friendswood isd school safety advisory committee proposed

Friendswood ISD School Safety Advisory Committee Proposed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Friendswood ISD School Safety Advisory Committee Proposed Recommendations FISDs Commitment to Safety Emergency Operations Plan Social and Emotional Supports Partnership with FPD Code of Conduct / Dress Code SRO officers

  1. Friendswood ISD School Safety Advisory Committee Proposed Recommendations

  2. FISD’s Commitment to Safety • Emergency Operations Plan • Social and Emotional Supports • Partnership with FPD • Code of Conduct / Dress Code • SRO officers at FJH / FHS • Character Education Programs • Secure Vestibules • District Security Audits • Surveillance Cameras - remote capability • District Safety Committee • Run, Hide, Fight Training • See Something, Say Something • Electronic Locking Door Systems • Executive Director of Security • Communication - radios / 911 / • Raptor / Background checks • Panic button implementation • Campus security systems • Regular Security Drills • Volunteer Training • Regular Table Top Exercises • Perimeter Physical Security

  3. Summer Safety Activities • Additional SRO Officer at High School (2) and additional roving SRO officer for the Elementary and Intermediate Schools • Implementation of Social Media Monitoring system - partnership with Friendswood Police Department • First Responder Training at FHS - June 19 - 21 • Stop the Bleed Kit Implementation and Training - partnership with UTMB • PBK Security Review • Social Emotional Support Research with Outside Mental Health Providers • SEL Training - all staff • Installation of new interior doors and hardware at Westwood • Many other items in process: fencing, School Guard App for staff, numbering of entrances, campus door evaluations, radios, etc.

  4. SSAC Role and Responsibilities ✓ Review current FISD campus safety layers, budget, and safety research / literature and case studies (Aldine - Davis HS metal detectors.) ✓ Consider implementation of additional safety measures and provide a consensus based recommendation on each area to the Board of Trustees and Administration. ✓ Consider sustainability, unintended consequences, and impact of the implementation of additional security measures. ✓ Evaluate the student code of conduct and dress code to determine if changes are necessary to ensure student and staff safety ✓ Evaluate current social and emotional supports for students and make recommendations on additional levels of support. ✓ Prioritize recommendations

  5. Meet the Team

  6. Online Survey – Top 3 Additional Security Measures 1,370 Parent responses 274 Employee responses

  7. Primary SSAC Recommendations

  8. Additional Law Enforcement SSAC believes the proposed increase in law enforcement is adequate based on current budget and availability. FHS - Current = 1 Friendswood Police Dept. (FPD) School Resource Officer (SRO) New = 1 additional FPD SRO officer - Jan. FJH - Current = 1 SRO Elementary / Intermediate - Current = no SRO New = 1 Roving SRO

  9. Rationale • Jurisdictional issues do not allow for multiple entities • Partnership with Friendswood Police Dept. (FPD) key factor in prevention • Short response time by FPD (90 sec.) • Traffic duty provided before and after school by FPD • Proximity of FPD and additional officers to campuses Recommendation: As resources become available consider possibility of an additional officer at JH and an additional rover.

  10. Physical Security / Controlled Access of Campuses The SSAC recommends implementation of the following physical security enhancements to control access to the campuses: ● Limiting number of entrances at secondary level – during school day and outside of school day ● Renovation of existing security vestibules – elementary/intermediate priority ● Removing door hardware from doors not used as a physical entrance ● Evaluate current electronic door locking reader locations and access ● Expanded surveillance camera coverage

  11. Physical Security cont’d ■ Hardwire existing electronic locking systems at all campuses ■ Update electronic door locking software system - alerts if doors are open ■ Updated signage ■ Fencing and perimeter security upgrades ■ Training of students and staff on physical security updates on campus and access to grounds

  12. Social/Emotional Supports (SEL) The SSAC feels this is a pro-active layer that is critical to implement in an effort to prevent safety issues at the campus level. The committee recommends the following: ➢ Actions to support and facilitate steps to provide school counselors with more time to spend with students for counseling initiatives • Provide crisis training for counselors • Provide crisis resources for counselors ➢ Additional counselors with primary focus on SEL ➢ Actions to create more uniform and comprehensive programming for all students at Tier I - especially at secondary level ➢ Identify students who are not participants in activities and explore avenues to get them involved in extracurricular activities, clubs, etc.

  13. SEL Cont’d ➢ Utilization of outside resources and professionals to provide support for Tier II and Tier III students ➢ Provide grade level specific SEL professional development support for counselors ➢ Engage and educate parents and community in partnerships to provide SEL support to families (mental health, faith based activities, mentoring programs, after school clubs, in-home training, etc.) ➢ Create a threat assessment team on each campus to identify and create action plans for students that are a possible threat to themselves and others based on a threat assessment matrix ➢ Provide on going SEL training for all faculty and staff ➢ Ensure continuity of care with transfer of students from campus to campus

  14. School Security Monitors The SSAC recommends hiring school safety monitors for the purpose of monitoring exterior and interior doors, student entry, high traffic points, parking areas, parent check-in stations, etc. in the effort to maintain the integrity of the physical safety of the campus. Monitors should be identifiable to students and staff via a uniform or standardized dress and a photo ID badge. The committee recommends six security monitors: Cline – 1 Windsong – 1 FHS - 2 Westwood & Bales – 1 FJH - 1 * Volunteers who have undergone background checks could be utilized in times of heightened security or as needed.

  15. High School Junior High 2 SRO’s 1 SRO 1 Parking Monitor 1 Interior/Exterior Monitor 1 Interior Monitor Cline Westwood & Bales Windsong 1 Roving SRO 1 Roving SRO 1 Roving SRO 1 Interior/Exterior 1 Interior/Exterior 1 Interior/Exterior Monitor Monitor Monitor

  16. School Marshal Program After review of all the options for layers to provide a deterrent, as well as a response with force to an armed intruder the SSAC is generally recommending the District further research the implementation of the school marshal program as allowed by TEC 37.0811. Recommendations on Selection Criteria / Regulations: - Participation must be voluntary - Appointments should remain confidential - Appointments should be focused on employees whose primary duties do not involve primary contact with students at elementary/intermediate levels. The committee believes that teachers need to be focused on direction of younger students and that the internal threat is much higher at secondary level. - Work and train closely with Friendswood Police Department (FPD).

  17. School Marshals – cont’d Other options considered: - Private security firms - Locally developed Guardian Plan These options were rejected in favor of the school marshal program because of the more regimented training program via the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement process, district selection process, and documentation of the program in the Education Code. It was also felt that employees have a more vested interest in the safety and student culture present at each campus.

  18. This security layer should be studied further by administration and the Board prior to any implementation

  19. Comprehensive Safety and Security Training The SSAC recommends ongoing, uniform safety and security training prior to the start of school for all staff and substitutes. Training for students should begin once school is in session. Training should be focused on current research and formulated in conjunction with action plans for response to a hostile actor by FPD. The SSAC also recommends refresher training after the winter break.

  20. Metal Detectors The SSAC does not recommend the implementation of fixed metal detectors at the entrances of the campuses. Rationale: - Amount of extracurricular activities at FJH/FHS throughout the day and evening does not make this an effective or cost-efficient layer of support if unable to scan all students and staff at all times. - Number of possible entrances/exits makes this a layer that could be easily circumvented - To be an effective layer detectors must be manned 24/7 - Concern for large gatherings of students as potential targets prior to entry - Funding required for this layer could be used for more sustainable, effective layers

  21. Metal Detectors Cont’d The SSAC does recommend the district taking time this coming school year to consider the logistics and legalities of implementing a random search plan for secondary schools.

  22. District Communication The SSAC recommends implementation of uniform terminology for communication for different levels of alert at the campus (hold, lockdown, shelter in place, evacuate, protect mode) as presented to the committee. ➢ Use at the campus level ➢ Publicize to the community ➢ Incorporate in parent, student, and staff training ➢ Pursue the collection of student cell phone numbers to communicate in time of emergency


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