Healthy Schools QACPS Wellness Policies and Practices Willie Waits Supervisor of Instruction Queen Anne’s County Public Schools 1
Outcomes: To communicate the feedback/results of the statewide review of QACPS wellness policy. To highlight district and school wellness initiatives. 2
Maryland Wellness Policies and Practices Project (WPPP)
Maryland Wellness Policies and Practices Project (WPPP) Goal: To enhance opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity for Maryland students by helping schools and school systems create and implement strong and comprehensive written wellness policies.
Quality Impact LWP Enhanced Improved Child Written LWPs Federal Implementation Opportunities Health & (School Legislation (System & for Health and Academic System) School) Wellness Performance Feedback to School Implementation Systems Build Spring Wellness Monitor Meeting Communicate Technical Recommendations Assistance
Maryland Wellness Policies & Practices Project: 2012-2013 Survey Components Strength and Comprehensiveness of Written Wellness Policies Statewide School System Implementation of Wellness Policies and Practices School-Level Implementation of Wellness Policies and Practices School-Level School Health Councils 6
Quality of Written Wellness Policy Queen Anne’s County vs. Maryland School Systems (Mean Score) Comprehensiveness Scores: 100 100 100 100 96 93 88 90 80 72 70 61 WellSAT Weighted Score 57 57 60 53 50 42 40 30 20 10 0 Nutrition Education & USDA Child Nutrition Competitive and Other Foods Physical Education & Physical Evaluation Overall Score Wellness Promotion Programs & Beverages Activity Comprehensiveness Queen Anne's Comprehensiveness MD
Quality of Written Wellness Policy Queen Anne’s County vs. Maryland School Systems (Mean Score) Strength Scores: 100 100 89 90 80 74 71 70 64 60 50 44 38 40 34 30 28 30 23 20 14 10 0 Nutrition Education & Wellness USDA Child Nutrition Programs Competitive and Other Foods & Physical Education & Physical Evaluation Overall Score Promotion Beverages Activity Strength Queen Anne's Strength MD
Implementation: Schools School Administrator Survey Targeting: “ The person who had the responsibility of supporting implementation of wellness policies in our schools, preferably an administrator” State-Wide Response Rate 56% (757/1356) Queen Anne’s County Response Rate 86% (12/14)
School-Level Implementation of Wellness Policies & Practices % of School Administrators reporting that Queen Maryland their School System… Anne’s had a school health council to address 25% 47% general health and wellness issues provides technical assistance to schools for 25% 28% evaluating local wellness policy implementation in schools. provides public updates on the content and 25% 36% implementation of local wellness policies. has a mechanism in place to encourage 33% 43% teachers and school health professionals to participate in developing and updating local wellness policies. 10
School-Level Implementation of Wellness Policies & Practices % of School Administrators reporting that their School Queen Marylan System… Anne’s d monitors implementation of the local wellness policy. 36% 29% provides annual progress reports to the school 73% 20% system on school-level implementation of local wellness policies. communicates the status of school-level 18% 27% implementation of local wellness policies to school staff and/or parents and families. provides opportunities for parent and/or student 9% 15% input on wellness policy implementation. has secured funds from the school system or 0% 22% outside/private funds to support nutrition and physical activity priorities for students and staff. has activities involving families to support and 9% 21% promote healthy eating and physical activity among students. has integrated nutrition and physical activity goals 36% 18% into the overall school improvement plan.
Implementation: Schools % of School Administrators reporting that their School Queen Anne’s Maryland System… County had a school health council to address general health and 25% 47% wellness issues % of School Administrators reporting that their Queen Anne’s Maryland County School… monitors implementation of the local wellness policy. 36% 29% has integrated nutrition and physical activity goals into 36% 18% the overall school improvement plan.
Implementation: Schools School-Level School Health Councils Maryland Queen Anne's County % with a School Health Council % with a School 25% 47% Health Council % without a 53% % without a School School Health 75% Health Council Council Compared to schools without a school health council in place, schools with a school health council or wellness team were more likely to • monitor the implementation of the local wellness policy • integrate nutrition and physical activity goals into the overall school improvement plan.
Recommendations: Recommendations: System Level Implementation School Level Implementation __________________________________________________ Build Build 1. Maintain a system-level school health council that is broadly representative of the system and community . 1. Establish a school based wellness team, with a 2. Identify resources to fund a position/stipend to support designated coordinator, that is broadly representative of the implementation of wellness policy provisions school and community. 3. Develop wellness policy implementation and monitoring plans and communicate them to students, families, and the 2. Develop school wellness goals and implementation community plans that connect with school improvement team goals. 4. Train administrators and staff to support designing, implementing, promoting and evaluating wellness policies 3. Identify resources to support implementation of wellness policy provisions at the school. Communicate 5. Report Wellness Policy goals and action steps to the Local Communicate School Board regularly. 4. Communicate and promote the importance of healthy 6. Communicate school system’s wellness initiatives with eating and physical activity for students, families, and the school-level wellness councils and school administrators. community. 7. Inform the public regarding progress in wellness Monitor policy implementation and wellness practices 5. Gather and report school-level data on wellness policy Monitor implementation. 8. Conduct regular wellness policy meetings to review and revise wellness policies. 9. Measure semi annually or annually the progress made in attaining the goals of the school system wellness policy. 10. Provide school-level guidance and technic al assistance on the evaluation and reporting of wellness policy implementation .
Health Education: Instructional Program Elementary PreK-5: Nutrition education topics are integrated within the physical education programs. Grades 6-8: Health education is being taught using the MSC for Health. Grades 9-12: The nutrition education programs focus on students’ eating behaviors based on effective research that is consistent with the state’s/district’s health education standards/guidelines/framework. 15
Health & Wellness Initiatives Food Supplement Nutrition Education University of Maryland Extension Uma Borkar, Family and Consumer Sciences (Nutrition) The Wellness Connection QAC Health Department Dr. Joseph Ciotola, Health Officer Iris Carter, R.N.C., B.S.N., Wellness Connection Coordinator Margaret C. Kaufman, R.N., B.S.N., School Health Program Coordinator Citizen CPR Training for Teachers QAC Health Department Dr. Joseph Ciotola, Health Officer National School Lunch Program New Food Guidelines Sodexo Education: General Manager Queen Anne's County Board of Education 16
The End 17
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