A new earth observation tool using multiple stable isotopes : an example of eutrophication diagnosis in Lake Biwa, Japan GEOSS in in F FUTURE EARTH 1. Inter-disciplinarity 2. Trans-disciplinarity Researches with different disciplines Integration of observation tools for earth diagnosis Researches for societies Collaborative observation with societies 西条市役所 環境衛生課 2014-5-27 Takanori Nakano
A new earth observation tool using multiple stable isotopes : an example of eutrophication diagnosis in Lake Biwa, Japan GEOSS in in F FUTURE EARTH 1. Usefulness of stable isotopes as a tool of inter-disciplinary science 2. Social implementation of environmental diagnosis using stable isotopes from trans-disciplinary approach Bio-diversity (AP-BON) Water-cycle (AWCI) unify Separate Water-diversity communicate
The diversity of water-quality is formed during the water circulation process seepage 海底湧出水 AWCI
The diversity of water-quality is reflected in that of biota seepage 海底湧出水 DIVESITAS
The diversity of human activities affects and alters 水質の多様性が生物に反映される those of water-quality and biota It is important to develop an integrated observation tool regarding the diversity of water quality, covering bio-diversity, water-cycle, food and health risks…. ・ Biota and water are composed of many elements. ・ Earth observation using multiple stable isotopes (fingerprint of element) can link the researches among biodiversity, water cycle, agriculture, food….. seepage 海底湧出水 ・ Stable isotope method has been applied separately. IHDP food and health security
Deterioration of freshwater lake ecosystem in Asia Major Lake in the world
Environmental Problems in lake Biwa Population change in the lake Biwa watershed Population (x10 4 ) (年) year Population increased double during last 50 years.
Fishery Corbicula Biodiversity-loss (ton) (endemic species) ( year )
Eutrophication Deficiency of oxygen nitrogen ( N ) phosphorous ( P )
(%) Provision of Shiga prefecture 100 Penetration rate 下水道普及率 Rapid sewerage after 1980 of sanitary sewers 80 60 全国 (Japan) 40 滋賀県 20 (Shiga P.) 0 2000 ( 年) (year) 1970 1980 1990
RESULT 0.035 North N South 0.025 南湖 TP 全リン total phosphorous (mg/L) !! 0.015 北湖 environmental criteria 0.005 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 年 (year)
0.18 Yearly change of dissolved nitrogen 0.16 ? 0.14 ? 南湖 NO 3 South 0.12 basin (mg/L) 0.10 0.08 北湖 North basin 0.06 2005 (年) 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 (year)
Development of water quality diagnosis
R. Ishida A new tool to elucidate the linkage R. Ado R. Ane among lake, river, Monitoring human activity R. Kamo Transparency, R. Seri Escherichia coli N, P ・・・ nitrogen(N): 61 % R. Echi Limitation using N phosphrous(P): 91 % R. Hinbo and P as are removed in lake R. Yasu environmental bybiological activities ! indicators
determine the isotope ratios of dissolved elements ( N ) ( P ) ( S ) ( Ca ) ( Sr )
87 Sr 86 Sr Strontium isotope ratio ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) of water varies dependent on geology 0.70918
87 Sr/ 86 Sr of tributary river at downstream site 北部 north north R.Oura 西部 west south R.Mano R. Okoto 東部 east 南部 south R.Hino east R. Echi R. Ane R.Seri seasonal change is small west R.Hira R.Kamo R.Ishida R.Ado
87 Sr/ 86 Sr of tributary river at downstream site 北部 north Lake Biwa north R.Oura 西部 west link between lake and river south R.Mano R. Okoto 東部 east 南部 south The concentration and R.Hino east R. Echi R. Ane R.Seri isotope ratio of Sr in lake water is the average of west R.Hira R.Kamo R.Ishida R.Ado those of rivers.
Lake Biwa around 1980 s Lake water quality in the past
If the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio of Organisms have the water changed, that of biota same 87 Sr/ 86 Sr as would accordingly change. ambient water Momose R. life B Mollusca I W Aquatic reconstruct lake water A plant quality in the past using Yanomune R. lives in lake Biwa Mano R. Oura R. Seri R. Wate r in river+lake
ISAZA ( endemic species , one year ) By using stable isotope ratios of Isaza, it is possible to reconctruct the yearly change of water quality in lake Biwa. Biota and water contains various elements nitrogen 、 oxygen 、 hydrogen 、 sulfur 、 strontium
yearly change of 87 Sr/ 86 Sr of lake water 0.7128 Jomon 0.7126 period 87 Sr 0.7124 86 Sr 0.7122 dominance of light Sr ( 86 Sr) with time 0.7120 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 (year) (Ishi et al 、 2001 、 Ito et al 、 unpublished data )
87 Sr/ 86 Sr of tributary river at downstream site Dominant contribution of tributaries with lower 87 S r / 86 Sr than lake Biwa Biwa 北部 north north 西部 west south 東部 east 南部 south east west
N-isotope dominance of heavy-N ( 15 N) with time ( Ogawa et al., 2001)
link between Nitrogen isotope of human and river mud in the tributary 4.5 ‰ < δ 15 N 3.0 ‰ < δ 15 N < 4.5 ‰ 2.0 ‰ < δ 15 N < 3.0 ‰ δ 15 N < 2.0 ‰ Population Heavy-N in populated area Humans produce heavy-N density (Hyodo et al )
(S-isotope) Dominance of light S ( 32 S) with time Lake water 34 S 32 S (year) ( Ito et al., unpublished data )
Sulfur isotope ratios ( δ 34 S) Tributaries with higher δ 34 S than lake Biwa are of tributary river less contributted Lake Biwa (past) (present) north south east west
Compared to lake Biwa low 34 S/ 32 S and low 87 Sr/ 86 Sr and high 15 N/ 14 N Rivers which can explain the yearly change of Sr, N, and S isotope ratios of lake water. River with high 34 S/ 32 S or high 87 Sr/ 86 Sr or low 15 N/ 14 N small rivers in eastern plain
Bunroku R. Rivers in agricultural area Nomazu R.
View at the mouth of Bunroku river on May 2004. Paddy water management change of agriculture system disappearance of inland lake after 1970s Muddy water enriched in P and N from paddy
Workshop with local people to the ecosystem preservation of lake from Satsuma environmental town diagnosis to action Inari town Shinkai town
Capacity Communication between researchers and citizens through collaborative making of water- building quality map ( Akanoi Bay in Lake Biwa ) Report on water analysis quality map Discussion Water collection Akanoi
Environmental diagnosis using stable isotopes and using samples of water and biota is useful and contributes to inter-disciplinary researches, but in order to develop this method in many fields of environmental studies and to be used as monitoring tool, trans-disciplinary approach would be prerequisite and effective. Trans-disciplinary approach with inter-disciplinary observation method using multiple isotopes 西条市役所 環境衛生課
Global map of δ 18 O value of precipitation by IAEA ( http://nds121.iaea.org/wiser/gui/map.php ) Circulation of water vapor → Bio-diversity, origin of food.. δ 18 O (‰) >-30 ~ -30 -28 ~ -28 -26 ~ -26 -24 ~ -24 -22 ~ -22 -20 ~ -20 -18 ~ -18 -16 ~ -16 -14 ~ -14 -12 ~ -12 -10 ~ -10 -8 ~ -8 -6 ~ -6 -4 ~ -4 -3 ~ -3 0 < 0 Monitoring from 1957
http://isoscapes2008.wordpress.com/ Hydrogen isotope ratios in mean annual precipitation. Courtesy of Gabriel Bowen. Ox Oxygen i iso soto tope pe map o p of pla plant le t leaf δ 18 Water ⇒ Biota ⇒ Food ・ health ISO SOSC SCAPE δ 18 O (‰) >-30 ~ -30 -28 ~ -28 -26 ~ -26 -24 ~ (map ap of stab able i le isotope) -24 -22 ~ -22 -20 ~ -20 -18 ~ -18 -16 ~ -16 -14 ~ -14 -12 ~ -12 -10 ~ -10 -8 ~ -8 -6 ~ -6 -4 Annual mean oxygen isotope ratios in leaf water. Courtesy of Jason West. ~ -4 -3 ~ -3 0 < 0
Sr isotope map of bottled water Nation project in EU 50 Research organizations and Universities Food security Voerkelius et al., 2010, FC
Laboratory of RIHN Inter-university research institute 62 stable isotopes in nature Promotion o of environmental diagn gnosis u using g multi-isotopes Soc ocial recog ognition a as a tool ool of of env enviro ironm nment ental d dia iagno gnosis is
Water-quality map RIHN as in collaboration with Inter-university Universities Research visualization of water Institute quality 場所 location 水温 井戸深度 西条市役所 環境衛生課
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Yuza Otsuchi Laoss Philippine
Yuza Otsuchi Water quality map of elements and their stable isotopes Pollution and Traceability information Laoss Philippine
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