how to design email lead nurturing programs that drive

How to Design Email Lead Nurturing Programs that Drive Sales Brian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How to Design Email Lead Nurturing Programs that Drive Sales Brian Carroll, InTouch Thursday, January 21, 2010 The Case for Lead Nurturing 80% of marketing leads wind up Lost Ignored Discarded Long-term leads (future

  1. How to Design Email Lead Nurturing Programs that Drive Sales Brian Carroll, InTouch Thursday, January 21, 2010

  2. The Case for Lead Nurturing • 80% of marketing leads wind up… – Lost – Ignored – Discarded • Long-term leads (future opportunities), often ignored by salespeople, represent 77% of potential sales! • 73% of companies have no process for re- qualifying and revisiting business leads

  3. Lead Nurturing Defined Lead nurturing is a relevant and consistent dialog with viable potential customers, regardless of their timing to buy.

  4. Connecting Marketing and Sales Pipeline Lead Generation: Teleprospecting, Events, Email Campaigns, Podcasts, Website, etc Qualify Inquiries (Level 1) Marketing Nurture (Level 2) Pipeline Sales Ready Leads CRM Huddles Closed Loop Distribute and Handoff Feedback & Reporting Sales Pursuit Return Leads For Opportunities Re-engagement Customers Sales Pipeline Measure ROI Customers Source: Lead Generation for the Complex Sale (McGraw-Hill)

  5. Lead Nurturing Case Study Befor ore e Lead Resul ults ts Nurturin uring ฀ Generated more activity, same results ฀ Marketing felt leads go in “black hole” ฀ Sales didn’t pursue early stage leads ฀ Unable to consistently measure ROI Actio ion taken: : ฀ Nurture early stage and past leads not touched by sales

  6. Lead Nurturing Case Study Befor ore e Lead Resul ults ts Nurturin uring ฀ Majority early stage leads actively ฀ Generated more activity, same results nurtured - Grew from 0% to 60% ฀ Marketing felt leads go in “black hole” ฀ 375% growth in sales ready leads ฀ Sales didn’t pursue early stage leads ฀ 200% more opportu tunities ities in sales ฀ Unable to consistently measure ROI pipelin ine ฀ $6 million n in addition onal l sales pipeline e growth in 12 months Actio ion taken: : ฀ Results achieved with budget ฀ Re-engage and nurture early stage reallocation not budget increase and past leads not touched by sales What at yo you need d to understand: erstand: Nurturing leads with relevant communication and multiple touches increases conversion.

  7. 5 Steps to Successful Email Lead Nurturing 1. Understand your audience 2. Develop your messaging strategy 3. Build your lead nurturing library 4. Execute multimodal and multi-track 5. Track and measure engagement

  8. Step 1: Understand Your Audience Ideal Customer Profile Workshop – Industry – Company Situation – Trigger events – Sphere of influence Tip: Review and interview your best clients and prospects first. What do they share in common?

  9. Step 2: Develop Your Messaging Strategy Who’s How deep involved in do you want the buying to go? process?

  10. Message Development Who’s involved in the buying process? • What is their functional role / job function? • What are their priorities and challenges? • What industry are they in? • How do they work? • What are their anticipated needs? Tip: Talk to your sales team and interview them on what they are hearing.

  11. Message Map Based on Role (Relevant) Long sales cycles External pressures Commoditization Fewer sales opportunities Improve account penetration Increase sales team's selling time Increase revenue VP Sales VP Sales Shorten average sales cycle Build a predictable sales pipeline Improve sales effectiveness Improve sales Help sales team get to executives effectiveness Ramp up new sales people Retain and motivate sales force

  12. Step 3: Build Your Lead Nurturing Library Resource: "Thought leadership for Lead Nurturing" (content strategy)

  13. Step 4: Execute Multi- Modal and Multi-Track

  14. Lead Nurturing Flow Continue to call other leads Segment Lead Re-engage Send previously Lists for #1 unreachable Nurturing Tracks: After each send: Call Role* leads w/active touch points to qualify & Industry* Nurturing Send offer follow-on content #2 Size* Geography* Pass leads with Source* ULD match to Sales with Recency* Conversational Nurturing Send (*if known) Brief #3

  15. Lead Nurturing Track Track 1 Email and Related Article Content Article about automation for better IT productivity Step 1 Article about how automation ends the IT time monopoly Step 2 Article about elevating IT power with remote control Step 3 Article about simplifying IT endpoint management Step 4 Article: IT manages shifts in user preferences Step 5 Application virtualization improves IT efficiency Step 6 IT efficiency can boost business growth Step 7 Article: IT Excellence is a Business Service Step 8 Complexity - Peel the Onion of Endpoint Security Risks Step 9 Progressive Lead Movement Across Buying Stages • Touch • Touch • Touch • Touch 1 2 3 4 • Track • Track • Track • Track • Follow- • Follow- • Follow- • Follow- Up Up Up Up

  16. Multi-track Lead Nurturing IT Manager Q1 2010 Month 1 Relevant white paper via e-mail with voice mail Month 2 Link to relevant expert podcast via e-mail with follow-up call Month 3 Invitation to webcast via e-mail with follow-up call IT Director Q1 2010 Month 1 3rd party article on virtualization via e-mail and voice mail Month 2 3rd party article on server consolidation via e-mail with follow-up Month 3 Link to relevant IDC analyst podcast via e-mail with follow-up call CIO Track Q1 2010 Month 1 Free executive report via direct mail with follow-up call Month 2 Invitation to executive rountable via e-mail with follow-up call Month 3 Link to relevant Podcast via e-mail with follow-up voicemail

  17. Lead Nurturing Execution Touch 1 Reengagement Calls Earl rly y to past leads Leads Telep leprosp rospectin cting to engage non-re resp sponsiv sive leads Touch 2 TDM BDM TDM BDM BDM emai ail emai ail Follow w email emai ail & & & & on on articl cle e articl cle Offe fers #1 #1 #1 #1 • Telep leprosp rospectin cting to engage non-re resp sponsiv sive leads Touch 3 TDM BDM TDM BDM BDM emai ail emai ail Qualifie ified Follow w emai ail emai ail & & & articl cle e Leads s to on on articl cle #2 #2 Offe fers Sale les #2 #2 • Telep leprosp rospectin cting to engage non-re resp sponsiv sive leads Touch 4 TDM BDM TDM BDM emai ail emai ail Follow w emai ail emai ail & & & & on on articl cle articl cle Offe fers #3 #3 #3 #3 • Telep leprosp rospectin cting to engage non-re resp sponsiv sive leads

  18. Sample Email #1 Template Subject: Article about how automation ends the IT time monopoly driven Pat, Send article of I thought this article about the increased control IT gains from automation would interest be relevant to helping your team get more done. Imagine the impact of faster company-wide synchronization, less worries about your IT infrastructure and the added productivity your team can bring to strategic projects. Integrate w/ Read this article, “Give IT More Time” CRM Take a look and let me know if you have any questions. If you can use more time to deliver on strategic objectives, we have a suite of tools to help. Personalize from assigned Best regards, Rep Mike Jones

  19. Sample Email #2

  20. Invite Interactions • Clickthrough • Follow the Story • Reply • Refer • Register • Tweet / Retweet

  21. Step 5: Measure Engagement • Email interactions (opens, clicks and replies) • Website visits (product or service pages) • Collateral downloads (registration or clicks) • Event attendance (webinar, tradeshow) • Request info (contact us form, email request) erstand: Lead engagement doesn’t What at yo you need d to understand: equal sales readiness! Use lead engagement to prioritize human touch follow-up.

  22. Takeaways • Co- create lead nurturing process with sales’ input • Start collecting your lead nurturing content now • Don’t start until you have at least 3 touches planned • Test each email touch • Don’t rely on email only for lead nurturing Now let’s address some of your specific questions….

  23. Credits/Thank You Brian an Carr rrol oll, l, CEO InTouc ouch 651. 1.25 255. 5.76 7600 00 x6 x640 bcarrol roll@st @start rtwithalea Other er lead d generation eration resour sources: ces: www.startwithalead .com www.leadgenerationb http:/ ://blog /blog.startw .startwithale .com http://www.linkedi com/gro groupR upRegis egistrat ration?gid= on?gid=19 1941474 41474


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