How it started, where we hope it is going
Knowledgeable and informed persons started meeting in 2013 to discuss the watershed Nooksack Tribe Natural Resources Department successfully applied for a competitive grant from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in 2014 to voluntarily evaluate the watershed The grant supported research and planning for watershed and salmon restoration in the face of changing climate conditions
“…to form a Project Team that will develop a public involvement plan and implement a public outreach program.”
Initial Project Planning Team began meeting in mid 2015 “Technical steering committee” People familiar with on-the-ground restoration and conservation efforts in the South Fork The Team designed the following process:
FIRST: Interest Groups Forestry, Fisheries, Farming, Recreation, Govt., Transportation – what are their common interests and concerns? SECOND: Community Meeting and Survey What are Residents’ common interests and concerns? THIRD: Watershed Group All residents and landowners interested in watershed planning, and willing to work with their neighbors in good faith.
GOAL Create a report that • describes the watershed • analyzes the problems • describes ways to address the problems as fairly and equitably as possible
COMPONENTS Issues – What the research tells us Interests of the community Possible solutions and strategies Opportunities for voluntary action Resources to support voluntary action • Draft to be presented to the Watershed Group prior to March 29 th meeting
Build common understanding and trust “Vet” the Watershed Conservation Plan Determine where to go next… should we: • Create a more comprehensive “Community Watershed Plan” that address more of the issues that have been raised? • Continue meeting to discuss issues and serve as a sounding board for other plans and studies in the future? • Other options? Please provide us with your feedback
Audio Recordings of our Meetings • On KAVZ lpfm – our local radio station 102.5 fm • On the website: Packets/Notes • On the website: • Updates sent to a list of 300+ people who said they want to be kept informed Planning Team Meetings • The next meeting hasn’t been scheduled yet, but we will let people know, if they’d like to come and observe. Notes from those meetings will be on the website as well.
Additionally feel free to contact: • Oliver Grah – Project Manager • Holly O’Neil – Co-Project Manager
Thank you for being part of making this process better In the interest of time, please jot down any additional questions/suggestions/concerns on your Worksheet We will keep addressing concerns and adjusting the process to make it work for everyone We want this project to be successful for everyone
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