census basics

Census Basics 2020CENSUS.GOV 2 2 1 2/27/2020 Census Data is - PDF document

2/27/2020 CENSUS 2020 and You! 2020CENSUS.GOV 1 Census Basics 2020CENSUS.GOV 2 2 1 2/27/2020 Census Data is important 3 2020CENSUS.GOV 3 Census 2020 Mailing Strategy 4 2020CENSUS.GOV 4 2 2/27/2020 Census Invitation to Respond 5

  1. 2/27/2020 CENSUS 2020 and You! 2020CENSUS.GOV 1 Census Basics 2020CENSUS.GOV 2 2 1

  2. 2/27/2020 Census Data is important 3 2020CENSUS.GOV 3 Census 2020 Mailing Strategy 4 2020CENSUS.GOV 4 2

  3. 2/27/2020 Census Invitation to Respond 5 2020CENSUS.GOV 5 New Abilities to Self Respond Internet Phone Paper Form In-person Internet and Phone: English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Tagalog, Polish, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Japanese Paper Form: English and Spanish 6 2020CENSUS.GOV 6 3

  4. 2/27/2020 Your The Census is Results of the We do not share a Confidential and Census are reported respondent’s Answers are required by Law in Statistical format personal only information or responses with any Protected other government agencies by Law Title 13 of the U.S. All Census Penalties for Employees swear to wrongful disclosure Code a lifetime oath to - Up to 5 years protect respondent imprisonment and information or a fine of $250,000 2020CENSUS.GOV 7 7 What the Census Asks… Name Phone Number Age/Date of Birth Owner/Renter Biological Sex Number of people at an address Hispanic/Latino or Spanish Origin Race/Ethnicity Other People Living or staying in in the home Relationship Whether a person lives or stays somewhere else 2020CENSUS.GOV 8 8 4

  5. 2/27/2020 The Census NEVER Asks For… Social Security Card or Driver’s License Citizenship Documents or asks about Citizenship or a passport Bank Account Information/credit cards or money Political affiliation or donation Reporting Suspected Fraud If you suspect fraud, call 800-923-8282 to speak with a local Census Bureau representative. If it is determined that the visitor who came to your door does not work for the Census Bureau, contact your local police department. 9 2020CENSUS.GOV 9 Other Questions….. 10 2020CENSUS.GOV 10 5

  6. 2/27/2020 Contact Information Justine Fischer Partnership Specialist justine.l.fischer@2020census.gov 909-615-1507 2020CENSUS.GOV 11 11 6


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