Franklyn Street Glebe Redevelopment Proposal Welcome to the webinar NOVEMBER 2020
Acknowledgement of Country The NSW Government acknowledges and pays tribute to the unique cultural and spiritual relationship that Aboriginal communities have to the land and water known as New South Wales.
Purpose of the webinar • The NSW Government is seeking early input on the preliminary concept for the Franklyn Street Glebe Redevelopment Proposal. • Community feedback and ongoing technical studies will inform a planning proposal request.
Community engagement • This webinar is one of a number of different ways people have to comment on the proposal • Community feedback is important and will be used to refine the planning proposal • Feedback on the preliminary concept must be received by 5pm Friday 11 December 2020.
• Welcome • About the proposal • Planning process • Planning and design • Facilitated discussion and feedback session • Next steps Deb Palmer, Facilitator
Asking questions during the webinar • Ask questions about the proposal throughout the presentation using the Q&A button
Welcome and introductions Eric Brodie, Development Director, Land and Housing Corporation Deborah Palmer , Facilitator Jennie Buchanan, Town Planner Matthew Bennett, Architect and Urban Designer Jo Blackmore , Landscape Architect Jonathan Busch , Traffic Planner David Bremner , Notetaker
• Welcome • About the proposal • Planning process • Planning and design • Facilitated discussion and feedback session • Next steps Eric Brodie, Development Director, NSW Land and Housing Corporation
About the proposal The NSW Government is proposing to renew the Franklyn Street social housing estate in Glebe. The renewal includes new and better social housing, mixed with private housing in new apartment buildings. Artist impression of the proposed redevelopment, looking east from the corner of Glebe and Franklyn Streets
Social housing residents We are very early in the All current social housing planning process, with at least residents will have the right two years before relocations to return. or construction. More information about relocations Residents will be provided • Relocation Policy - with at least 6- months’ notice before relocation. cy-policy-supplement#relocation1 • Relocation Fact Sheet - swap-transfer/relocating-tenants-for-management- purposes
The redevelopment area The proposed redevelopment includes the existing Franklyn Street social housing estate and is bound by Glebe, Bay and Franklyn Streets
About the proposal
• Welcome • About the proposal • Planning process • Planning and design • Facilitated discussion and feedback session • Next steps Jennie Buchanan, Town Planner
Planning pathway Community feedback is important and will be used to refine the planning proposal request to be submitted to the City of Sydney
Strategic planning context The proposal: • aligns with the objectives of the Eastern City District Plan, increasing housing supply, choice and affordability and providing access to jobs, services and public transport • supports the City of Sydney’s Local Housing Strategy , delivering more homes, a diverse mix of housing and affordable rental housing, while collaborating with government and non-government partners • creates a better place to live, through new high-quality homes, better pedestrian access, beautified streetscapes and new community facilities in a growing inner Sydney area. The proposed redevelopment is located close to key transport corridors and the city centre
Technical studies The redevelopment proposal is informed by a range of technical studies covering topics such as: • Built form and urban design • Heritage • Environmental amenity • Aboriginal Cultural Heritage • Staging • Social impacts • Transport and accessibility • Water and soils • Environmentally Sustainable Design • Flooding
Proposed Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 • The site is proposed to be subject to a Floor Space Ratio of 2.5
• Welcome • About the proposal • Planning process and timelines • Planning and design • Facilitated discussion and feedback session • Next steps Matthew Bennett, Architect and Urban Designer Jo Blackmore, Landscape Architect
The redevelopment area • About the redevelopment area The redevelopment area: • is at the junction of 4 inner city areas with their own distinct characters and scales Glebe Renewal • is well connected to local services, Area Glebe public transport, education and employment centres • is well served by existing parks Ultimo including Wentworth Park to the north, Victoria Park to the south and Robyn Broadway Kemmis Reserve to the west. The proposed redevelopment area is bound by Glebe, Bay and Franklyn Streets
The design approach 1. The proposal divides the existing estate into three 1 blocks, with a new laneway and two new streets, returning around 25% of the site to public domain. 2. Low-scale perimeter buildings are placed around the edge of each block to define the new laneway and streets. All buildings will have a street address. These perimeter buildings transition in height to reflect the scales and characters of adjoining areas. 3. Taller buildings would be carefully positioned to 3 minimise potential overshadowing of neighbouring properties 2
Proposed maximum building heights • Buildings have been designed to be compatible with surrounding areas with heights ranging from 4 to 14 storeys. The section below shows how the proposed buildings relate to the heights of nearby buildings. • Taller buildings are located towards Ultimo and lower buildings are located towards Glebe to reflect the scale and character of these areas. • Buildings are setback at the upper levels to reduce their scale and presence when viewed from Glebe Street and Franklyn Street.
Victoria Park Broadway Shopping Centre Glebe Street
Victoria Park Key features of the preliminary concept New one way Broadway Shopping Centre laneway from Franklyn Street to Bay Street 1 4 5 3 3 Enhanced New ‘living’ streets Communal connection to courtyards Robyn Kemmis 6 and roof Reserve Retail shops 2 terraces facing Bay Glebe Street Enhancement of Street Glebe Street
Artist impression of the preliminary concept • The buildings have been designed to Outline of proposed buildings transition in scale from the taller scale of Ultimo and the lower scale of Glebe. • The proposed size of the redevelopment is consistent with the scale of recently completed projects near Wentworth Park. Artist impression of the proposed redevelopment looking south from over Wentworth Park
Artist impression of the preliminary concept • The buildings at the corner of Franklyn and Glebe Streets are designed to be low in scale and compatible with the historic character of the area. • The ground floor of this corner building is being considered as a possible location for a café. Artist impression of the proposed redevelopment, looking east from the corner of Glebe and Franklyn Streets
Proposed local streets and laneways • New low-speed shared streets and a laneway will make the local area more attractive. • We will retain as many trees as possible and plant Living Living new trees and gardens. street Robyn street Kemmis • Streets will include places Reserve to sit, stop or rest.
New living streets • A place for the community to socialise and interact • Shared spaces with pedestrian and cycle connections, one-way car access, and drop off/ pick up carparking spaces • New tree and shrub planting to make green shady spaces, as well as retaining existing trees Typical cross section through a shared street • Sitting areas on benches, walls and boulders • Lighting to make it safe for everyone to use • Artworks and sculpture to make the spaces special.
Incidental art and public seating • Incidental art
Play • Outdoor games
Glebe Street • Road kept as two-way but narrowed to either 3.5m with parking on both sides or 5.1m wide with parking on one side • New two-way off-road cycleway • Wider pedestrian space for seating and walking • Many existing street trees retained Sections with parking on only one side provide passing bays • New street tree and groundcover planting. Typical cross section on Glebe Street
Franklyn Street • Kept as a one-way street, either with or without kerbs • More generous pedestrian footpaths • Parking moved away from the edge of Robyn Kemmis Reserve Typical cross section for Franklyn Street • New large street trees and groundcover planting • Potential café to corner of Glebe Street.
New laneway • Provides improved visitor, resident and servicing access to the development • One-way street with option of raised zones to calm traffic • Walkway on one side of the street with on- street carparking Typical cross section for the laneway • Small tree plantings to the northern side of the street • Larger tree planting and understorey planting to the Greek Street property boundary.
Communal open spaces
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