hatching results for fort smith public schools

Hatching Results for Fort Smith Public Schools November 18, 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hatching Results for Fort Smith Public Schools November 18, 2019 Based in CA, serving districts/counties nationwide What We Do Comprehensive, districtwide professional development for school counselors and administrators Keynote

  1. Hatching Results for Fort Smith Public Schools November 18, 2019

  2. Based in CA, serving districts/counties nationwide What We Do ● Comprehensive, districtwide professional development for school counselors and administrators ● Keynote speaking ● School counseling academy cohorts ● School counseling program handbook ● Consulting/executive coaching ● Online learning ● Grant writing and evaluation ● Podcast, blog, newsletters, and more! Dr. Trish Hatch Co-author of the ASCA www.hatchingresults.com #NSCLC2019 National Model

  3. The School Counselor’s Role American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National Model Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain System of Supports (MTMDSS)

  4. How do school counselors deliver services to students?

  5. Introduction to MTMDSS www.hatchingresults.com/videos

  6. Franchising Curriculum ● 80% is consistent across the district ○ Developmental in nature ○ Preventative in design ○ Comprehensive in scope ● 20% based on local needs ○ School data (i.e. discipline referrals, student surveys) ○ Current trends (i.e. cyberbullying, Tide Pod Challenge) ○ School initiatives (i.e. related to culture and climate)

  7. School Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons

  8. Fleshing it out… *Example* bit.ly/SAMPLE T1ACTIONPLAN

  9. Strategic Planning for HR Trainings ACTIO ACTIO ACTIO N N N PERIO PERIO PERIO PD #1 PD #3 PD #2 D D D Oct. 28-29, 2019 Feb. 3-4, 2020 April 20-21, 2020 What meetings happen in between PD to support work? Adapted from CORE, 2019

  10. Suggested Homework/Next Steps: National School Create and Deliver a Lesson w/ Results • Counseling Plan to Start Core Curriculum Action Plan • Week! School Counselor Handbook • Annual Calendar • Suggested Reading - Ch. 1, 5, 7 •

  11. Arkansas Act 190: Required Elements – August 1, 2020 Belief Statements - District Vision Statements - District Mission Statements - District SMART Goals - includes strategies, action steps and data Process in Providing Direct Student Services Process in Providing Indirect Student Services (Action Plans) (Collaboration; Time Tracking Tools) Description of Administrative Activities Annual Calendar for School Counseling Program Providing Multi-Tiered Services to Student Overview of Career Planning Activities (ISP, (MTMDSS) School-Wide, Core Curriculum) Procedures for Students At-Risk of Dropping Out Data Sharing Plan (Tier 2/3 Data Interventions)

  12. Exciting Staff Development Feedback! ● Conversation and collaboration between school counselors and admin! ● Listening to the needs of the school counselors! ● Being able to talk to my school counselor and discuss the learning together so we are on the same page! ● The opportunity to discuss how I can better support my school counselors and their roles they play in the school! ● Getting to come together as a district to collaborate! ● Opportunity for us to develop a meaningful counseling department that impacts ALL students!


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