fort la bosse school division

Fort La Bosse School Division 2019-2020 Budget Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fort La Bosse School Division 2019-2020 Budget Presentation February 27, 2019 Our Budget Process Division Planning Final Consultation within our Community Budget organization engagement Approval Board deliberation and public

  1. Fort La Bosse School Division 2019-2020 Budget Presentation February 27, 2019

  2. Our Budget Process… Division Planning Final Consultation within our Community Budget organization engagement Approval Board deliberation and public consultation

  3. Budget Highlights… Educational programming will be Projected enrolment impacted as we for Sept 2019 is 1,492 continue to meet the compared to actual directives from the enrolment from Sept Department of 2018 of 1,483 Education 2% Reduction in All school divisions funding of schools have been directed program from the to restrict our special Department of requirement increase Education to 2%

  4. How many people are employed? Regular Instruction Student Services Community Education Administration Pupil Support Transportation Maintenance Our total FTE is projected at 225 112.6,50% 47.8, 21% 2.6, 1% 4.5, 2% 30.9, 14% 20.3, 9% 6.4, 3%

  5. Provincial Funding… This funding is more general in nature and Base Funding allows for some flexibility in its use Specific funding for targeted areas. We must Categorical provide accountability reports to Department Funding showing we are spending in these areas. This funding is intended to ‘equalize’ divisions Equalization that have lower assessment/pupil ratios. Guarantees that every division will receive at Formula least 98% of their previous year funding amount. Guarantee Grant provided to reduce the impact of education Tax property tax increases. The Department of Education is Incentive phasing this support out over the next six years. Grant

  6. FLB Provincial Funding by formula Our school division funding decreased by 2% Base Funding 4,731,768 Categorical Funding 1,826,258 Equalization 0 School Building Support 68,880 Vocational Equipment Replacement 34,100 Formula Guarantee 360,490 TOTAL 7,021,496

  7. Proposed Budget… Revenue 2019/2020 2018/2019 Revenue: Provincial Government 9,724,030 9,929,202 -2.1% Municipal Government 8,186,265 7,923,970 3.3% Other 910,060 918,660 -0.9% Total Revenue: 18,820,355 18,771,832 0.3% Total Expenses 18,820,355 18,771,832 0.3%

  8. Fort La Bosse Revenue Provincial Municipal Dakota Nation Transfer Fee and Other 52% 43% 0% 5%

  9. Proposed Budget… Expenditures by Program 2019/2020 2018/2019 Regular Instruction 11,192,265 11,160,452 0.3% Student Services 2,431,620 2,402,290 1.2% Community Services 285,520 287,540 -0.7% Administration 682,050 699,820 -2.5% Pupil Support 442,500 464,390 -4.7% Transportation 1,421,430 1,421,800 -0.3% Operations & Mtce 1,978,970 1,958,540 1.0% 386,000 2.4% Fiscal & Capital 377,000 Total 18,820,355 18,771,832 0.3%

  10. Where the money is spent… Regular Instruction Student Services Community Education Administration Pupil Support Transportation Ops & Maintenance Fiscal & Capital 59% 13% 2% 10% 4% 2% 2% 8%

  11. Proposed Budget… Expenditures by Function 2019/2020 2018/2019 Salaries and benefits 15,638,140 15,578,240 0.4% Services 1,551,070 1,591,294 -2.5% Supplies and Materials 1,161,895 1,154,248 0.7% Tuition fees and other 469,250 448,050 -4.7% Total 18,820,355 18,771,832 0.3%

  12. Where the money is spent… Salaries and benefits Services Supplies & Materials Tuition, Transfer & Other 83% 6% 8% 3%

  13. Administrative Cap, Surplus and Special Requirement Restriction  Manitoba Education has directed school divisions to continue to reduce administration costs; our division has an administrative expenditure cap of 3.53% of total expenditures  Our administrative expenditures are 3.41% of our total expenditures making us compliant with this mandate  Our accumulated surplus is $660,000 which is 4.0% of our total operating expenditures, compliant with the mandate  Manitoba Education is directing all schools divisions to limit any special requirement revenue increases to 2%

  14. Proposed Budget… • 2019-2020 Budget is a balanced budget. Balanced Budget • Total special levy approx $9,498,508. This does not include Special Levy increase of 2.3% any education property tax credits. Approx school division mill • This would be a decrease of 0.04 mills from 2018. rate – 7.68

  15. Our Property Assessment… 2019 2018 Residential 341,364,060 338,378,090 0.9% Farmland 275,526,850 275,423,060 0.04% Commercial and Other 619,139,380 588,970,920 -0.6% Total 1,236,030,290 1,202,772,070 2.8%

  16. The Tax Effect… Residential Property per $100,000 assessment 2019 2018 348.65 347.40 1.25 Farmland Property per $500,000 assessment 2019 2018 998.78 1,003.60 (4.82) Commercial/Other Property per $250,000 assessment 2019 2018 1,311.93 1,254.50 57.43

  17. Thank you for attending this evening! QUESTIONS??


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