FISH513: May 8 FISH513: May 8 LINKING SALMON TO ESTUARINE AND LINKING SALMON TO ESTUARINE AND NEARSHORE HABITAT CHARACTERISTICS NEARSHORE HABITAT CHARACTERISTICS or or Estuaries: Looking Into the Black Box Estuaries: Looking Into the Black Box WATERSHED WATERSHED Charles (“Si”) Simenstad Charles (“Si”) Simenstad Wetland Ecosystem Team Wetland Ecosystem Team ESTUARY- School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences NEARSHORE University of Washington University of Washington OCEAN and OCEAN and Kurt L. Fresh Kurt L. Fresh Fish Ecology Division Fish Ecology Division Northwest Fisheries Science Center Northwest Fisheries Science Center National Marine Fisheries Service National Marine Fisheries Service May 8: Simenstad & Fresh--Linking Salmon to Estuarine and Nearshore Habitat Characteristics
GENERAL QUESTIONS GENERAL QUESTIONS 1. How do nearshore and estuarine habitat 1. How do nearshore and estuarine habitat characteristics affect salmon in one or more life characteristics affect salmon in one or more life stages, and how do you recommend that those stages, and how do you recommend that those effects be translated into predictions about effects be translated into predictions about population capacity, growth or productivity? population capacity, growth or productivity? 2. What are the 2 (or 3 or 4) biggest sources of 2. What are the 2 (or 3 or 4) biggest sources of uncertainty in making predictions about how uncertainty in making predictions about how nearshore and estuarine habitat characteristics nearshore and estuarine habitat characteristics affects salmon in one or more life stages? affects salmon in one or more life stages? 3. What 2 (or 3 or 4) alternative scenarios of 3. What 2 (or 3 or 4) alternative scenarios of current or future conditions would you suggest current or future conditions would you suggest should be explored to make our model predictions should be explored to make our model predictions about the effects of nearshore and estuarine about the effects of nearshore and estuarine habitat change on salmon more robust to habitat change on salmon more robust to uncertainties? uncertainties? May 8: Simenstad & Fresh--Linking Salmon to Estuarine and Nearshore Habitat Characteristics
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