humanity first student organization at riverside high

Humanity First Student Organization at Riverside High School Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Humanity First Student Organization at Riverside High School Meeting September 12, 2017 Agenda 1. Introductions & Attendance 2. Registration Forms 3. Hurricane Harvey Donation Drive 4. Plan for this year 5. Board Member Application

  1. Humanity First Student Organization at Riverside High School Meeting September 12, 2017

  2. Agenda 1. Introductions & Attendance 2. Registration Forms 3. Hurricane Harvey Donation Drive 4. Plan for this year 5. Board Member Application

  3. attendance

  4. Registration form - If you have your registration form today, please turn it in now, or at the end of the meeting to Zohaa Ahmad or Ms. McNeil. - If you need a new registration form please raise your hand! - If you have any questions or comments regarding the form or the fee, feel free to visit myself, the board members, or Ms. M after the meeting.

  5. Hurricane Harvey Donation Drive - We are currently hosting the Hurricane Harvey Victim Relief Drive.

  6. How are our projects going to work this year? - Each board member is going to lead a specific project. - Each board member will coordinate and manage her specific project, recruit project team members, and ensure the successful implementation and completion of the project. - Each member needs to sign up for at least one project that they would like to help out on. - 100% of your effort needs to go each project! - For certain projects, you may earn volunteer hours from NHS, SNHS, Key Club, etc.

  7. Chick-fil-a Spirit night - Project lead TBD - Time frame: October- November 14th - Stay tuned for information from the HFSO board member in charge of this fundraiser.

  8. Carnation Fundraiser - Project lead TBD - Time frame: Beginning of January-February 14th

  9. Blood drive - Two project leads TBD - Time Frame: End of February- April 11th

  10. Local Volunteering Projects - Project lead TBD - Ideas include projects in the Northern Virginia & D.C. area - Homeless Shelter was an important part of our club last year.

  11. Board member applications - Board Member applications are being sent out TODAY. - There are two ways to find the application: 1. on the Humanity First website under the Board Member Application tab 2. Check your e-mail as we will be sending them out.

  12. Questions? Comments? Ideas? Concerns?

  13. Thank you for being here today!


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