framework for planning ctac services

Framework for planning CTAC services 2. Patients 3. Delivery 9. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Framework for planning CTAC services 2. Patients 3. Delivery 9. Funding models 4. Services 1. Planning 8. Technology provided 5. Workforce 7. IT systems 6. Premises #ctacQI Technology Mark Fleming Consultant Nurse Digital

  1. Framework for planning CTAC services 2. Patients 3. Delivery 9. Funding models 4. Services 1. Planning 8. Technology provided 5. Workforce 7. IT systems 6. Premises

  2. #ctacQI Technology Mark Fleming Consultant Nurse Digital Services/Mental Health & National Clinical Lead NMAHP Digital Health and Care, NHS Ayrshire & Arran

  3. How Community Treatment and Care Services can embrace Digital and Technology Enabled Care Mark Fleming Consultant Nurse Digital Services NMAHP Clinical Lead- Digital Health and Care Scottish Government

  4. How can you embrace Digital !

  5. Challenges/Barriers • Infrastructure • Hardware • Culture • Information Sharing/Information Governance • Knowledge/Skills • Use of Data for Planning and Improvement • Effective Systems • Policy • Time/Effort • etc

  6. Digital - The 4 th Industrial Revolution

  7. Digital: A Compelling Argument

  8. In the UK

  9. Service Remodelling/Redesign

  10. Every Nurse an e-Nurse

  11. Scotland Digital Health and Care Strategy 2018

  12. SCOTLAND’S DIGITAL HEALTH & CARE STRATEGY Enabling, Connecting & Empowering DOMAIN A National Direction & Leadership DOMAIN B DOMAIN F Information Governance, Transition Process Assurance & Cyber Security DOMAIN C DOMAIN E Service Transformation National Digital Platform DOMAIN D Workforce Capability

  13. Potential Areas where Digital Technology Could Support Opportunities Areas to Consider • Ordering/Requesting and scheduling systems • Phlebotomy services • Centrifuge equipment. Finding veins etc • Data for Planning • • BP Scale up/Florence Data for Improvement • • LTC Self Management Self Management Apps- Diabetes etc • Wound management • Home and Health Monitoring- COPD • Ear syringing • Agile working devices • Suture removal • Attend Anywhere • Routine injections • Business Intelligence Systems • Catheter Management • Digital Photography to support wound management • MDT (physiotherapy, social work, OT and • Clinical Decisions Support nursing input). • • Information sharing systems e.g. EMIS/EMIS web etc

  14. Questions?? Twitter- @markfleming1


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