watch/?v=X2Q_udvSakg#Col umbia_FSAE_Metlife_Stadiu m_Autocross
Making R acecars Go Faster with R Matthew Sheridan
Overview 1. Vehicle Dynamics 2. Some Stats 3. Results!
Ways to Make a Racecar Fast
Big Engine
Really Good Downforce
Downforce Gone Bad
High Power Low Drag
Lower Drag Even Lower Power
Bolt is not grip limited right now…
Sliding = Slow
Cool, but Slow
Formula SAE Course
We care most about Lateral Grip -Tune to Win
What about weight? No Area Term? Coefficient of Static Friction varies with weight, pressure, temperature, and camber angle
Camber Angle
Want max grip while also having drivable car -Tune to Win
I Don’t Trust Software that’s not R
Printer + Pen + Scanner + MS Paint
Magic Formula y = sy+Dsin(C atan(B(x+sx)-E(B(x+sx)-atan(B(x+sx))))) • y = side force output, x = slip angle input • Sy = vertical shiff, sx = horizontal shift • B = Slope from origin • C = horizontal bounds of sin wave • D = peak value • E = curvature factor
But in a billion dimensions nah….
KNN Regression
Local Regression
Thin Plate Smoothing Spline • Actual MAGIC! • Minimizes cross-validated residuals while also minimizing number knots in splines • MGCV Package Simon Wood
Nonlinear Least Squares on Magic Formula
Trying GAM Y = s(SA) + fz * SA^n
Loess, Locfit
More Locfit Turn nearest neighbor value to n = 0.1
Play with NN
KNN Regression
Comparison of Tires
Camber Interpolation
Why don’t you try interpolating FZ too?
Scale the Z
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