open flight trajectories for reproducible ans performance

Open Flight Trajectories for Reproducible ANS Performance Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Open Flight Trajectories for Reproducible ANS Performance Review Enrico Spinielli, Rainer Koelle Ken Barker, Nicholas Korbey 6 th Dec 2018 (updated: Mon Dec 03 2018 @ 12:23:30) Context Performance review for all ANS in EUROCONTROL Member

  1. Open Flight Trajectories for Reproducible ANS Performance Review Enrico Spinielli, Rainer Koelle Ken Barker, Nicholas Korbey 6 th Dec 2018 (updated: Mon Dec 03 2018 @ 12:23:30)

  2. Context Performance review for all ANS in EUROCONTROL Member States (41 + 2) EU-US comparison International Studies (Brasil, China, Japan, Singapore) Flown Flight Trajectories are input for our indicators: Traffic counts (Country FIR & ANSP, ACC, ...) Horizontal Flight Efficiency Vertical Flight Efficiency (en-route, climb & descent) Additional ASMA time Traffic Complexity

  3. Principles Impartiality We do not serve any vested interest. Transparency We are open to scrutiny and willing to collaborate.

  4. Principles' Consequences Reproducibility

  5. If it ain't openly reproducible don't call it performance review ...or research ...or science

  6. Logical Architecture

  7. RT Production Pipeline Products Source Data Upload Data Quality Metrics Trajectory Assessment Events Trajectory Module Module CPR Merge Analyse Smoothed Trajectories Trajectories Trajectories Flights FR24 Refine Interpolate Production Positions Data Trajectories OSN Trajectories Cleaning APDS Metrics

  8. Geographical Scope

  9. Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF)

  10. ECEF Cross Track Distance n-vector: cross track diagram. Originaly from Chris Veness at Movable Type Ltd

  11. Trajectory projected along a Great Circle

  12. Path Distance d d b d a α r a b

  13. Path Distance of a Point Preceding Leg Current Leg Subsequent Leg Previous Point Current Point

  14. Vertical Profile altitude vs path distance

  15. Speed Profile speed vs path distance (raw)

  16. Speed Profile speed vs path distance (filtered)

  17. Processing Times (hours)

  18. Processing Monthly Cost (US$)

  19. Use Case: EGLL (Heathrow) holdings

  20. Use Case: EGLL holdings ok-ish

  21. Use Case: EGLL holdings spiky

  22. Use Case: EGLL holdings WHY spiky

  23. Repositories Reference Trajectory Repo Code Documentation, and Flown Trajectories (few days samples but growing) Spherical Vector Geometry library A header-only C++ library with Python bindings for calculating distances, angles and positions on the surface of a sphere. MIT licence

  24. Questions?

  25. Thanks!

  26. Trajectory: cross track distance exaggerated

  27. Trajectory: iteration 1

  28. Trajectory: iteration 2

  29. Trajectory: iteration 3

  30. Trajectory: extreme points

  31. Strait Leg Line Fitting Across track distance b a Along track distance

  32. A Turn between Route Legs d α α r

  33. Calculate True Radius d α θ l α r


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