apache storm

Apache Storm Christopher Little Apache Storm Alternatives Storm - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Real-time Web Marketing with Apache Storm Christopher Little Apache Storm Alternatives Storm Hadoop Spark Streaming Processing Model DAG MapReduce DAG Processing Unit Record-at-a-time Batch Mini Batch Latency Sub-second High Few

  1. Real-time Web Marketing with Apache Storm Christopher Little

  2. Apache Storm

  3. Alternatives Storm Hadoop Spark Streaming Processing Model DAG MapReduce DAG Processing Unit Record-at-a-time Batch Mini Batch Latency Sub-second High Few seconds Fault Tolerance At least once Exactly once Exactly once

  4. Architecture (cluster) Worker Supervisor Process Zookeeper Worker Supervisor Process Nimbus Worker Process Zookeeper Supervisor Worker Process

  5. Architecture (cluster) Worker Supervisor Process Zookeeper Worker Supervisor Process Nimbus Worker Process Zookeeper Supervisor Worker Process

  6. Architecture (work) Spout Bolt Bolt Bolt Spout Bolt

  7. Architecture (work) ( x , y , z ) Spout Bolt Bolt Bolt Spout Bolt

  8. Architecture (work) ( x , y , z ) Spout Bolt x3 x3 Bolt x1 Bolt x5 Spout Bolt x10 x8

  9. Example Topology - Wordcount Spout Split Count x5 x8 x12 ( “Mary had a ( “Mary” ) ( “Mary”, 1 ) little Mary” ) ( “had” ) ( “had”, 1 ) ( “a” ) ( “a”, 1 ) ( “little” ) ( “little”, 1 ) ( “Mary” ) ( “Mary”, 2 )

  10. Example Topology - Wordcount Spout Split Count x5 x8 x12 ( “Mary had a ( “Mary” ) ( “Mary”, 1 ) little Mary” ) ( “had” ) ( “had”, 1 ) ( “a” ) ( “a”, 1 ) ( “little” ) ( “little”, 1 ) ( “Mary” ) ( “Mary”, 2 )

  11. Example Topology - Wordcount Shuffle() Group ( 0 ) Spout Split Count x5 x8 x12 ( “Mary had a ( “Mary” ) ( “Mary”, 1 ) little Mary” ) ( “had” ) ( “had”, 1 ) ( “a” ) ( “a”, 1 ) ( “little” ) ( “little”, 1 ) ( “Mary” ) ( “Mary”, 2 )

  12. Application

  13. “there is a strong relationship between gaze position and cursor position ” - Chen et al. (2001)

  14. Web Analytics Spout JavaScript Heat Map Client Event Stream Realtime Processing - Clicks - Filtering - Mouse movements - Windowing - Scroll event - Aggregation - Form interaction - Links followed

  15. Session Windowing Example (k1, (v1, 13:02)) (k1, (v1, [13:02, 13:32])) ParDo (k2, (v2, 13:14)) (k2, (v2, [13:14, 13:44])) (k1, (v3, 13:57)) (k1, (v3, [13:57, 14:27])) AssignWindows (k1, (v4, 13:20)) (k1, (v4, [13:20, 13:50])) GroupByKey w s o d i n W e r g M e (k1, ([(v1, [13:02, 13:32]) (k1, ([v1, v4], [13:02, 13:50])) ParDo ,(v3, [13:57, 14:27]) (k1, ([v3], [13:57, 14:27])) ,(v4, [13:20, 13:50])])) MergeWindows (k2, ([v2], [13:14, 13:44])) (k2, ([(v2, [13:14, 13:44])]))

  16. Real-time Web Marketing with Apache Storm Christopher Little


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