formative assessment tools unit objectives

Formative Assessment Tools + Unit Objectives To introduce a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Formative Assessment Tools + Unit Objectives To introduce a repertoire of easily implemented formative assessment tools To use instructional strategies as assessment strategies To discuss the role of metacognition in formative

  1. Formative Assessment Tools

  2. + Unit Objectives  To introduce a repertoire of easily implemented formative assessment tools  To use instructional strategies as assessment strategies  To discuss the role of metacognition in formative assessment

  3. Real-Fast, Real-Time Formative Assessment

  4. + Informal Assessments for the End of Class  Sticky Note Exit Poster  Top Ten List

  5. The Human Rubric 1. Line up under the number and phrase that describes your feeling about rigorous rubrics! 1 2 3 4 I am retiring I can’t imagine soon! Rubrics are our My life has been a life without Don’t want to friends! changed forever! rubrics! use them. 2. Discuss with a person in your same line how you feel about using more rigorous rubrics in your assessment plan. 3. Share your feelings with the entire group.

  6. Possibilities for Human Rubrics How would you rate your ability to meet the standard? 1 2 3 4 Novice In Progress Meets Standard Exceeds Standard (I’m awesome!) (Not Yet) (I am trying!) (I did it!) How do you feel about ________________________________ (controversial statement)? 1 2 3 4 Strongly Disagree or Not Sure! I Agree! I Strongly Agree! Don’t Really Care! How valuable was this information for you? 1 2 3 4 Will never, ever need Could be useful Will help me in Will help me succeed sometime – it or use school, career, or life! in all it – ever! somewhere! I do for the rest of my life!

  7. Water Cycle Vocabulary Log for Grade-4 Science Where the Word Definition Example information was found Matter that retains its Science textbook Solid shape and density Ice and the Internet when not confined Liquid Gas Precipitation Condensation Freezing point of water Boling point of water Created by Carrie Bette-Duncan, Scherry Lewis, Barbara Michalove, Halley Page, and Claire Smith; Clarke County School District; Athens, Georgia. Used with permission.

  8. Grade-5 Science Vocabulary Log Word Definition Example Illustration Physical change Mixture Two items can be put together and taken back apart Separate Temperature Chemical Making oobleck change Solution Created by Jan Miller-Burkins, Karen Higginbotham, Bertha Troutman-Rambeau, and Hallie Williamson; Clarke County School District; Athens, Georgia. Used with permission.

  9. Completed Grade-3 Mathematics Vocabulary Log for Units of Measurement 2 – 3 things Measurement Standard or Description/ Equivalents measured Term Metric? Example using this unit The last joint of one’s Inch Standard 12 in a foot Photographs thumb 36 in a yard Paper Small paper clip 2.54 centimeters Height A grown man’s shoe Foot Standard 12 inches in a foot Height Distance from elbow to end 3 in a yard Boards (lumber) of pinky 5,280 in a mile A kid’s giant step Yard Standard 1,760 in a mile Football field Height of a desk 3 feet Swimming pool 36 inches Fabric Mile Standard Walk in 20 minutes 1,760 yards Distance between cities 20 laps in the gym 5,280 feet Distances between places in a city 4 laps on the track 63,360 inches Millimeter Metric Thickness of a fingernail 10 in a centimeter Hex bolts Thickness of an eyelash 1,000 in a meter Spark plug gaps Centimeter Metric Width of front tooth 100 in a meter Height Width of pinky nail 10,000 in a kilometer Paper Meter Metric Height of half cabinets 1,000 in a kilometer Foot races Width of 2 student desks 100 centimeters Swimming races Length of long chart paper Kilometer Metric 3 kilometers in 1,000 meters Distance between places 5 miles Road races (5K, 10K) Created by Kate Arnold, Daphne Hall, Lisa Lane, and Lisa Stanzi; Clarke County School District; Athens, Georgia. Used with permission.

  10. Grade-3 Mathematics Vocabulary Log for Units of Measurement 2 – 3 things Measurement Standard or Description/ Equivalents measured Term Metric? Example using this unit The last joint of one’s Inch _____________ in a foot thumb 36 in a yard Small paper clip 2.54 centimeters A grown man’s shoe Foot 12 inches in a foot Distance from elbow to end _____________ in a yard of pinky 5,280 in a mile A kid’s giant step Yard _______________ feet Height of a desk _______________ inches Mile Walk in 20 minutes 1,760 yards 20 laps in the gym 5,280 feet 4 laps on the track 63,360 inches Millimeter Thickness of 10 in a centimeter Hex bolts ______________________ __________ in a meter Spark plug gaps ______________________ Centimeter Width of front tooth 100 in a meter Height Width of pinky nail 10,000 in a kilometer Paper Meter 1,000 in a kilometer Foot races 100 centimeters ______________________ Kilometer 3 kilometers in __________ meters Distance between places 5 miles Road races (5K, 10K) Created by Kate Arnold, Daphne Hall, Lisa Lane, and Lisa Stanzi; Clarke County School District; Athens, Georgia. Used with permission.

  11. Partial Logs for Six Content Areas Reading/Literature Author Major Work One Famous Character in Work Mark Twain Tom Sawyer Huckleberry Finn Writing/Literature Literary Term Definition Example Man’s inhumanity to man Theme The message or moral of the work Social Studies Leader Country Known for Stalin Russia Leader in WWII, invading Germany, purges Art Term Definition Where will you find one? St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome Mosaic The process of making pictures or designs by inlaying small bits of colored stone, glass, tile, and so on, in mortar Music Term Definition Opposite Soprano The highest singing voice, usually Alto ranging two octaves or more up from the middle; the voice or singer with such a range Geometry Shape Draw It Characteristics Triangle 3 equal lines

  12. Partial Logs for Six Content Areas Reading/Literature Author Major Work One Famous Character in Work Mark Twain Tom Sawyer Huckleberry Finn Writing/Literature Literary Term Definition Example Man’s inhumanity to man Theme The message or moral of the work Social Studies Leader Country Known for Stalin Russia Leader in WWII, invading Germany, purges Art Term Definition Where will you find one? St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome Mosaic The process of making pictures or designs by inlaying small bits of colored stone, glass, tile, and so on, in mortar Music Term Definition Opposite Soprano The highest singing voice, usually Alto ranging two octaves or more up from the middle; the voice or singer with such a range Geometry Shape Draw It Characteristics Triangle 3 equal lines

  13. Prime Time Vocabulary Log Cut the terms, information, and pictures apart. See if you can put the log back together correctly. Term Information Picture Rectangular arrangements that have Array equal numbers in rows and columns When two or more integers are multiplied, each integer is a factor of the product. "To Factors factor" means to write the number or term as a product of its factors. A positive number that is divisible only by itself and the number 1. Prime number The expression of a composite number as a product of prime numbers. Prime factorization The smallest multiple (other than zero) LCM that two or more numbers have in common.

  14. Prime Time Vocabulary Log Complete a TIP for indicated unit words. Use your TIP on homework and investigations. Term Information Picture

  15. Prime Time Vocabulary Log Please write the missing term, information about the term, or picture of the term Term Information Picture Rectangular arrangements that have equal numbers in rows and columns Factors A positive number that is divisible only by itself and the number 1. Prime number Prime factorization The smallest multiple (other than zero) that two or more numbers have in common.

  16. Grade-5 Agree/Disagree Chart for Unit on Physical and Chemical Change Before Unit After Unit Statement Agree Disagree Agree Disagree 1. Striking a match is an example of a physical change. 2. A physical change is when I outgrown my shoes. 3. A chemical change happens when I make a fruit salad. 4. A chemical change happens when I make a fruit smoothie. 5. I make a physical change when I give someone 4 quarters for a dollar. 6. I can undo a physical change. 7. Making oobleck is an example of a chemical change. 8. Chemical and physical changes are more similar than they are different. 9. Changing temperature has nothing to do with physical change. 10. A chemical change changes the mass of a substance.

  17. Grade-4 Agree/Disagree Chart for Unit on Water Cycle Before Unit After Unit Statement Agree Disagree Agree Disagree 1. Clouds are made of cotton candy. 2. Water had to be in a container for you to pick it up. 3. The same water we drink now is the same water they early settlers drank when they arrived in America. 4. Condensation on a glass of ice water comes from the inside of the glass. 5. Water can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. 6. Rain is the only form of precipitation. Created by Carrie Bette-Duncan, Scherry Lewis, Barbara Michalove, Halley Page, and Claire Smith; Clarke County School District; Athens, Georgia. Used with permission.

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