global partnership initiative purpose e for or travel el

GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVE Purpose e for or Travel el to o - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVE Purpose e for or Travel el to o China Fort Bend County and Fort Bend ISD have a sister city relationship with Foshan, China. Fort Bend ISD sends and receives a delegation of students and educators to China


  2. Purpose e for or Travel el to o China Fort Bend County and Fort Bend ISD have a sister city relationship with Foshan, China. Fort Bend ISD sends and receives a delegation of students and educators to China annually. We are working to build economic, cultural and educational relationships between our communities. We believe this is a once-in-a lifetime learning experience for students, helps our students to have a global perspective and increases opportunity for leadership and success.

  3. Students are Invited to Apply Students who will be in 10 th , 11 th or 12 th grade in Fort Bend ISD in 201 8 -201 9 are eligible to apply. Students must be in good standing with grades, attendance and discipline. Approximately 20 students will be selected for the China Delegation. The trip for China is will occur November 7-21 , 201 8 .

  4. G L O B A L P A R T N E R S H I P I N I T I A T V E Foru Bend Independent School District

  5. Requirements for Applicants Who Are Accepted A VISA is required to participate in the program. • FBISD will obtain the student's VISA upon receipt of the requested information and/or • documentation—fully and accurately completed VISA form for China. It is the student and/or parent/legal guardian's responsibility to provide the following • documentation and/or information by AUGUST 2 7 , 201 8 : VISA Application (typed in all CAPS) on China Visa Application Form—follow all directions on • the form. Student Passport (signed)—Must have 6 months still available on the passport, after the end • date of the trip to China or the Consulate will not accept it to generate a VISA. If student is under 18 years old, we must have a copy of both parents’ drivers licenses. If the • student is on a VISA from another country, we must have a copy of the parents’ passports and VISAs. Two (2) passport photos (See VISA form for photo style and size requirements.) • The VISA costs $140.00 The fee is included in the total program cost. •

  6. Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

  7. Cost of the Trip The cost for each student is $3, 5 00, Expenses Included: payable in monthly installments: ◦ round-trip airfare; transportation; ◦ some meals; ◦ $ 7 00.00 May 2 5 , 201 8 ◦ VISA application and processing; ◦ tours and entry fee; ◦ $ 7 00.00 June 22 , 201 8 ◦ school uniform; ◦ lodging ◦ $ 7 00.00 July 20 , 201 8 (FBISD Expenses Excluded: Administration Building is closed ◦ spending money; the first full week of July.) ◦ meals, other than those expressly included in the Program Cost; ◦ $ 7 00.00 August 17 , 201 8 ◦ cell phone service or other means of communication with parents; ◦ $ 7 00.00 September 21 , 201 8 ◦ travel insurance; ◦ any other expense not expressly included in the Program Cost.

  8. Making New Friends

  9. Attendance Students will be on a district-sponsored trip and will be counted present. It is the responsibility of each student to inform their teachers well ahead of time regarding the trip, obtain the work they will miss and obtain information regarding the timeline for submitting the work to your teacher for full credit. The district will also communicate with teachers and principals regarding the trip. The trip encompasses Thanksgiving Break this year, so students will miss about 7 school days for the China Delegation.


  11. The Trip Home Through Hong Kong

  12. Thank you for your time and interest!

  13. Hosting Students from China, Fall 201 8 • On September 2 3 -October 6 , the Foshan delegation will be in Fort Bend ISD. • They will be based at two high schools—one is Austin HS and the other is Bush HS • We need host families, as our visiting students stay in the homes of host students/families. • Those who choose to host a student will receive stronger consideration in the application process for going to China. • Hosting Parents/guardians will need to complete a volunteer background check. • Host homes need to have a separate bed for the hosted student, preferably a separate room. • Host families will have several evenings to take the visiting student to activities, dinner, etc. The district will provide a few evening activities, such as Main Event, a football game, etc. • The district will take the visiting delegation on a couple of field trips in the community during the day. • The district will provide lunch at school and make breakfast available. • Visiting students may ride the school bus with hosted students who ride the bus.

  14. Questions and Answers The application is available at: ◦ ◦ Departments and Services ◦ Student Leadership ◦ Global Partnership Initiative ◦ China


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