learning semantic relationships of geographical areas

Learning Semantic Relationships of Geographical Areas Based on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Learning Semantic Relationships of Geographical Areas Based on Trajectories Presenter: Saim Mehmood trajectories (, , ) (spatiotemporal information of moving objects) 2 Trajectory Data Mining discovering patterns in trajectories to

  1. Learning Semantic Relationships of Geographical Areas Based on Trajectories Presenter: Saim Mehmood

  2. trajectories (𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑒) (spatiotemporal information of moving objects) 2

  3. Trajectory Data Mining

  4. discovering patterns in trajectories to inform critical real-world applications 4

  5. Trajectory Data Mining Tasks trajectory similarity trajectory clustering trajectory anomaly detection trajectory 5

  6. Trajectory Applications healthcare (detecting change in human mobility gait pattern of seniors) understanding location-based services (e.g., recommendation of points-of-interest) 6

  7. Research Questions

  8. Research Question I How people perceive different areas of their city? 8

  9. Research Question II To what extent people rely on geographical proximity of areas? 9

  10. Research Question III City of Porto New York How the behavior of people compare in different geographical space? 10

  11. Overview Method 1 Learning Semantic Relationships of Geographical Areas Method 2 Statistical Method for Distinguishing Geographical Proximity to Semantic Proximity 11

  12. Learning Semantic Relationships of Geographical Areas

  13. How can we learn latent semantic relationships between geographical areas using trajectories? 13

  14. Geographical Proximity Semantic Proximity 14

  15. 15

  16. Construction of a Uniform Grid 1 4 0 2 3 6 5 7 8 9 2 3 4 6 0 1 5 7 8 9 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 16

  17. How I Convert Trajectory Into Grid Cells? trajectory (𝑦 𝑗 , 𝑧 𝑗 , 𝑒 𝑗 ) trajectory (𝑦 π‘˜ , 𝑧 π‘˜ , 𝑒 π‘˜ ) trajectory (𝑦 𝑙 , 𝑧 𝑙 , 𝑒 𝑙 ) 17

  18. Our Approach learn relationships using network representation learning (NRL) 18

  19. Network Representation Learning (NRL)

  20. Network Representation Learning (NRL) Low-dimension space Network/Graph several network structural properties can be learned/embedded ( nodes, edges, subgraphs, graphs, … ) 20

  21. Random Walk-based NRL 3 5 3 5 3 5 8 7 6 4 5 8 8 6 6 4 4 1 1 1 1 9 9 7 3 5 8 7 6 4 5 7 1 2 2 1 3 5 8 7 6 5 2 Obtain a set of . . Input graph random walks . . . . . . 2 8 5 4 3 5 6 7 87 4 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 88 2 1 3 5 6 7 8 89 3 5 7 4 2 1 3 5 6 90 6 Treat the set of random walks as sentences 8 7 9 Learn a vector embedding for each node Feed sentences to Skip-gram NN model 21

  22. NRL in our Approach

  23. Construction of a lattice graph 1 0 edge 0 0 edge Grid Cells 1 0 23 lattice graph

  24. Trajectory as walks lattice graph 24

  25. Trajectory Permutations nodes appearing in same context window are more similar for trajectories, every node should be in the context of every other node Skip-gram (context window) shuffling m-walks m-times single walk feed walks to skip-gram NN model 25

  26. Method 1 Overview 26

  27. Statistical Method for Distinguishing Geographical Proximity to Semantic Proximity

  28. Real vs Null Hypothesis 28

  29. Real Model Real model is based on real trajectory movements over lattice graph method 1 29

  30. Null Model Null Model is based on random walks but satisfies the size constraint method 1 30

  31. Alternate Null (Intermediate) Model Intermediate model is like Null model but satisfies the constraint for each walk starting from the same node 𝑣 as Real model walks method 1 31

  32. Model Comparative Analysis how can we compare the real vs the null model? metrics for both quantitative and visual comparison 32

  33. Quantitative: Cosine Similarity 𝑀 π‘˜ (128D) 𝑀 𝑙 (128D) 𝑀 𝑗 (128D) 𝑀 𝑙 𝑀 𝑗 𝑀 π‘˜ π‘‘π‘π‘‘πœ„ 𝑀 𝑗 , 𝑀 π‘˜ β‰₯ πœ‡ 𝑏 β€œsimilar” π‘‘π‘π‘‘πœ„ 𝑀 𝑗 , 𝑀 𝑙 < πœ‡ 𝑏 β€œnot similar” 33

  34. Quantitative: Interesting Pairs of Nodes Let’s say we have two models (π‘Œ π‘π‘œπ‘’ 𝑍) π‘Œ 𝑀 𝑗 , 𝑀 π‘˜ π‘‘π‘π‘‘πœ„ 𝑍 𝑀 𝑗 , 𝑀 π‘˜ π‘‘π‘π‘‘πœ„ β€œsimilar” 34

  35. Comparing Distributions of Models Let’s say we have two Histograms (𝐼 𝐡 π‘π‘œπ‘’ 𝐼 𝐢 ) Where 𝑐 is the number of bins 35

  36. Exploratory Analysis of Models A many-to-many visualization One-to-many visualization 36

  37. Evaluation

  38. Case Study I: New York City (NYC) 38

  39. Exploratory Analysis: Many-to-Many real null intermediate 39

  40. Exploratory Analysis: One-to-Many real null intermediate 40

  41. Quantitative: Cosine Similarity 41

  42. Quantitative: Interesting Pairs of Nodes 42

  43. Distribution of Pair-wise Similarities real null intermediate no of pairs of nodes cosine similarity 43

  44. Case Study II: City of Porto 44

  45. Exploratory Analysis: Many-to-Many real null intermediate 45

  46. Exploratory Analysis: One-to-Many real null intermediate 46

  47. Quantitative: Cosine Similarity 47

  48. Quantitative: Interesting Pairs of Nodes 48

  49. Distribution of Pair-wise Similarities real null intermediate no of pairs of nodes cosine similarity 49

  50. Research Questions City of Porto New York How the behavior of people compare in different geographical space? 50

  51. Chi-Square real distance from null: πœ“ 2 = 4.0854𝑓 + 05 ≫ 0 City of New York real distance from intermediate: πœ“ 2 = 3.0426𝑓 + 05 ≫ 0 real distance from null: πœ“ 2 = 6.1697𝑓 + 05 ≫ 0 City of Porto real distance from intermediate: πœ“ 2 = 7.8492𝑓 + 05 ≫ 0 51

  52. Summary

  53. Summary of Contributions learned nodes embeddings for real and null models performed statistical Learning Semantic Relationships of analysis to distinguish Geographical Areas based on Trajectories geographical to semantic Saim Mehmood and Manos Papagelis proximity IEEE Mobile Data Management 2020 53

  54. References [Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD, 2019] β€œPredicting dynamic embedding trajectory in temporal interaction networks,” S. Kumar, X. Zhang, and J. Leskovec, pp. 1269 – 1278. [IEEE 5 th International Conference on DSAA 2018] β€œRecommendation of Points -of-Interest Using Graph Embeddings”, G. Christoforidis, P. Kefalas, A. Papadopoulos, Y. Manolopoulos. [Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD 2017] β€œPlanning bike lanes based on sharing - bikes’ trajectories,” J. Bao, T. He, S. Ruan, Y. Li, and Y. Zheng, pp. 1377 – 1386. [25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 2016] β€œLearning graph -based poi embedding for location- based recommendation,” M. Xie, H. Yin, H. Wang, F. Xu, W. Chen, and S. Wang, pp. 15 – 24. [ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 2015] β€œ Trajectory data mining: an overview,” Y. Zheng, vol. 6, no. 3, p. 29, 2015. 54

  55. Thank you!


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