Ice and Stride [ a ]
Common User Complaints
Common User Complaints Difficult to Ice Specific Areas
Common User Complaints Difficult to Ice Inconvenience of Specific Areas Getting Ice
Common User Complaints Difficult to Ice Inconvenience of Ice Leakage Specific Areas Getting Ice
51% Did Not Ice
51% Did Not Ice 91% Want Icing Boot
Product Contract Customer Need Product Attribute Engineering Specification Ices the injury Temperature Maintain temperature < 0 ℉ Operate continuously for a Power Total power > 45 W cooling cycle Comfortable Weight Total weight < 5 lbs Keeps user & environment dry Condensation 0 mL Ease of Use Embedded Cooling Yes/No
Product Contract Customer Need Product Attribute Engineering Specification Ices the injury Temperature Maintain temperature < 0 ℉ Operate continuously for a Power Total power > 45 W cooling cycle Comfortable Weight Total weight < 5 lbs Keeps user & environment dry Condensation 0 mL Ease of Use Embedded Cooling Yes/No
Peltier/TEC Product Vision Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) Cooling side ices the injury No leakage
Key Finding: The TEC can Critical get to an adequate cold Risk temperature Temperature Layer of ice
Key Finding: Requires heat sink and forced convection Critical Risk Heat Dissipation
Key Finding: Current system runs at 14V and 3A Critical Risk Power
Market Definition User Individuals with acute foot/lower leg injuries Customer Insurance companies, distributed by hospitals $180-300 Target Selling Price
Next Steps ● Reducing size and weight ● Localized cooling ● Maintaining the icing temperature with human contact ● Market Entrance Strategy ● User Testing
Sources ● Ice vs. Heat: injury ● Heat dissipation: Thermoelectric/dp/B073J8HZR4/ref=asc_df_B073J8HZR4/?tag=hyprod- 20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198068632238&hvpos=1o7&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5653032602279774361 &hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002029&hvtargid=pla- 350015891005&psc=1
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