growth economic development district map 73 square miles

Growth & Economic Development District Map 73 Square miles - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Growth & Economic Development District Map 73 Square miles Economic Conditions December 2016 EMS ISD H OUSING M ARKET EMS ISD H OUSING M ARKET EMS ISD H OUSING M ARKET Median Price EMS ISD H OUSING M ARKET EMS ISD H OUSING G ROWTH

  1. Growth & Economic Development

  2. District Map — 73 Square miles

  3. Economic Conditions – December 2016



  6. EMS ISD H OUSING M ARKET – Median Price


  8. EMS ISD H OUSING G ROWTH If you build it… Source: Templeton Demographics • As of 4Q16, EMS ISD had more than 3,300 existing home sales and 850 new home closings in 2016 • Ranked 8 th in DFW region for annual new home closings • EMS ISD has nearly 1,300 lots available to build on, with groundwork underway on more than 2,300 lots and nearly 22,000 future lots planned • More land unplatted in northern portions of district

  9. Demographics – April 2017 19,577 students + 478 from same time last year 0.23% Pacific Islander 0.51% American Indian 3.93% Multi-Racial 4.21% Asian 10.93% Black or African American 37.36% Hispanic 42.83% White 43.36% Economically Disadvantaged 2015 2016

  10. 26 S CHOOLS & E DUCATION C ENTERS • 15 elementary schools • 5 middle schools • 3 high schools Newest: Dozier Elementary • 3 specialty campuses: Hafley Development Center, Watson High School/Alternative Discipline Center, Hollenstein Career and Technology Center • Future: Purchased land for 1 high school, 2 middle schools, 2 elementary schools. Need 7 future sites.

  11. EMS ISD H OUSING G ROWTH From now for the next two years: • 20+ neighborhoods platted or moving dirt • Represents 4,150+ new homes • Commercial development under construction represents 2.6 million square feet • Middle School #6 opening fall 2019

  12. EMS ISD Housing Market

  13. EMS ISD Housing Market

  14. EMS ISD Housing Market

  15. EMS ISD Housing Market

  16. EMS ISD E NROLLMENT G ROWTH Our Future: • EMS ISD has gained 2,700+ new students in the past 5 years. EMS can expect 3,300 new students in the next 5 years — will result in 4 elementary schools, 2 middle schools & a new high school in coming years to accommodate growth. • 2021-2022 student enrollment = 22,950 • 2026-2027 student enrollment = 26,565 • Estimated future build-out = 40,000 students Bryson Elementary Students

  17. EMS ISD E NROLLMENT G ROWTH Bond Proposal 2017 Key Considerations: Growth Capital Improvements Rebuild vs Remodel Process: • Facilities assessment (currently) • Bond Steering Committee — meetings begin in May • Report to Board, Trustees consider calling election • Possible referendum in November 2017

  18. Continued Financial Stability

  19. C ONTINUED F INANCIAL S TABILITY • Examine every phase of business operations for efficiency & maximum benefits • TASBO Purchasing Award of Merit for excellence in business & reporting • Geothermal heating at all campuses • Maximum efficiency with lighting, utilities • Evaluate staffing levels based on enrollment • TRE passed in 2014 — could increase tax rate up to 13 cents but District remains conservative with no plans to raise taxes at this point • Refunded $157.5 million in outstanding bonds, saving $37.4 million in interest costs — total savings over past five years in excess of $57 million


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