what is group w are soft w are sp e ci c al ly designed

What is group w are? Soft w are sp e cic al ly designed - PDF document

What is group w are? Soft w are sp e cic al ly designed to supp ort group w orking with co op erativ e requiremen ts in mind NOT just to ols for comm unication Group w are can b e classied b

  1. What is group w are? Soft w are sp e ci�c al ly designed to supp ort group w orking � with co op erativ e requiremen ts in mind � NOT just to ols for comm unication Group w are can b e classi�ed b y when and wher e the participan ts are � w orking the function it p erforms for co op erativ e � w ork Sp eci�c and di�cult problems with group w are implemen tion Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (1) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  2. The Time/Space Matrix Classify group w are b y: the participan ts are w orking, when at the same time or not the participan ts are w orking, where at the same plac e or not same place different place face-to-face same time telephone conversation different time post-it note letter Common names for axes: sync hronous/async hronous time: co-lo cated/remote place: Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (2) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  3. Classi�cation b y F unction Co op erativ e w ork in v olv es: who are w orking P articipan ts up on whic h they w ork Artefacts understanding P P direct communication participants control and feedback A artefacts of work What in teractions do es a to ol supp ort? computer-mediated comm unication direct comm unication b et w een participan ts meeting and decision supp ort systems common understanding shared applications and artefacts con trol and feedbac k with shared w ork ob jects Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (3) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  4. Email and bulletin b oards asynchr onous/r emote familiar and most successful group w are Recipien ts of email: dir e ct in �eld To: c opies in �eld Cc: deliv ery iden tical | di�erence is so cial purp ose di�erences b et w een email and BBs fan out one-to-one | email, direct comm unication one-to-man y | email, distribution lists BBs, broadcast distribution con trol sender | email, priv ate distribution list administrator | email, shared distribution list recipien t | BBs, subscription to topics Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (4) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  5. Structured message systems asynchr onous/r emote � `sup er' email | cross b et w een email and a database � sender �lls in sp ecial �elds � recipien t �lters and sorts incoming mail based on �eld con ten ts Seminar announcemen t Type: all To: Alan Dix From: departmen tal seminar Subject: 2:15 W ednesda y Time: Place: D014 W.T. P o oh Speaker: Title: The Honey P ot Recen t researc h on so cially constructed Text: meaning has fo cused on the image of the Honey P ot and its dialectic in terpretation within an encultured hermeneutic. This talk : : : but, w ork b y the sender b ene�t for the recipien t : : : con�ict glob al structuring b y designer vs. lo c al structuring b y participan ts Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (5) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  6. Video conferences and comm unication synchr onous/r emote T ec hnology emerging: ISDN + video compression ma jor uses: � video conferences � p erv asiv e video for so cial con tact � in tegration with other applications often c heap er than face-to-face meetings (telecom m unications costs vs. air �igh ts) but not a substitute: � small �eld of view � lac k of recipro cit y � p o or ey e con tact One solution for lac k of ey e con tact | the video-tunnel mirror camera monitor half-silvered mirror Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (6) � 1993 c A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale Chapter 13

  7. Meeting and decision supp ort systems In design, managemen t and researc h, w e w an t to: generate ideas � dev elop ideas � record ideas � primary emphasis | common understanding Three t yp es of system: argumen tation to ols asynchr onous c o-lo c ate d recording the argumen ts for design decisions meeting ro oms synchr onous c o-lo c ate d elec tronic supp ort for face-to-face mee tings shared dra wing surfaces synchr onous r emote shared dra wing b oard at a distance Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (7) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  8. argumen tation to ols asynchr onous c o-lo c ate d h yp ertext lik e to ols to record design r ationale Tw o purp oses: remining the designers of the reasons for decisons � comm unicating rationale b et w een design teams � Mo de of collab oration: v ery long term � sometim e s sync hronous use also � gIBIS (issue based information system ) Example: v arious no de t yp es including: issues e.g., `n um b er of mouse buttons' p ositions e.g., `only one button' argumen ts e.g., `easy for no vice' link ed b y relationships suc h as: argumen t supp orts p osition supp orts e.g., `easy for no vice' `only one button' Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (8) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  9. Meeting ro oms synchr onous c o-lo c ate d electronic supp ort for face-to-face meetings individual terminals (often recessed) � large shared screen (electronic whiteb oard) � sp ecial soft w are � U or C shap ed seating around screen � V arious mo des: brainstorming, priv ate use, WYSIWIS | `what y ou see is what I see' WYSIWIS all screens sho w same image an y participan t can write/dra w to screen Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (9) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  10. T ypical meeting ro om shared screen 1 6 2 5 3 4 Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (10) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  11. Issues for co op eration Argumen tation to ols concurrency con trol t w o p eople access the same no de one solution is no de lo cking noti�cation mec hanisms kno wing ab out others' c hanges Meeting ro oms one or man y? �o or holders �o or con trol p olicies who can write and when? solution: lo cking + so cial proto col group p oin ter for deictic reference ( this and that ) Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (11) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  12. Shared w ork surfaces synchr onous r emote A t simplest, meeting ro oms at a distance, but : : : additional audio/video essen tial for � so cial pr oto c ols and discussion net w ork dela ys can b e ma jor problem � Additional sp ecial e�ects: participan ts write on to large video screen � problems with p ar al lax shado w of other participan t's hands app ears � on screen electronic image in tegrated with video and � pap er images T eamW orkStation Example: remote teac hing of Japanese calligraph y studen t's strok es on pap er o v erlaid with video of instructor's strok es Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (12) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13

  13. Shared Applications and Artefacts Compare purp ose of co op eration: meeting ro oms and decison supp ort systems | dev elop shared understanding shared applications and artefacts | w ork on the same ob jects tec hnology similar but primary purp ose di�eren t man y di�eren t mo dalities (time/space matrix) synchr onous r emote/c o-lo c ate d shared windo ws | synchr onous r emote/c o-lo c ate d shared editors | asynchr onous co-authoring systems | largely asynchr onous r emote shared diaries | largely asynchr onous shared information | an y , but largely sync hronous remote applicati ons usually require additional audio/video c hannel Human{Computer In teraction, Pren tice Hall Group w are (13) A. Dix, J. Finla y , G. Ab o wd and R. Beale � 1993 c Chapter 13


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