Assessment at Glasgow Determining grades using IBMYP
Agenda: 1. Our assessment beliefs 2. IBMYP grading practices a. Formative vs. Summative assessment b. MYP criteria for all subject groups c. Assessment levels and descriptions 3. Grading and Reporting timeline 4. SIS Grade Book Reports - Email and Parent Vue
We believe assessment should: ● encourage student learning by providing feedback on the learning process ● inform, enhance and improve the teaching process ● promote positive student attitudes towards learning ● promote the development of critical- and creative-thinking skills ● reflect the international-mindedness of the programme by allowing assessments to be set in a variety of cultural and linguistic contexts
Key IBMYP grading practices include: • a distinction between summative assessments and the supporting formative processes • accurate determination of student performance, not just averaging achievement levels • assessment of student understanding at the end of a course based on the whole year
Academic honesty: At Glasgow Middle School academic honesty is seen as a set of values and skills that promote personal integrity and good practice in teaching, learning, and assessment. Our expectations are set out below. All members of our school community need to be aware that we treat academic honesty as an integral part of who we are. An academically honest student: Does Does Not ● His/Her own work ● Use notes during a test unless allowed by the teacher ● Acknowledge the source of direct quotations ● Copy from another student during a test ● Acknowledge information taken from books, databases, ● Copy from the homework of another student and the internet ● Give another student his/her own work to copy ● Acknowledge reference materials in a bibliography ● Communicate with another student during a test ● Know what constitutes cheating and abides by the rules ● Bring the effort of others who cheat to school officials
Formative assessment: Ongoing assessment aimed at providing information to guide teaching and improve student performance: ● quizzes ● classwork ● observations ● exit slips ● reflections
Summative assessment: Culminating assessments for a unit that measure the student’s achievement against specific objectives: ● tests ● projects ● essays ● performances ● presentations
Criteria/Criterion: ● Learning objectives used to break down knowledge and skills. ● All summative assessments will be related to at least one criterion. ○ Criterion A - knowledge and understanding ○ Criterion B - investigating/skills ○ Criterion C - communicating ○ Criterion D - thinking/reflecting ●
General grading policies: ➢ Summative assessment - 80% of the grade (20% for each criteria) ➢ Formative assessment - 10% of the grade. Some collaborative teams include homework as formatives so both count as 20% of the grade. ➢ Homework completion - 10% of the grade ➢ Students are given opportunities to retake summative assessments.
Subject Criterion A Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D MYP criteria for all subject groups
Report card grades: ➢ Teachers determine an overall achievement level for each criterion. ➢ The quarter grade uses the final achievement levels for each criteria combined with formative and homework marks. ➢ This grade may be differ slightly from the grade seen before overall grades were determined.
Assessment levels and descriptions: FCPS Letter IBMYP Marks What does the grade mean? Grades 7-8 Produces high-quality, frequently innovative work. Communicates comprehensive, nuanced understanding of concepts and contexts. Consistently demonstrates sophisticated critical and creative thinking. Frequently transfers knowledge and skills with independence and A/A- Exceeds/meets all expertise in a variety of complex classroom and real-world situations. expectations 6 Produces high-quality, occasionally innovative work. Communicates extensive understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, frequently with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar and unfamiliar classroom and real-world situations, B+ Consistently meets often with independence. expectations 5 Produces generally high-quality work. Communicates secure understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar classroom and real-world situations and, with support, some B/B- Consistently meets unfamiliar real-world situations. most expectations 3-4 Produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of many concepts and contexts, with occasionally significant misunderstandings or gaps. Begins to demonstrate some basic critical and creative thinking. Is often inflexible in the use of knowledge and C+/C/C- Sometimes meets skills, requiring support even in familiar classroom situations. expectations 2 Produces work of limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant gaps in understanding for many concepts and contexts. Infrequently demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Generally inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, infrequently applying knowledge D+/D Rarely meets and skills. expectations 0-1 Produces work of very limited quality. Conveys many significant misunderstandings or lacks understanding of most concepts and contexts. Very rarely demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Very inflexible, rarely using knowledge or skills. F Does not meet expectations
Grading and Reporting Timeline: ➢ Check grades any time ○ Parents use SIS Parent Vue ○ Students use SIS Student Vue ➢ FCPS emailing reports every 2 weeks ➢ Teachers may email Progress Reports periodically to keep parents informed ➢ Report Cards put in mail on these dates: ○ Nov 11 ; Feb 10 ; April 14 ; TBD
Let’s look at a sample email progress report: Overall grade Four criteria are 80% of the grade. The achievement Formative /homework level for each are 20%. assignment category Scores for Titles of each each assignment assignment. Eight is the highest level. Description of each objective/ criterion
SIS Parent/Student Vue ➢ Allows 24/7 access to student’s grade book ➢ All parents and students can access SIS ○ Parents should contact school for assistance or to get a new login ○ Students can find out how by asking one of their teachers ➢ Includes attendance information, student schedules, and upcoming assignments, too.
SIS Parent/Student Vue - Main Screen
SIS Parent/Student Vue - Calendar
SIS Parent/Student Vue - Attendance “List View”
SIS Parent/Student Vue - Attendance “Calendar View”
SIS Parent/Student Vue - Attendance “Detail”
SIS Parent/Student Vue - Class Schedule
SIS Parent/Student Vue - Grade Book
SIS Parent/Student Vue - Grade Book “Assignment View”
SIS Parent/Student Vue - Assignments
SIS Parent/Student Vue - All the rest 1. Course History - Contains all of the student’s grades while in FCPS 2. Health - any health alerts for the student are listed here 1 3. Report Card - has all report cards for 2 each class this year 4. Student info - basic information about 3 4 the student and parent contact information
A Few Final Thoughts ➢ Ask your child to explain why they got the grade they did before emailing the teacher. ➢ If you still have a question, email is the most effective way to make the first contact. ➢ Remember, teachers have 7 school days to post a grade, longer on major assignments
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