forward with fort our real world learning journey

Forward With Fort Our Real World Learning Journey All Students - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Forward With Fort Our Real World Learning Journey All Students Successful Graduation Rate Best Fit Fort Family Dual Credit and AP Foundation Monies for Scholarships Stories of Success: Fort Osage High School High

  1. Forward With Fort

  2. Our Real World Learning Journey All Students Successful ● Graduation Rate ● Best Fit ● Fort Family ● Dual Credit and AP Foundation Monies for Scholarships ●

  3. Stories of Success: Fort Osage High School High School Overview ● Demographics ● Student Technology Center ● Broadcasting ●

  4. Stories of Success: Career & Technology Center Career & Technology Center Overview ● MVA Focus - by Program ● Exemplar: Entrepreneurial Studies ○ Expanding: Agriculture Program ○ Emerging: College Prep Engineering ○

  5. Exemplar: Entrepreneurial Studies

  6. Expanding: Agriculture Program

  7. Emerging: College Prep Engineering

  8. Needs Assessment - Where is Fort Osage? 2018-2019 School Year MVA Totals Total Number of Students with Total Number of Students in Percentage with 1+ MVA 1+ MVA Grade Freshman 0 374 0.00% Sophomore 5 1.40% 358 Junior 44 12.94% 340 Senior 108 33.13% 326

  9. Needs Assessment - Where is Fort Osage? 2018-2019 School Year Dual & AP Credit Enrolled in more than 9 hours Enrolled in less than 9 of Dual Credit in the Enrolled in more Enrolled in less than 9 hours of Dual Credit in cooperating university and than 9 hours of Class Size hours of AP/Dual Credit at the cooperating have 3+ on AP test(s) AP/Dual Credit at the the high school university and have 3+ on high school AP test(s) ***These students have a college credit MVA Freshman 5 0 5 0 374 Sophomore 5 0 2 0 358 Junior 61 23 11 11 340 Senior 326 104 60 25 44

  10. Needs Assessment - Where is Fort Osage? 2018-2019 School Year CTC CTC Enrollment Seniors graduated from CTC 44 ***These students have a program specific MVA Seniors graduated from CTC and have 9+ hours from HS 2 ***These students have a college credit MVA in addition to a program-specific MVA

  11. Needs Assessment - Where is Fort Osage? 2018-2019 School Year Client Projects Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Participated in client project 0 5 14 16 ***These students have a work experience MVA Participated in client project and enrolled in CTC 0 0 0 3 ***These students will have a program specific MVA Participated in client project and have 9+ dual credit enrolled in the cooperating university 0 0 0 3 ***These students will also have a college credit MVA Participated in client project and have less than 9 hours dual 0 0 2 4 credit enrolled in a cooperating university

  12. Partner Spoulight: Habitat for Humanity

  13. Partner Spoulight: New Age Graphict & DDM Global Industry Training with Industry Training with Ty Murphy, DDM Global Keith Stidham, New Age Graphics

  14. Partner Spoulight: Buckner Chamber of Commerce Initial Client Meeting with Kim Pittman, Student Site Presentations with Chris Earnshaw, President and Anita Former President, Buckner Chamber of Jones, Vice President, Buckner Chamber of Commerce Commerce

  15. Our Ask: Building Blocks Passion for Student’s Success ● Explore and Do More ○ K-12 Future Ready Framework ○ Collaboration and Partnerships ● Locally and Regionally ○ Sustainable ● It’s More than a Truck ○ How Can Be Build Strengths ● How Can We Expand ○ How Can We Enhance ○ How Can We Create ○

  16. Forward With Fort: Our Strategic Plan Enhance ● Staff PD/Site Visits ○ Resources for Classes (Broadcast Truck) ○ Career Planning/MVA Software ○ Expand ● Business and Community Coordinator ○ Dual Credit Scholarships ○ Tuition Reimbursement for Staff ○ Teacher Externship Opportunities ○ Create ● RWL Consultant ○ High School/CTC Remodel (School Store, Innovation Lab) ○

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