hydrologic feasibility of storm surge barriers to protect

Hydrologic Feasibility of Storm Surge Barriers to Protect the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hydrologic Feasibility of Storm Surge Barriers to Protect the Metropolitan NY/NJ Region Malcolm J. Bowman, PhD Roger D. Flood, PhD Douglas Hill, EngScD, PE Robert E. Wilson, PhD Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York,

  1. Hydrologic Feasibility of Storm Surge Barriers to Protect the Metropolitan NY/NJ Region Malcolm J. Bowman, PhD Roger D. Flood, PhD Douglas Hill, EngScD, PE Robert E. Wilson, PhD Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY

  2. The Threat

  3. New York City Flooding Source: Metro New York Hurricane Transportation Study, 1995

  4. Hurricane Storm Surge 21-22 September 1938 hurricane Source: N.A. Pore and C.S. Barrientos, Storm Surge, 1976

  5. Nor’easter Storm Surge 5-8 March 1962 storm Source: N.A. Pore and C.S Barrientos, Storm Surge, 1976 .

  6. 1992 Nor’easter Flooding Source: Metro New York Hurricane Transportation Study, 1995

  7. 100-Year Flood (Now) Source: V.M. Gornitz, Metropolitan East Coast Assessment, 2000

  8. NYC Rise in Sea Level 8 Mean Sea Level (m.) Observations Projection 6 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 Time (yrs.) Source: Robert J. Nicholls

  9. Flood Height vs. Return Period (by 2090s) Source: V.M. Gornitz, Metropolitan East Coast Assessment, 2000

  10. Flood Height vs. Return Period (2020s, 2050s, 2080s) Source: V.M. Gornitz, Metropolitan East Coast Assessment, 2000

  11. River Flooding • Tidal flow 10 to 100 times river flow • >50% of Hudson flow in April & May • Flooding usually in upstate NY and NJ - 29.6 ft above flood level in Troy, NY, 1996 • NJ flood-diversion tunnel into Newark Bay • Climate change possibilities - More precipitation extremes - Change in snow melt

  12. The Concept

  13. Location of Barriers

  14. Thames River Tidal Barrage

  15. Hollandsche Ijssel, The Netherlands

  16. Eastern Scheldt, The Netherlands

  17. Venice Lagoon Design

  18. East River Tide Gates (1) ~$0.5 billion Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas (1993)

  19. East River Tide Gates (2) ~$1 billion TAMS Consultants, Inc. (1993)

  20. Scenario Analysis • Type of storm (Nor’easter or hurricane) • Severity of storm • Sea level • Location of barriers • Combination of barriers closed • Sequence of barrier operations • (Possibly) barrier height & bottom changes

  21. Deliverables • Conclusion: Would storm surge barriers work? • Maps showing flooding inside and outside barriers in various scenarios • Strategies for barrier operations • Identification of trade-offs in flooding inside and outside barriers


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