estimating daily streamlow at ungaged sites in nh a

Estimating Daily Streamlow at Ungaged Sites in NH: A Modeling Update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Estimating Daily Streamlow at Ungaged Sites in NH: A Modeling Update Neil M. Fennessey HYSR/Hydrologic Services NH Department of Environmental Services Concord, NH March 29, 2018 Estimating Daily Flows at Ungaged Sites

  1. Estimating Daily Streamlow at Ungaged Sites in NH: A Modeling Update Neil M. Fennessey HYSR/Hydrologic Services NH Department of Environmental Services Concord, NH March 29, 2018

  2. Estimating Daily Flows at Ungaged Sites  NH DES needs to determine PISFs at ungaged sites in presently and future designated rivers  NHDES needs a reliable way to estimate daily streamflow time series at these ungaged sites  The QPPQ Transform method is one approach  Conceived and developed by Fennessey (1994)  Has been used in the northeast and central US, Canada and South Africa

  3. Other Ways to Estimate Daily Flows at Ungaged Sites: Pluses & Minuses  Watershed Area Ratio (WAR) method  Very simple to use  Assumes that all watersheds are exactly alike except for the size of the watershed  Rainfall-Runoff Models (HSPF, Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model)  Physically based but parameter-intensive  Used by NOAA for flood forecasting  Requires long stream gage period-of-record for site calibration and validation

  4. Does USGS Like QPPQ Transform?  The QPPQ Transform method has been adopted or is being considered by several US Geological Survey district offices:  Massachusetts and Rhode Island USGS  Pennsylvania USGS  Iowa USGS  Minnesota USGS  New York USGS  New Hampshire and Vermont USGS

  5. Has the QPPQ Been Extensively Tested?  The QPPQ Transform method was extensively tested by the USGS and bested 17 alternative methods for estimating daily flow time series at 182 gaged watershed sites located in  West Virginia  Tennessee  North Carolina  South Carolina  Georgia  Alabama  Florida

  6. Have States or Agencies Adopted the QPPQ?  The QPPQ Transform method has been adopted or is being considered by several state agencies:  Massachusetts EOEEA  Massachusetts Water Management Act program  Sustainable Water Management Initiative  The Delaware River Basin Authority  Maryland Dept. of the Environment  New Hampshire  Vermont

  7. Examples of Local Applications  The QPPQ Transform method has been used for  Many surface water reservoir system assessments in Massachusetts and Connecticut  River basin and watershed studies in Massachusetts and Connecticut  Systems analysis study of the Connecticut River watershed  Complex litigation in Connecticut

  8. The QPPQ Transform Method

  9. Four Steps to the QPPQ Transform Method 1. Chose a USGS Streamgage Site for the time series: Q gage (t) 2. Use that time series to construct a streamflow duration curve (FDC): Q gage (p) 3. Construct a FDC at the ungaged site using its watershed’s soil characteristics, climate, and topography and a regional FDC model: Q ungaged (p) 4. Generate a streamflow time series at the ungaged site: Q ungaged (t)

  10. Minnesota USGS 2016

  11. Use Q gage (t) to Construct ‘observed’ FDC Q gage (p )  Rank sort Q gage (t) “n” days from largest to smallest Q (1) ≥ Q (2) ≥ Q (3) … Q (n-2) ≥ Q (n-1) ≥ Q (n)  “n” is number of days in the period of record  Use “plotting position” formula to estimate exceedance probability p=P[ Q≥q ]  “i” is the rank-order i=1,n POR 30 years x 365 = 10,950 days P[Q≥Q (n) ]x100 =10,950/10951 x 100 = 99.991

  12. Step 1: Q gage (t) and Step 2: Q gage (p)  Common factor between the flow date, time, and the FDC probability, p, is Q = a 3-D relationship  Knowing Q gage (t) & p(Q gage ) => p(t)

  13. Update Step 3: Regional FDC Model  HYSR study focused on update of the Fennessey (1994) regional FDC model: Q ungaged (p)  Constructed a streamgage network of USGS gaged watersheds found in both the HCDN (1992) and GAGES-II (2010) national streamgage networks  All gages have at least 20 years POR in 1950- 1990 base-period  HYSR prelim. network of 142 gaged watersheds in ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NH, PA, and NJ

  14. Step 3: Regional FDC Model  Need a FDC for the ungaged site without historic daily streamflow data

  15. Assess Alternative Probability Function Candidates for Regional FDC Model  Statistically analyze each of the 142 gage site POR to estimate the L-moments (linear probability weighted moments)  Construct a L-kurtosis Diagram to compare alternative probability functions  Conduct Discordancy analysis to determine the “region”; eliminate sites “outside” the core region  8 NJ gage sites and 1 PA site near NJ eliminated  Final HYSR network: 133 USGS stream gage sites, 20-year POR in 1950-1990 base period

  16. Final Probability Function Candidates  Three-parameter Generalized Pareto (GPA)  Three-parameter Log Normal (LN3)  Fennessey (1994) conducted extensive “goodness of fit” tests on both and chose the GPA.  Use L-moments to calculate the 3 parameters: ζ , α , κ for each of the 133 HYSR network sites  Test the “fitted” FDC against the “observed” FDC

  17. Baker River, near Rumney, NH

  18. Construct Regional FDC Model  Gather HCDN and GAGES-II network watershed specific soil, climate, and topography data for each of the 133 USGS gage sites in the HYSR network  Use each of the 3 GPA parameters statistically determined for each of 133 HYSR watersheds from the streamgage data as dependent variables  Use OLS multivariate regression and each watershed’s specific soil, climate, and topography data as candidate independent variables  Keep only those particular soil, climate, and topographic variables that are “statistically significant” (pass various tests)

  19.  To construct a FDC at the ungaged site, the analyst must determine ten soil, climate, and topography characteristics for that watershed:  Watershed area (mi 2 )  Avg annual precipitation (in/yr)  Avg annual temperature ( o F)  Potential maximum soil moisture retention (in)  Percent of watershed area covered by HSG C soil (%)  Avg watershed elevation (ft)  Avg watershed aspect (degrees) 0-360 O  Percent of watershed area covered by lakes, ponds and reservoirs (%)  Percent of watershed area covered by impervious surface (%)  Slope of main stream channel (ft/mile)

  20. Baker River, near Rumney, NH

  21. Compare FDCs and Assess “Goodness-of-Fit”  Construct “observed,” “fitted,” and regional “model” FDCs at eleven NH USGS gages sites, watershed areas range: 12.1 mi 2 – 622 mi 2  Graph all three FDCs for visual comparison  Estimate the Bias and RMSE between the “observed” FDC and the “fitted” FDC to see how suitable the GPA is as basis for the Reginal FDC Model  Estimate the Bias and RMSE between the “observed” FDC and the regional “model” FDC to see how well it compared with the “fitted” FDC.

  22. Regional FDC Model Development Conclusions  GPA is a good choice for regional FDC model  “Fitted” FDC is good compared to “obs.” FDC  Parsimonious: only 3 parameters to estimate  Regional FDC model regression equations  Ten watershed variables are estimated from GIS data layers and USGS topographic maps  “Model” compares well to “fitted” FDC  Regional FDC model is continuous and monotonic  Because E[P] and E[T] are independent variables, can do assessment of potential impacts on streamflow due to climate change

  23. QPPQ Transform Steps 1 - 3

  24. Step 4: Generate Q ungaged (t)  Assume for Steps 2 and 3: p(Q ungaged ) = p(Q gaged )  Recall 3-D relationship between t, Q and p => p(t)  Use regional FDC model with p(t) instead of just p

  25. Summary  The QPPQ Transform method was conceived and developed by Fennessey (1994)  The method has been widely adopted  The Step 3 regional FDC model was updated in the present HYSR study  The goals of the QPPQ Transform remain the same:  Provide method to generate a quality time series of daily streamflow data at ungaged sites  The analyst can choose to do whatever they want with the generated time series, Q ungaged (t)

  26. Questions and Comments ? Neil M. Fennessey Hydrologic Services 49 School Street South Dartmouth, MA 02748


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