from earth observation in geoss and gmes to the irena

From Earth Observation in GEOSS and GMES to the IRENA Global Atlas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation Chart 1 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2 014 From Earth Observation in GEOSS and GMES to the IRENA Global Atlas for Renewable

  1. • Chart 1 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2 014 From Earth Observation in GEOSS and GMES to the IRENA Global Atlas for Renewable Energies Carsten Hoyer-Klick, Thomas Wanderer German Aerospace Center German Aerospace Center Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, Department of Systems Analysis and Technology Assessment Nicolas Fichaux Nicolas Fichaux IRENA, International Renewable Energy Agency Abu Dhabi

  2. • Chart 2 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 Where do we use meteorological information? Where do we use meteorological information? • Assessment of renewable • Assessment of renewable potentials • Energy system models, hourly dispatch of RE dispatch of RE Efficiency 5000 Ocean Energy Solar Thermal 4000 Geothermal Biomass 3000 PV 2000 Wind • Global Energy Scenarios Hydro 1000 Diesel with high RE shares Oil 0 Gas REF E[R] adv REF E[R] adv REF E[R] adv REF E[R] adv REF E[R] adv REF E[R] adv Lignite E[R] E[R] E[R] E[R] E[R] E[R] E[R] E[R] E[R] E[R] E[R] E[R] Coal 2007 2015 2020 2030 2040 2050 Nuclear

  3. • Chart 3 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 Getting Renewable Energy to Work Getting Renewable Energy to Work Technology data and learning and learning Available Available Resource mapping Resource mapping Resources Socio-economic and policy data Which Poli Technical and Technical and Technical and Technical and olitical + Econ technologies technologies economical Potentials economical Potentials are feasible? Setting Technology How can RE Best practices contribute to the deployment scenarios deployment scenarios ng the right onomic Frame energy system? energy system? Strategies for How to get them into the market development market? Where to start? mework Political and Political and High quality meteorological High quality meteorological Legislation, incentives financial Instruments and geographical information is essential for RE -Markets RE-Markets energy planning energy planning

  4. • Chart 4 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 4 Examples 4 Examples • The Solar-Med-Atlas (Accessing Solar Energy Ressources) • The Solar-Med-Atlas (Accessing Solar Energy Ressources) • Endorse (Assessing Solar Energy Potentials) • EnerGEO (Idetifying priority regions) • The Global Atlas for Renewable Energies (where it comes all together)

  5. Motivation • Solar radiation is the fuel of solar energy. Knowledge about its availability is crucial for the successful development of is crucial for the successful development of – Solar energy policies – Solar energy investments • The knowledge on the solar resource is very uncertain in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean • Information on resources and potentials is essential to trigger developments • Good Basic solar radiation information should be a public good (common investment for everybody’s profit, as e.g. infrastructures). 5

  6. Objectives • Improve the resource data base by – High resolution solar radiation mapping (GHI + DNI) – High resolution solar radiation mapping (GHI + DNI) based on satellite images – Use of open and transparent state of the art algorithms – Transparent validation of the data base – Transparent validation of the data base – Free access to monthly values • Improve access by – Open system architecture based on internet standards – Open system architecture based on internet standards – Easy to use web interface – Downloadable data (monthly time series and maps) – Web applications for data analysis – Web applications for data analysis – Linking ancillary information (Socio - Economic, GIS data) • Improve the knowledge data base for solar energy policy making and investments investments 6

  7. Us er Interface Google API: Easy to use Information tabs, Information tabs, applications Basic socio Site selection, read economic economic average values average values information 7

  8. S olar data > From EO in GEOSS and 8 GMESS to the IRENA Global

  9. PV S imulation > From EO in GEOSS and 9 GMESS to the IRENA Global

  10. • Folie 10 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 Renewable Energy Potentials Renewable Energy Potentials Theoretical Potential Theoretical Potential The Amount of solar energy on the whole area Technical potential Limited to suitable areas E conomic P otential Limited to economic economic sites tricity Potential [TWh/y] 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 Electri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 >

  11. • Folie 11 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 ENergy DOwnstReam Services • The project ENDORSE aims at a user-driven development of downstream • The project ENDORSE aims at a user-driven development of downstream services in renewable energies by exploiting the GMES Core Services (MACC, SAFER and Geoland 2) together with other EO/in-situ data and modelling. and modelling. • It addresses regional services promoting the energy use from sun, wind, and biomass, electricity grid management and building engineering through daylighting in buildings. • CSP GIS is an service for assess potentials for the concentrating solar power (CSP) Technology

  12. • Folie 12 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 Key questions: Key questions: • Policy: • Do I have enough potential to exploit CSP Technology? • Where are interesting areas? • Manufactures / Developers • Is there a potential market for CSP or CSP components? • How big might the market be? • How big might the market be?

  13. • Chart 13 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 Tools Example: CSP-GIS from the Endorse Project Tools Example: CSP-GIS from the Endorse Project • Find suitable locations • Find suitable locations for CSP power plants • Assess the potential for the technology (how the technology (how much suitable area is available

  14. • Chart 14 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 Tools Example: CSP-GIS from the Endorse Project Tools Example: CSP-GIS from the Endorse Project • Welcome screen • Welcome screen • Choose suitable land cover • Distance to populated • Distance to populated areas • Distance to the electrity grid grid • Slope • ….

  15. • Chart 15 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 Tools Example: CSP-GIS Sample Results Tools Example: CSP-GIS Sample Results Map of suitable areas with available Available land area a distinct solar radiation radiation levels

  16. • Folie 16 > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2014 EnerGEO EnerGEO • Earth Observation for Monitoring and Assessment • Earth Observation for Monitoring and Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Energy use • Four Pilot Implementation • Solar Energy • Solar Energy • Wind Energy • Bio Energy • Fossil Fuels • Using Earth Observation for environmental impact assessment in the energy sector • Solar pilot A: Assessment of priority regions for solar energy applications • Solar pilot A: Assessment of priority regions for solar energy applications

  17. • Chart > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2 014 17 EnerGEO Pilot A EnerGEO Pilot A • Solar Site ranking service • Which regions are well suited for the development of large scale solar • Which regions are well suited for the development of large scale solar energy? • Where are good resources? • Where is sufficient infrastructure? • Where is sufficient infrastructure? • Are we close to the demand centers? • How do different sites compare according to different criteria as above? -> Multicriteria decision analysis Multicriteria decision analysis

  18. • Chart > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2 014 18

  19. • Chart > From EO in GEOSS and GMESS to the IRENA Global Atlas > Carsten Hoyer-Klick et al, > Geospatial World Forum Geneva > May 9th 2 014 19 EnerGEO Site Ranking Service EnerGEO Site Ranking Service


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