Estimating Daily Streamlow at Ungaged Sites in NH: Negative Run-length Assessment Neil M. Fennessey HYSR/Hydrologic Services NH Department of Environmental Services Concord, NH August 27, 2018
Estimating Daily Flows at Ungaged Sites NH DES needs to determine PIFs at ungaged sites in presently and future designated rivers NHDES needs a reliable way to estimate daily streamflow time series at these ungaged sites The QPPQ Transform method is one approach Conceived and developed by Fennessey (1994) Has been used in the northeast and central US, Canada and South Africa
Other Ways to Estimate Daily Flows at Ungaged Sites: Pluses & Minuses Watershed Area Ratio (WAR) method Very simple to use Assumes that all watersheds are exactly alike except for the size of the watershed Rainfall-Runoff Models (HSPF, Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model) Physically based but parameter-intensive Used by NOAA for flood forecasting Requires long stream gage period-of-record for site calibration and validation
Does USGS Like QPPQ Transform? The QPPQ Transform method has been adopted or is being considered by several US Geological Survey district offices: Massachusetts and Rhode Island USGS Pennsylvania USGS Iowa USGS Minnesota USGS New York USGS New Hampshire and Vermont USGS
Has the QPPQ Been Extensively Tested? The QPPQ Transform method was extensively tested by the USGS and bested 17 alternative methods for estimating daily flow time series at 182 gaged watershed sites located in West Virginia Tennessee North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Alabama Florida
Have States or Agencies Adopted the QPPQ? The QPPQ Transform method has been adopted by several state agencies: Massachusetts EOEEA Massachusetts DEP Water Management Act program Sustainable Water Management Initiative The Delaware River Basin Authority Maryland Dept. of the Environment Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection New York State Energy R & D Authority Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Examples of Local Applications The QPPQ Transform method has been used for Many surface water reservoir system assessments in Massachusetts and Connecticut River basin and watershed studies in Massachusetts and Connecticut Systems analysis study of the Connecticut River watershed Complex litigation in Connecticut
The QPPQ Transform Method
Four Steps to the QPPQ Transform Method 1. Chose a USGS Streamgage Site for the time series: Q gage (t) 2. Use that time series to construct a streamflow duration curve (FDC): Q gage (p) 3. Construct a FDC at the ungaged site using its watershed’s soil characteristics, climate, and topography and a regional FDC model: Q ungaged (p) 4. Generate a streamflow time series at the ungaged site: Q ungaged (t)
Minnesota USGS (Lorenz and Zigeweid, 2016)
Use Q gage (t) to Construct ‘observed’ FDC Q gage (p ) Rank sort Q gage (t) “n” days from largest to smallest Q (1) ≥ Q (2) ≥ Q (3) … Q (n-2) ≥ Q (n-1) ≥ Q (n) “n” is number of days in the period of record Use “plotting position” formula to estimate exceedance probability p=P[ Q≥q ] “i” is the rank-order i=1,n POR 30 years x 365 = 10,950 days P[Q≥Q (n) ]x100 =10,950/10951 x 100 = 99.991
Step 1: Q gage (t) and Step 2: Q gage (p) Common factor between the flow date, time, and the FDC probability, p, is Q = a 3-D relationship Knowing Q gage (t) & p(Q gage ) => p(t)
Step 3: Regional FDC Model Construct a FDC for the ungaged site without historic daily streamflow data
HYSR Phase 1 Study for NH DES: Update Regional FDC Model Fennessey (2018) developed a special streamgage network of 133 USGS gaged watersheds in New England, NY, PA and NJ. Daily streamflow data: minimum 20-year POR in 1950-1990 base period. Research confirmed earlier Fennessey (1994) finding that the 3-parameter Generalize Pareto (GPA) was the best among alternatives.
L-moments used to estimate the 3 GPA parameters: ζ , α , κ for each of 133 HYSR sites Gather watershed specific data for each of these 133 USGS gage sites in the HYSR network Use each of the 3 GPA parameters statistically determined for each HYSR watershed from obs streamgage data as dependent variables Use OLS multivariate regression and each watershed’s specific soil, climate, and topography data as candidate independent variables Keep only “statistically significant” soil, climate, and topographic variables to create one equation for each GPA parameter; ζ , α and κ .
To construct a FDC at the ungaged site, the analyst must determine ten soil, climate, and topography characteristics for that watershed: Watershed area (mi 2 ) Avg annual precipitation (in/yr) Avg annual temperature ( o F) Potential maximum soil moisture retention (in) Percent of watershed area covered by HSG C soil (%) Avg watershed elevation (ft) Avg watershed aspect (degrees) 0-360 O Percent of watershed area covered by lakes, ponds and reservoirs (%) Percent of watershed area covered by impervious surface (%) Slope of main stream channel (ft/mile)
Compare FDCs and Assess “Goodness-of-Fit” HYSR Phase 1 (Fennessey, 2018) Construct “observed,” “fitted,” and regional “model” FDCs at eleven NH USGS gages sites, watershed areas range: 12.1 mi 2 – 622 mi 2 Graph all three FDCs for visual comparison Estimate the Bias between the “observed” FDC and the “fitted” FDC to see how suitable the GPA is as basis for the Reginal FDC Model Estimate the Bias between the “observed” FDC and the regional “model” FDC to see how well it compared with the “fitted” FDC.
Baker River, near Rumney, NH
QPPQ Transform Steps 1 - 3
Assume for Steps 2 and 3: p(Q ungaged ) = p(Q gaged )
Step 4: Generate Q ungaged (t) Recall 3-D relationship between t, Q and p => p(t) Use regional FDC model with p(t) instead of just p
HYSR Phase 2 Study for NHDES Negative Run-length QPPQ Transform Assessment In the Phase 2 study, HYSR focused on a negative run-length analysis of daily flows during bioperiods determined by fishery and other specialists at five USGS streamgage sites in New Hampshire HYSR and NHDES reasoned that since Protected Instream Flow rates, PIFs, are determined in part by sub-threshold event durations, a negative run- length analysis would be a good way to further assess the QPPQ Transform method for use in New Hampshire
A Negative Run-length A negative run-length event occurs when streamflow, Q(t), falls below a designated threshold, Q P , for one or more consecutive days.
Bioperiods The University of New Hampshire et al (2007) study determined six PIF bioperiods for the Souhegan R. No. Bioperiod Start End 1 Over-Wintering 15-Nov 28-Feb 2 Spring Flood 1-Mar 30-Apr 3 Shad Spawning 1-May 14-Jun 4 GRAF Spawning 15-Jun 14-Jul 5 Rearing & Growth 15-Jul 30-Sep 6 Salmon Spawning 1-Oct 14-Nov
The participants of the New Hampshire et al (2007) Souhegan River watershed study developed PIFs for each bioperiod HYSR used two of these PIFs for the present study as negative run-length thresholds: Q critical and Q rare . HYSR used Q 85 and Q 95 for the Diamond, Saco, Oyster and Pemigewasset Rivers because these watersheds do not yet have PIF flow rates. Of particular interest to NHDES is the Rearing & Growth bioperiod which begins mid-summer and ends in early fall, when yearly flows are usually the lowest and the aquatic ecosystem quite stressed.
During the 1963-1968 Rearing & Growth bioperiod, flows fell below Q critical (yellow) and Q rare (red) for long runs of time. 100 100 Q (cfs) 10 10 1 1 1964 1966 1968 Year
During all Rearing & Growth days of flow over the entire POR, the FDC shows what fraction of time. Q critical ≈ Q 75,rearing & growth and Q rare ≈ Q 90,rearing & growth
By counting the number of nday -long negative run- length events one constructs a frequency histogram for sub-Q critical events during Rearing & Growth.
Similarly, one constructs a frequency histogram for sub-Q rare events that occurred over the POR during the 77 day-long Rearing & Growth bioperiod .
If one wants to estimate the likelihood that a negative run-length of nday or more given that flows are sub-Q critical , one constructs a probability plot.
Similarly, one may construct a probability plot for the negative run-length of nday or more given that flows are sub-Q rare . Called a Run Duration Curve (RDC)
Further QPPQ Transform Assessment The QPPQ Transform is assessed by comparing negative run-length, season-specific FDCs, frequency histograms and probability plot RDCs. Souhegan River assessment used Q critical and Q rare as event thresholds Diamond, Saco, Oyster and Pemigewasset River assessments used Q 85 and Q 95 as event thresholds Tests at these five sites were run using two different Index gages from the Fennessey (2018) 133 gage network as needed for Step 1 and 2 of the QPPQ Transform: HCDN NN and HCDN NN WA.
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