using formative assessment and elp standards to guide

Using Formative Assessment and ELP Standards to Guide Instruction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Using Formative Assessment and ELP Standards to Guide Instruction Guiding Questions What are the components of one effective formative assessment process? How can the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards be used throughout

  1. Using Formative Assessment and ELP Standards to Guide Instruction

  2. Guiding Questions • What are the components of one effective formative assessment process? • How can the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards be used throughout formative assessment to inform planning and instruction? • How How c can for an format mative assessment e assessment b be u e used sed i in c n conj onjunc nction w on with t h the E he ELP LP St Standa dards ds to analyze and d support stude dents’ ’ content and d language le learning?

  3. Start new cycle Review

  4. Review Sample Task: Frog Girl .

  5. Review Module 2 & 3 Identified task demands Identified ELP Standards

  6. Review Sample Task: Frog Girl Objective: Students will be able to participate in grade-appropriate oral exchanges about Frog Girl , using examples from the book. .

  7. Review Pr Prompt: Which word best describes Frog Girl…helpful, courageous, or compassionate. Explain why you think that way, using examples from the story. • Type of evidence: Spoken (Oral Language) • Elicitation: Paired student conversation • Evidence collection: Audio recording and transcription

  8. Review • Module 4: Analyzed sample student conversations using the ELP Standards Level Descriptors • Focus: Standards 2 and 4

  9. Review Prompt: Which word best describes Frog Girl - helpful, compassionate, or courageous? Explain why you think that way, using examples from the story. Sa Sample 1 Sample 2 Sa Sample 3 Sa Student 1: I think she is helpful. Student 1: I think the frog girl is Student 1: I’m not sure which Student 2: I agree, but I thought courageous. word to pick. she would become a frog. Student 2: Why? Student 2: What does Student 1: Me too. Student 1: Because she went compassionate mean? into the lake. Student 1: I don’t know. Student 2: Yeah, that’s scary. Student 2: I think she is helpful. Student 1: Do you think she is Student 1: Yes. I think so too. courageous? Student 2: Why do you think so? Student 2: Yeah. I don’t think I would go in the lake. Student 1: The lake looked dirty. Student 2: And cold.

  10. Review 1 Pr Providing Fe Feedba back 2 Ma Making Inst In structional al Ad Adjustm tments ts

  11. Prompt: Which word best describes Frog Girl - helpful, compassionate, or courageous? Explain why you think that way, using examples from the story. Student 1: I think she is helpful. Pr Providing ng Fe Feedbac back Student 2: I agree, but I thought she would become a frog. Student 1: Me too.

  12. Ma Making In Instructional Ad Adjustments Turn-building Evidence to support claims

  13. Review Planning Instructional Changes More turn building and evidence from the book to Pattern support the students’ claims Stronger and Clearer Each Strategy Time

  14. Start new cycle Review

  15. Review New Lesson Plan Start new cycle

  16. Lesson Plan Obj Objective ve : Students will be able to build on the ideas of others and use evidence from the book in oral discussions and written responses about Frog Girl .

  17. Lesson Plan Revi Re vise sed P Prompt pt: : How would you describe Frog Girl’s character based on the decisions she makes in the story? What kind of person is she? Why would you describe her that way? Use examples from the story. • Type of evidence: spoken and written • Elicitation: paired student conversation and quick write • Evidence collection: Audio recording and transcription, written samples of student work

  18. Lesson Plan Stronger and Clearer Each Time Pre-activity Post-activity writing writing x 3 Source: Zwiers, 2017

  19. Lesson Plan Teacher Model Teacher 1: I think I would describe Frog Girl as smart. Teacher 2: Why do you think that? Teacher 1: Well, when everything was shaking and the volcano was erupting, she figured out she needed to take the frogs back to the grandmother. Teacher 2: But she could be smart and know to take the frogs back but be too scared to do it, and then the village would still have been destroyed. Teacher 1: Ok, so how would you describe Frog Girl? Teacher 2: I think she’s also brave, because she took the frogs back to the grandmother even though there was a fire and she didn’t know where her family was. Teacher 1: I guess that is true. She could have run away instead. But I still think she’s smart. Teacher 2: Ok, maybe we can say that Frog Girl is both brave and smart. She was smart because she figured out how to save her village, and she was brave for taking the frogs back to grandmother even though it was scary. Teacher 1: Ok, I agree!

  20. Lesson Plan Conversation Note-Taking Grid Name Qu Question on/Prom ompt: “How would you describe Frog Girl’s character based on the decisions she makes in the story? What kind of person is she? Why would you describe her that way? Use examples from the story.” Me Notes (just two or three key words): 1. Examples and words from this person that will help my idea to be stronger and clearer: 2. Examples and words from this person that will help my idea to be stronger and clearer: 3. Examples and words from this person that will help my idea to be stronger and clearer: Source: Zwiers, 2017

  21. Lesson Plan • Use the ELP Standards Level Descriptors to interpret both oral and written evidence of student learning • Focus: Standards 2 & 4 In the moment After the fact

  22. Lesson Plan Student Self-Assessment Why? For example: During the activity, my idea became st ger . stronge I borrowed and built on ideas from my partners to make my idea better or give more examples. ☐ Yes ☐ No Why? For example: During the activity my idea became cl clea earer rer . I borrowed and used words from my partners to make my idea more easy to understand. ☐ Yes ☐ No Source: Zwiers, 2017

  23. New Lesson Plan

  24. Lesson Plan Analysis Guide

  25. Guiding Question Ho How can the formative assessment process be used in conjunction with the ELP St Standa dards ds to sca caffold, d, support, , and d analyze stude dents’ co content and d language learning? Resources • Frog Girl Task Resources and Lesson Plan • Lesson Plan Analysis Guide

  26. Reflection Questions 1. How do you currently use formative assessment to inform your planning and instruction? 2. Do you currently use the ELP Standards and Level Descriptors to analyze and support your students’ content and language learning? If so, how? And if not, how can you envision doing this in the future? 3. What questions do you still have about using the ELP Standards to bolster the formative assessment process?


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