ice analysis training program

ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE - PDF document

ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Boundary 1 ICE Analysis Training Program

  1. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Boundary 1

  2. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Boundary Several sub-boundaries should be Several sub-boundaries should be considered in establishing ICE considered in establishing ICE Analysis boundary. These Analysis boundary. These include: include: • Resource Boundaries • Resource Boundaries • Census Tracts • Census Tracts • Extent of Preliminary / • Extent of Preliminary / Conceptual Alternatives Conceptual Alternatives • Area of Traffic Influence • Area of Traffic Influence • State and Local Planning Areas • State and Local Planning Areas • Sewer/Water Service • Sewer/Water Service • Other • Other 2

  3. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Boundary KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER The ICE Analysis Geographical The ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary is a synthesis of many Boundary is a synthesis of many sub-boundaries into a single ICE sub-boundaries into a single ICE Analysis boundary. Analysis boundary. 3

  4. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Sub-Boundaries to Consider When Sub-Boundaries to Consider When Establishing the ICE Analysis Boundary: Establishing the ICE Analysis Boundary: Resource boundaries - Parks, forest, historic Resource boundaries - Parks, forest, historic districts, watershed and sub-watershed districts, watershed and sub-watershed boundaries, sensitive species protection areas, boundaries, sensitive species protection areas, Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, etc. Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, etc. Census tract boundaries Census tract boundaries • The census tracts which are affected by the • The census tracts which are affected by the proposed alternatives proposed alternatives • While boundaries of census tracts may • While boundaries of census tracts may change, they show areas where substantial change, they show areas where substantial growth (and resource impacts) have occurred growth (and resource impacts) have occurred in the past and are likely to occur in the in the past and are likely to occur in the future future Extent of Preliminary / Conceptual alternatives - Extent of Preliminary / Conceptual alternatives - Area that encompasses all of the Area that encompasses all of the preliminary/conceptual alternatives preliminary/conceptual alternatives 4

  5. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Factors to Consider When Establishing the Factors to Consider When Establishing the ICE Analysis Boundary - continued ICE Analysis Boundary - continued Area of traffic influence - Geographic extent to which a Area of traffic influence - Geographic extent to which a project will affect traffic levels on nearby roadways. project will affect traffic levels on nearby roadways. • In MPO areas, Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) may be • In MPO areas, Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) may be used, as well as travel demand models which can used, as well as travel demand models which can provide the percentage increase/decrease in traffic for provide the percentage increase/decrease in traffic for the alternatives. the alternatives. • The travel forecaster may also use professional • The travel forecaster may also use professional judgement in determining the limits of traffic influence, judgement in determining the limits of traffic influence, especially for non-MPO areas. especially for non-MPO areas. State and Local planning area boundaries - Special land State and Local planning area boundaries - Special land use planning areas, such as Montgomery County Planning use planning areas, such as Montgomery County Planning Areas, that may impact future land development. Areas, that may impact future land development. Sewer and water service locations - Existing and proposed. Sewer and water service locations - Existing and proposed. Other - Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Area, etc. Other - Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Area, etc. 5

  6. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Factors to Consider When Establishing the Factors to Consider When Establishing the ICE Analysis Boundary - continued ICE Analysis Boundary - continued Sub-Boundary Checklist Sub-Boundary Checklist Sub - Boundaries Considered Rationale Yes No Used to determine natural Resource boundaries environmental, cultural and socio- economic resource sub-boundaries. Recommended under SHA guidelines Census tract boundaries as a way of developing sub-boundaries for socio-economic resources. ICE Analysis boundary should be within Extent of preliminary/ the extent of the Alternatives Retained conceptual alternatives for Detailed Study. Determine if area of traffic influence Area of traffic influence extends beyond the limits considered to have cumulative effects. State and local planning area Planning boundaries that fall within the area of cumulative effects. boundaries Differentiate between public Sewer/water service locations water/sewer and private septic, and well systems. Additional boundaries that are unique to a project but should be considered Other in establishing the ICE Analysis geographical boundary. 6

  7. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Valuable Data Sources Valuable Data Sources SHA Key Data Source Description Availability Area that encompasses Alternatives Mapping � preliminary/conceptual alternatives Travel Forecasts - MPO Used to assess area of traffic influence � and/or project specific data US census data - census Used to identify areas of past and likely tract boundaries and � future growth population/employment data Used to identify watersheds/sub-watersheds, USGS Topographic Maps State/National forests and parks Department of Housing and Used to identify historic districts or sites � Community Development Used to identify wetlands, protected lands, Maryland Department of sensitive species protection areas, Natural Resources floodplains, submerged acqatic vegetation, � Technology Toolbox watersheds and Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Used to identify areas of past and projected County Master Plans � growth Used to identify areas of existing and Sewer/Water Service Plans planned service Used to identify various resources, such as County GIS Mapping watersheds, forests and parks, etc. 7

  8. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Supporting Supporting Documentation Documentation The following may be used to document and The following may be used to document and support ICE Analysis geographical boundary support ICE Analysis geographical boundary decisions: decisions: • Document graphically and in your ICE • Document graphically and in your ICE Analysis narrative how the overall ICE Analysis narrative how the overall ICE Analysis boundary is a synthesis of all sub- Analysis boundary is a synthesis of all sub- boundaries considered. boundaries considered. • Clearly record comments and • Clearly record comments and recommendations received from resource recommendations received from resource agencies to use in developing the ICE agencies to use in developing the ICE Analysis boundary. Analysis boundary. • Provide mapping showing all sub-boundaries • Provide mapping showing all sub-boundaries along with the overall synthesized ICE along with the overall synthesized ICE Analysis boundary. Analysis boundary. 8

  9. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Case Studies Case Studies • Woodrow Wilson Bridge • Woodrow Wilson Bridge • MRECAS (MD 43 Extended) • MRECAS (MD 43 Extended) 9

  10. ICE Analysis Training Program Module 2: How to Establish the ICE Analysis Geographical Boundary Woodrow Wilson Bridge Supplemental Woodrow Wilson Bridge Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement 10

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