Fixed–mobile convergence FuncRonal convergence Advanced interface selecRon and route control Dirk Breuer Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany Tibor Cinkler Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Stéphane Gosselin Orange R&D, France Annie Gravey Telecom Bretagne, France Ali Hamidian Ericsson Research, Sweden Stefan Höst Lund University, Sweden Tahar Mamouni Orange R&D, France Péter Olaszi AITIA InternaRonal, Inc., Hungary Stephan Pachnicke ADVA OpRcal Networking SE, Germany Björn Skubic Ericsson Research, Sweden Jose Torrijos Gijón Telefónica InvesRgación y Desarrollo, Spain This ongoing work receives funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 317762 “COMBO project” IEEE HPSR Conference | Budapest, 2015 July 1-4 | FMC Tutorial | FuncEonal convergence 1 1
Example of Decision engine target: Availability vs. Power requirements vs. QoS Wi-Fi Fixed Core Network Aggregation IP Network edge Access Network SERVICE Interface changing Commonly Mobile centralized IP edge elements of the Mobile mobile packet Aggregation core Network 3D Commonly distributed Access selection elements of the mobile packet (Interface changing/steering) core (Handover, load balancing) (Traffic steering, dynamic shifting) • Horizontal ? (Homogeneous, geographical) Message: • Vertical ? (Heterogeneous, multi-RAT) • Availability: can be • Transversal? (Inter-Operator)? improved Selec%ve switch-off & Consolida%on • Energy: reduced!!! OpEmisaEon • QoS: OK SimulaEons IEEE HPSR Conference | Budapest, 2015 July 1-4 | FMC Tutorial | FuncEonal convergence 2 2 2
Minimum configuraRon (8 nodes – 12 transiRons) 0 1 0 (LTE, operator2, locaEon 1) (LTE, operator2, locaEon 2) 1 0 0 (LTE, operator1, locaEon 1) (LTE, operator1, locaEon 2) 2 0 0 1 0 (Wi-Fi, operator2, locaEon 1) (Wi-Fi, operator2, locaEon 2) 1 (Wi-Fi, operator1, locaEon 1) (Wi-Fi, operator1, locaEon 2) Not all 12 x 2 = 24 transiEons needed! A total of 6 is enough!!! LocaEon and operator change is symmetrical, technology change is not IEEE HPSR Conference | Budapest, 2015 July 1-4 | FMC Tutorial | FuncEonal convergence 3 3 3
Presented by Annie Gravey Péter Olaszi Björn Skubic Dirk Breuer Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany Tibor Cinkler Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Stéphane Gosselin Orange R&D, France Annie Gravey Telecom Bretagne, France Ali Hamidian Ericsson Research, Sweden Stefan Höst Lund University, Sweden Tahar Mamouni Orange R&D, France Péter Olaszi AITIA InternaRonal, Inc., Hungary Stephan Pachnicke ADVA OpRcal Networking SE, Germany Björn Skubic Ericsson Research, Sweden Jose Torrijos Gijón Telefónica InvesRgación y Desarrollo, Spain This ongoing work receives funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 317762 “COMBO project” IEEE HPSR Conference | Budapest, 2015 July 1-4 | FMC Tutorial | FuncEonal convergence 4 4
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