group 8

Group 8 Mapping the reading circuitry for skilled pre- and post- - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Group 8 Mapping the reading circuitry for skilled pre- and post- lingual deaf Chinese readers: An fMRI study of semantic and phonological processing Chan Tsz Chung Li Wang Yau So Hung Chak Tsoi Ching Yin 1 Introduction Introduction

  1. Group 8 Mapping the reading circuitry for skilled pre- and post- lingual deaf Chinese readers: An fMRI study of semantic and phonological processing Chan Tsz Chung Li Wang Yau So Hung Chak Tsoi Ching Yin 1

  2. Introduction Introduction Phonological processing for deaf people? ERP Studies? How about fMRI studies? Mapp pping ng the e readi ding circui cuitry ry for skilled illed deaf f readers ders: An fMRI stu tudy dy of semant antic c and d pho hono nolog ogical cal proces ocessing sing (Emmorey et al. ,2013) Research Question: Chine inese se? Time e of deafness afness? 2

  3. Hypothesis Hypothesis Normal Hearing Post-lingual Hearing Pre-lingual Hearing Overall Degree of Activation Control Impaired Impaired Normal Hearing Post-lingual Hearing Pre-lingual Hearing Degree of Activation in Control Impaired Impaired Semantic Processing Normal Hearing Post-lingual Hearing Pre-lingual Hearing Degree of Activation in Control Impaired Impaired Phonological Processing Normal Hearing Control: Similar to previous study Region Involved in Post-lingual Hearing Impaired: Auditory remain Phonological Processing Pre-lingual Hearing Impaired: No auditory region involved 3

  4. Methodology Participants - Selection Criteria Pre-lingual Hearing Impaired Post-lingual Hearing Impaired Normal Hearing Control Deaf BEFOR ORE speech and Deaf AFTER ER speech and No Hearing Loss language development language development Sever ere e to Prof ofound und Hearing Loss (more than 70dBHL) Without hout Any Hearing Device Consist sistent ent in the way of daily communication 4

  5. Methodology Participants - Selection Criteria Post-lingual Hearing Normal Hearing Control Pre-lingual Hearing Impaired Impaired Right-handed No other mental or emotional disorders and/or biological disabilities Normal or corrected-to-normal vision 5

  6. Methodology Participants - Test Pre-lingual Hearing Impaired Post-lingual Hearing Impaired Normal Hearing Control Quest stionnai nnaire re on Reading ding Prefe ference ence and Habits (Emmorey et al. ,2013) IQ Test st - Raven's Progressive Matrices (Raven ’ s) (Yeung, Ho, Wong, Chan, Chung, & Lo, 2012) Readi ding ng Ability y Test st - Standardized Graded Character Naming Test (GCNT) (Leung, Chang, & Kwan, 2007) Vocabul abular ary Test st - The Hong Kong Cantonese Receptive Vocabulary Test (Wong, Ciocca, & Yung, 2009) st - Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Phonol ologi gica cal Awarene eness ss Test Writing (HKT-SpLD; Ho, Chan, Tsang, & Lee, 2000) 6

  7. Methodology Experimental design - Setting Scanner room Control room James, J. S., Rajesh, P. G., Chandran, A. V., & Kesavadas, C. (2014). fMRI paradigm designing and 27 post-processing tools. The Indian journal of radiology & imaging , 24 (1), 13.

  8. Methodology Experimental design - Materials Task k 1. The rhyme me judge dgement ment task(Serge Sergent nt et al., 1992 92) ) -- -- phonolo nologica gical l proc oces essing ing ▪ To judge whether two words are rhyme or not ▪ 112 pairs (half rhyme and half non-rhyme) ▪ Number of strokes : 5-15 strokes per each word ▪ Frequency and age of acquisition ( Hong Kong Chinese Lexical Lists for Primary Learning ) ▪ Consonants vary 巫 (witch) /mou21/ 袍 (robe) /p h ou21/ Rhyme ▪ Examples: 沙 (sand) /sa:55/ 花 (flower) /fa:55/ Rhyme /ts ʰ y:23/ 雨 (rain) /jy:23/ 柱 (pillar) Rhyme 弟 (brothers) /tɐi33/ 包 (bun) /pa:u55/ Not rhyme 符 (symbol) /fu:21/ 書 (book) /sy:55/ Not rhyme 8

  9. Methodology Experimental design - Materials Task k 2. The category tegory decis cision ion task k (living ving or non-livi living) ng) (Wagn gner r et al., 1997) ) -- -- sema mantic ntic proce cessing ing ▪ 112 disyllabic vocabularies (half are living things, half are non-living ▪ Number of strokes : 5-15 strokes per each word ▪ Frequency and age of aquisition ( Hong Kong Chinese Lexical Lists for Primary Learning ) ▪ Examples: /sy:t2 t ʰ i:u25/ 雪條 (ice-cream) Non-living /ts ʰ ɛ:ŋ55 wa:55/ 青蛙 (frog) Living 狐狸 (fox) /wu:21 lei21/ Living 恤衫 (shirt) /sɵt55 sa:m55/ Non-living /hei3 k ʰ ɐu21/ 氣球 (ballon) Non-living 9

  10. Methodology Experimental design - Materials Task k 3. Baseline line Task-- -- control trol ▪ 112 pairs (half are same size, half are different size) ▪ Number of strokes : 5-15 strokes per each word ▪ Frequency and age of aquisition ( 「香港小學學習字詞研究」 ) ▪ Examples: 狗 狗 ; 桌桌 10 10

  11. Methodology Experimental design - Procedure Experimental design : Block design +Time The The rhyme The category baseline judgement Fixation Rest decision task Rest Rest Rest task task (experimental) 15s 15s 15s 42s 15s (experimental) (control) 42s 42s 42s Remind the participants what they need to consider in Signal 3s Signal 3s Signal 3s Signal 3s the next 42s 大小相同 ? 生物 ? 押韻 ? 凝望 (Size?) (Living?) (Rhyme?) Fixation 11

  12. The Methodology Experimental design - Procedure rhyme judgeme nt task 42s ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reponse must 2s 2s 2s 2s 2s 2s be given in 3s s s s s s s in each stimulus fMRI images Yes are also No captured Experimental materials of first stimulus A question mark appears, remind the appear on the screen and participants participants to give response within 2s can give response 1 2s s 巫 袍 ? 12

  13. Methodology Experimental design - Procedure The rhyme The The category judgement Fixation Rest Rest baseline Rest Rest decision task task 15s 15s task 15s 42s 15s 42s 42s 42s Mirror Mirror Fixation is given for the participants to stop processing words ,and thus the brain activities (blood flow) turn back to normal → ready for next cycle 13

  14. Methodology Experimental design - Procedure Cycle 2 The rhyme The The category judgement Fixation Rest baseline Rest Rest Rest decision task task 15s task 15s 15s 42s 15s 42s 42s 42s Two experimental conditions and the control block will be reordered in the next cycle ( the order in the previous cycle is different from that in the current cycle  Avoid participant’s prediction and habitual response !! 14

  15. Methodology Experimental design - Procedure Cycle 4 After Cycle 4: a 10 minutes short break is The rhyme The The category given →participants’ tiredness and judgement Fixation Rest baseline Rest Rest Rest decision task task 15s task 15s 15s 42s 15s boringness may affect the results 42s 42s 42s Cycle 8 The rhyme The The category Cycle 8:Finish!! judgement Fixation Rest baseline Rest Rest Rest decision task 15 task 15s task 15s 15s 42s 15s 42s 42s 42s

  16. Methodology Experimental design - Trial Video link : d_pfxSTjifTZBoPOpoOU9/view?usp=sharing Trials The rhyme The The category judgement Fixation Rest Rest baseline Rest Rest decision task task 15s 15s task 15s 42s 15s 42s 42s 42s ● Trial(s) will be given before the experimental materials present ● Accuracy is monitored. If three wrong responses are given, the whole set of trials will be repeated. ● fMRI images are not captured ● Similar to experimental cycle but the materials used in trials will not be reused as experimental stimuli. ○ Make sure the participants know what they should do in the experiment 16

  17. Methodology Measurement The Non- Fixation baseline linguistic data processing The rhyme Phonologic Non- Fixation judgement linguistic al processing data processing Non- The category Semantic Fixation linguistic decision data processing processing 17

  18. Methodology Measurement Degre ree of Activation React action ion Accurac racy activation Regions Time Implication 1 Mapping processing with brain region, espeically in hearin ring impai paired ed 2 If post st-ling lingual al hearing-impaired had the similar activation as normal rmal hear arin ing Audio input does help reading Practicality of hearing device in reading 18

  19. Limitaion Limitation Large range of age Participants Hard to find participants Orthographic structure Stimuli Number of strokes Unclear boundaries between regions Brain Regions “ Suggested ” functions of regions 19


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