WE INTERACT Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  8. WHAT IS IDM ? “Identity management is the management of the identity life cycle of entities.” --- wikipedia Identity — the very essence of who we are and how we interact with others Y ou are who I say you are / I am whatever I say I am. Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  9. VIEWS MAY DIFFER Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  10. OUR NORMAL VIEW? Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  11. Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  12. FRANCIS BACON 1561-1626 knowledge of the essence of things the way things really are Ideals of the mind ideal of the tribe ( human nature ) ideal of the cave ( hobby horse, prejudice ) ideal of the market place ( social interaction, language ) ideals of the theater ( learned ) Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  13. WHAT IS IDM ? “Identity management is the management of the identity life cycle of entities.” --- wikipedia Identity — the very essence of who we are and how we interact with others Y ou are who I say you are / I am whatever I say I am. Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  14. THE INFORMATION Who owns it ? Responsibility Accountability Stability What does it mean ? Special / Universal Usage uncoupled from definition Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  15. NEXT STEP Choose a central data representation that is rich and agile enough. Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  16. OBJECTS PERSON PERSON UNIT UNIT givenName Roland name IT - unit surName Hedberg lin 7512 MSc Chemistry & Biology title MSc Mechanical Engineering Telephone Telephone extension 6844 Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  17. OBJECTS AND RELATIONS WITH METADATA PERSON PERSON UNIT UNIT givenName Roland name IT - unit surName Hedberg lin 7512 MSc Chemistry & Biology title MSc Mechanical Engineering RelatedTo Relat other Employee Employee one status active position IT - achitect extent 100.00 one Telephone Telephone other extension 6844 email Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  18. CONSTRUCT VIEWS Di ff erent applications - di ff erent needs There are so many ways of doing things, that we can not mandate one. LDAP/AD WS Provisioning T ransformation between data models Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  19. LDAP VIEWS STRUCTURED RELATIONSSHIPS (I) dc=se dc=umu cn=person cn=org uid=rohe0002 ou=admin ou=umdac Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  20. LDAP VIEWS STRUCTURED RELATIONSSHIPS (II) dc=se dc=umu cn=person cn=org cn=group uid=rohe0002 ou=admin ou=umdac ou=consult ou=production ou=support cn=members Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  21. LDAP VIEWS STRUCTURED RELATIONSSHIPS (III) dc=se dc=liu ou=students ou=personell ou=org entries ou=system accounts ou=system groups ou=Linköpings universitet ou=nilsa77d ou=unit-123 roleOccupant liuPositionIdentity=nilsa77d-ida-123-1 LiuOrgEntry Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  22. LDAP VIEW BY USE OF ATTRIBUTE OPTIONS cn: Roland Hedberg givenName: Roland uid: rohe0002 telephoneNumber;x - emp - 1: +46 90 786 68 44 telephoneNumber;x - emp - 2: +46 90 786 52 14 mail;x - emp - 1: mail;x - emp - 2: eduPersonPrincipalName: Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  23. REMAINING TASKS! Confidentiality Ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorised to have access Integrity Data cannot be modified without authorisation Availability The information must be available when it is needed Correctness/Coherence Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  24. YOU NEED SOMETHING THAT CAN START LOOKING LIKE THIS ..... System MD System Tuesday, May 19, 2009


  26. HOW? Set Strategy - A cohesive Identity Management strategy will set overall objectives and give guidance to individual projects or project phases. 1. Secure Sponsorship - Project sponsors must have a vested interest in the business objectives of the project, have spending and decision making authority, and retain a cross-functional view of the project. 2. Plan Quick Wins - By segmenting the overall solution into manageable parts, an organization can realize quick, visible business benefits. 3. Select Project Leadership - Full-time, proactive project management is essential to the implementation of an identity management strategy. 4. Define Business Process - Organizations should define as many of the end-state business processes as possible prior to designing the technology solution. 5. Select Implementation Team - Identity projects should be staffed with qualified, experienced, motivated, and dedicated resources. 6. Gain Commitment from Supporting Resources - Owners and administrators of managed resources throughout the larger organization must also be committed to identity management success. 7. Provide Proper Infrastructure - Investing in the proper technical environment for an Identity Mananagement project will ultimately pay off in reduced errors, more effective troubleshooting,and more efficient coordination of configuration components. 8. Assure Data Quality - Project managers should build time and resources into their project plans for an assessment of data quality and for remediation of any deficiencies. 9. Conduct Post Production Turnover - Following a formal process for post production turnover allows all parties to set proper expectations for ongoing support. Tuesday, May 19, 2009


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